April 01, 2023

Tips to Stay Safe on Public Wi-Fis

Connecting via free or public Wi-Fi is like a breath of fresh air. Many people use public Wi-Fi, including students, travelers, professionals, budget-conscious individuals, and casual users. Travelers use public Wi-Fi at airports, hotels, cafes, and bus stops to stay connected with their nears and dears.

The students are often connected to public Wi-Fi in hostels and must communicate with their professors and admins.

The professionals use public Wi-Fi to share business details when contacting their administration account.

Tips to Stay Safe on Public Wi-Fis: eAskme
Tips to Stay Safe on Public Wi-Fis: eAskme

The other type of free Wi-Fi users are those who want to enjoy the free-of-cost internet facility while being anywhere, and the last casual users are the individuals who connect to refresh their social media accounts once a year.

Using free Wi-Fi or public Wi-Fi is not a big deal. There are necessary precautions to stay safe and secure while browsing the internet.

No need to worry; here are the tips to stay safe and secure when using public Wi-Fi.

7 Tips to Stay Safe on Wi-Fis:

Always Connect With Your Professional Email Address and Social Media accounts only.

As a student, you may have to interact with your lecturer or department to submit any assignment.

Beware before sending an email.

Make sure first that you are using an official email or any other social media account.

Be careful to know about the new student when interacting with the student union or office.

Check Your Protection Software Regularly:

There is a variety of protection software available in the market. No matter what software you use, you need to check your software regularly.

Protection software scans your malware and cleans up all types of bugs in your system.

If you are a student, ask your IT department if they have a budget option for free VPN service for students.

Many institutes provide their professional employee the protection software in the shape of a VPN for their official use.

Be careful Before Backing Up Your Work:

It is noteworthy that when you back up your work, it creates a copy on your device.

Unluckily the copy may include any malware or virus when you download it.

Just be conscious while doing so. Always check whether you have run a virus scan before creating any copy.

This way, you can have a safe and secure version of your work.

Use Strong and Unique Password:

Generally, your password is your frontline soldier against cyber attacks and hackers. It is the most crucial element of any digital activity.

Your password must be strong and unique.

Each account must be different to avoid unauthenticated access and control over your data.

Additionally, 2-factor authentication can provide your account with an extra layer for your data to avoid further mishaps.

Suppose someone tries to log on to your account without your consent.

Change the password within no time to secure your account.

Be Aware of Data Stealing and Phishing:

Not only links and downloads, data stealing by making a phone call and phishing emails are also common these days.

It may ask you to share your details or make phone calls. Beware of such scans that try to steal your data to sell further.

Before sharing any detail, you must ask to confirm whether it is the university or the bank.

Don't Overshare on Social Media:

Nowadays, everyone wants to spend some moments on social media.

It is usual practice to share data with our family and friends. Data isn't something that hackers can steal.

For instance, oversharing data can be harmful if you have an account or contact you don't know.

Better Turn Off Your Networks When Inactive:

It is recommended to switch off any network when you are not using them actively.

Hacking software and viruses can affect your device even in an idle state.

The habit also allows you to re-scan your device and make a fresh start whenever you connect with your networks.


The importance of taking necessary precautions using public Wi-Fi is obvious from the points.

The tips include:

  • Using official email accounts only.
  • Checking protection software regularly.
  • Using a strong and unique password.
  • Another essential preparatory measure that can keep you away from several problems.

By following these precautions, you can enjoy the fruits of public Wi-Fi without compromising your safety and security.

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