November 02, 2017

Four of the Best Ways to Market Your App Online

So, you’ve got an app. That’s great! Mobile apps are a great way to connect with your customers and make money for your business.

But, that’s only if people actually download your app, which means they have to know it exists.

Four of the Best Ways to Market Your App Online: eAskme
Four of the Best Ways to Market Your App Online: eAskme
Read More: Best Free iPhone Apps

There are tons of ways to advertise your app for free, but that doesn’t mean they’re all created equal, or that you should avoid marketing strategies that cost money.

Here are four of the best ways to advertise your app online.

Advertise Your App on Your Website:

When advertising your app, or anything else for that matter, it’s important that you’re able to reach your target audience. That’s a lot easier said than done, but not if you advertise your app on your website!

People who visit your website are already interested in what you have to offer. It makes sense that they might be interested in your app too. Create a popup or mention your app on your homepage. You’ll likely see a bump in downloads.

Social Media:

It’s important to know how to use social media to fit your business strategy. You may want to mention special sales or important milestones, but you should also use social media as a platform to advertise your app online.

That includes:
  • Creating status updates on Facebook, directing people to download your mobile app
  • Mentioning the benefits of your app on your Twitter account
  • Listing your mobile app on your LinkedIn profile
  • Talking about your mobile app on YouTube

No matter which social media sites you use, encourage customer participation. Ask them to leave reviews on your app, or ask them how you can make your app even better.

Do Some Blogging:

Blogging is a great way to tell people about your app. Of course, that means creating a blog on your website outlining the benefits of your app, but it might also mean creating guest blogs on other websites. It’s a great way to get some free advertising for your mobile app, and it’s a great way to connect with industry influencers and other people inside and outside your industry.

Paid Advertising:

There’s no doubt that paid advertising can be effective. Whether you pay to advertise your app on Facebook or you want to utilize organic search advertising, it’s a great way to get the word out there about your app. Especially if you want to catch the attention of people who may not even know your business exists!

Paid advertising doesn’t have to cost a fortune, so don’t let cost be a deterrent. Start small and see how things go. If your advertising campaign is successful, you can always use some of the money you make to pay for more advertising.

It’s important to build a mobile app, but it’s equally as important to make sure you advertise that app. With these four ideas, you can spread the word about your cool new app, increasing downloads and sales along the way.

Man Behind eAskme

Mr. Kumar

He is the founder of He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online entrepreneur. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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