September 11, 2014

Google Adsense on New Budding Bloggers Blog

By Sonia
Should I Add Google Adsense Ads on My New Blog?

This post is dedicated to those Bloggers who are nor monetizing their blogs with Adsense. In begining usually Bloggers do not use Adsense on their blogs, but you should not do this mistake so we discuss about this today.

In the beginning you may not be able to make more than 10 to 100 USD but still its better than making nothing.

What are Advertisement and Why Advertisement ? Why You Should Put Advertisements on Your Blog?

When you place advertisements on your blog according to niche of your blog, this way you actually help the visitors to get the products from the place.

See this example : On eAskme I write about Make money online, Blogging, Web Hosting, SEO. I share my own experiences and views. Many reader who come here they come because they like my experience and views on these products and this way they also like to try those products. Thats why contextual ads appear so they can get what they are looking for.

That means there is no bad or good time for putting ad on blogs. But remember you should not overdo it and fill your blog with so many ads that your visitors run away. Keep only one or two ads per page because less ads=Better CTR= Better Earning.

So if you using Adsense account and you create a new blog then start putting one or two ad units there.

Do share your opinion about that a Blogger should use advertisement or not? if yes, then how blogger should implement it?

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