December 06, 2014

Costly mistakes reduces blog traffic

Blogging is a Passion. It is a learning process. We all make mistakes and we all should learn from them. I made many mistakes in the beginning of my blogging career. When anyone of us start doing something new, we make lot of mistakes, we should learn from mistakes and fix them. We have already talked about Common Blogging Mistakes.

Costly mistakes reduces blog traffic : eAskme
Costly mistakes reduces blog traffic : eAskme
Other people are reading : Common Blogging Mistakes

As you are here, it means that you you love reading new tips and ways to increase blog traffic, you should know what mistakes you are making and how to fix them. Some common SEO mistakes can lead you to disastrous drop in traffic . So today we will discuss about costly blogging mistakes.

Common Mistakes which reduces Blog Traffic:

Changing Permalinks Without 301 redirection

Permalink is an important factor of SEO. We have already talked about WordPress permalink for SEO. When you start a blog, always have a clean permalink structure. Sometimes problem occurs when blogger change old posts permalinks. If you do not redirect your old permalink to new than it can be your blog`s suiside day. WordPress allow you to use permalink migration plugin to migrate one permalink to other. Use only 301 redirection and then check if Permalink is 301 redirected  or you can do it also by editing your .htaccess file. Then you need to regenerate and resubmit your sitemap.

Missing Sitemap

Sitmap are very important for a site as they help in faster indexing and crawling for search engines. Always have a sitemap on your site from very first day and submit your sitemap to major search engines. You can use WordPress SEO plugin for this purpose.

Htacces file

Htaccess is the most important file of a website so if you want to make any changes, make sure that you do not play unnecessarily. Always first take the backup and then make changes. One mistake in Htaccess file can take your blog down.

Robots.txt File

We have already talked about how to optimize Robots.txt file in WordPress.

Theme Customization

First take backup of your theme before customizing. Always write down the changes so you will know that with which change what happened on your site.

WordPress Plugins

Only use required plugins, as access of plugins on your blog or site make it slow in speed.

Seo Optimized Title and Description

When you use a popular plugin for then always give proper seo title and Meta description.

Changing Blog Theme

Don`t change blog theme again and again as it can confuse and irritate your readers. Choose good themes like Swift, genesis or thesis.

Blog Security

Usually free themes contain malicious codes so I always avoid to use them. Check your blog theme with TAC type of plugins.

SEO Changes

Don`t get confuse with lots of plugins as it is not wise to keep changing plugins because it can change your title and description which can hit your blog traffic.

NO blog backup

This is the usual problem of most of the bloggers that they never take backup of their blog. Always take backup of your blog, so if anything happen to your site and you not able to recover it then you can use your backup to fix the issue.

So these are the generic mistakes that most of the newbie bloggers do. Now as you know about them, I hope you can easily avoid these mistakes. Do share your views and suggestion. If you enjoyed this article, don’t forget to subscribe to eAskme Email newsletter for more similar updates.
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