May 18, 2015

Google to Add ‘Buy’ Button to Search Results Within Next Few Weeks

By Sonia
Something new is coming on Google. Within the next few days you will see a "Buy" button on Google, this will allow you to purchase items directly from Google search results.

Google to Add ‘Buy’ Button to Search Results Within Next Few Weeks : eAskme
Google to Add ‘Buy’ Button to Search Results Within Next Few Weeks : eAskme
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It is said that this "buy" button will be available in mobile search only.

When you click on Google buy button, it will take you to a Google page to enter the usual purchase details and submit payment information.

Sooner or later Google will become your one-stop solution for everything from searching pages to shopping. Last week Google has introduced a new way for US customers to get delivery from local restaurants.

Also See: Google`s New Mobile Ad Units, Reveals Mobile Search Has Overtaken Desktop

Google trying to expand into online retail market and this will surely become a threat to industry leaders like eBay and Amazon. Even smaller retailers don`t like this. They have concerns that this will hurt their brand and customers will place order on Google only.

Still this program allow retailers to invite customers to their marketing campaigns and collect customer information and Google will save customer payment information.

Right now I have not received any official comment from Google regarding this buy button. So you have to wait for launch date.

If you do have any question, or suggestion, feel free to ask me, Don`t forget to like us on facebook and subscribe our newsletter to get free updates.

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