June 29, 2021

Essay: Outline and Structure of the Text

Any text, or a thesis, abstract, article, story or essay, must have a clear structure. Even a blog has its own structure. Let’s talk about an essay.

The writer at PayToWritePaper emphasizes that the essay is different from many other student papers because it is "freedom of creativity."

Essay: Outline and Structure of the Text: eAskme
Essay: Outline and Structure of the Text: eAskme

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Alas, we all know that the more freedom, the more responsibility. Once you have that freedom, you have to think about the structure of your future essay yourself.

The structure largely depends on the goals, form, type, and scope of the work.

A narrative essay will start with the introduction, an essay-illustration essay with one or several theses.

An essay of the "causal analysis" type will have to line up in accordance with the laws of logic.

And in no other way.

The structure can simply be thought through. But it's better to take a sheet of paper and sketch an approximate plan.

The plan is the "skeleton" of the text, on which you will later build up the "flesh.

Any text needs a plan, essays need it in the first place.

  • -Making a plan;
  • -any written work or text;
  • -introduction.

By "introduction" and "conclusion" you can mean the first and last paragraphs.

These elements of the text should not be treated formally.

The first paragraph or the first part of the text introduces the reader, leads him to the problem to which the essay is devoted.

There is no need for a long introduction - one or two paragraphs will be quite enough.

Main part

The main part requires the most attention. Especially when making a plan. It can have a different structure.

Reverse structure (fact-conclusion). Describing a situation or giving facts, drawing a conclusion. And so - you can use it several times.

A thesis and some arguments (facts). In this case, one idea is supported by several illustrations. The thesis may be in the beginning, or after these illustrations.

  • By "thesis" we mean a short finished thought that the author wants to convey to the reader of the essay.
  • By an argument, we mean some kind of proof of the thesis.

It can be a situation from life, news, a scientist's opinion, a scientific theory, or a fact proven by science.

Ideally, one thesis should be supported by two arguments.

One may seem unconvincing to the reader, and three will overload the text.

However, you are free to give your thesis to any number of arguments - much depends on the idea itself, the logic of the story, the volume, the plan of the text.

It is important to keep the logic, brevity and imagery of the text.


In the conclusion, as a rule, summarize everything that was said in the essay. The author together with the reader sums up the results.

It is important that the conclusions are not far-fetched and do not arise "out of nowhere".

In the conclusion - only what the reader should come to after reading the main part of your work.

Structure of the main part of the text

It is important that the main part was built on the laws of logic.

You can go from simple to complex, you can conduct analysis or synthesis, use the method of deduction and induction.

In order to build a logical text:

  • fix theses;
  • select to each thesis several arguments;
  • Line up the theses in a logical sequence: one idea must follow from the other.

You will have a detailed plan.

It remains to "build up" the text on it - and your essay will be almost ready.

But before you start working on the text, check whether the theses are lined up in a logical sequence and whether the evidence is convincing enough.

Where to begin?

It is best to begin with the main part of the text.

It is easier to finish the introduction and conclusion afterwards, after you are sure that the basis of your essay is logical and understandable to the reader.

If you have taken care of a detailed plan, you can also write in order - it will be easy.

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