April 01, 2015

How To Change Facebook Video Thumbnail

By Sonia
Are you a video blogger, who is making video for your blog? Do you know that other than YouTube, Facebook also is one of the biggest marketing channel for videos. Facebook is paying proper attention to video uploaded on it`s network. You may have noticed increase in number of videos uploads on Facebook. You should also upload your videos on Facebook. It is recommended to keep your videos less than 3 minutes to get more traffic. But if you are making tutorials than you can ignore this limit.

How To Change Facebook Video Thumbnail : eAskme
How To Change Facebook Video Thumbnail : eAskme
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Everyone knows that Facebook is making itself more user friendly for uploaders and video bloggers. Still there is a long way for it to be like YouTube. Facebook allows you to select your custom thumbnail for your video. A good thumbnail attract more eye-balls. This will boost traffic to your videos. Today I will talk about how to edit and select Facebook video thumbnail

How to select Facebook video thumbnail:

On Facebook you can now upload a custom video thumbnail. I recommend you to add your image within the video. This will help you to create a thumbnail with great CTR.
  • Go to your Facebook video
  • Play it. 
  • Click on options
  • Click on edit video
Change Facebook Video Thumbnail : eAskme

  • Now you can select video thumbnail from 10 thumbnails.
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Change Facebook Video Thumbnail : eAskme

Now the Good news is that Facebook support custom thumbnail also. See below

Change Facebook Video Thumbnail : eAskme

Noe you can even edit old videos and add custom thumbnail.

I always recommend you to create thumbnail before to add it in video. Also add intro and outro to your videos.

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If you have any question or suggestion, feel free to ask me or share with me via comments.

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