May 11, 2020

How To Find A VPN with Best Speed With One Simple Test?

You don’t have to be a tech savvy in order to know what Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are and why you need them so often.

They provide you with a safe connection, hide your browsing activity, and even allow you to watch regionally restricted content without any troubles whatsoever.

How To Find A VPN with Best Speed With One Simple Test: eAskme
How To Find A VPN with Best Speed With One Simple Test: eAskme

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If you want to know how these work precisely, you will need to dig a little deeper and find a useful source or two to explain it to you.

Digging A Little Deeper… But In A Simple Way

People don’t usually have trouble with knowing what a VPN is and how it helps them.

When hitting a snag and trying to find a solution for just about anything, everyone turns to the Internet for an answer.

If a VPN is the solution, that will pop right up in their search results.

That’s probably how most people get acquainted with the existence of this service in the first place.

There is a catch, however.

Let me try to explain it in a simple way.

Say you want to watch something that you are unable to watch from your area.

You Google your problem and you find that a VPN is a solution.

Then, what comes next?

If you are not very well versed in this topic, you might assume that a VPN is something that you just activate, like a plugin on a website, and that’s it.

Not everything is so straightforward, unfortunately.

The truth is a bit more complicated than that and you will need to do a bit more than clicking an “activate” button and enjoying the content you want to watch.

For starters, you will need to choose a specific service.

Yes, that’s right; there are a whole lot of Virtual Private Networks to choose from.

Think of it like this.

A VPN is more like a collection of products, rather than one product in itself. The trickiest part is, you need to choose among those products and find the best one that works for you.

As you can see on this list of the seven fastest VPNs, in addition to choosing the product that works, you need to choose one that works fast.

Many users have reported that this service might even slow down their Internet connection, and that’s definitely not what you want.

Do A Speed Test… Multiple Times

Don’t get discouraged just yet. Like I said, you don’t need to be a tech savvy to know what a Virtual Private Network is. Similarly, you don’t need to be a computer wizard to know how to choose a fast one.

There is a simple test you can do in order to determine the speed of your VPN service and I am going to help you do it and read it successfully.

You can find an Internet speed test easily by typing those words in your browser.

There are a lot you can choose from, and they are usually rather reliable and trustworthy.

Finding a test is the easy part. Reading the results is a bit more complex, but you will learn how to do that in no time, with just a little bit of help.

The first thing you need to do is test your speed without connecting to any VPN.

These tests usually show your download speed, upload speed, and ping.

Make sure to memorize the results, or take a picture, so that you can compare them to the results you will get after connecting to a VPN.

Comparing is your key towards finding a good service.

After running this speed test, you will need to find yourself a VPN to connect to and I suppose you will already have a few of them in mind after doing a bit of research.

Connect to the Virtual Private Network of your choice and run the speed test again.

Memorize those results as well, because now it’s time to compare them to the previous ones and decide whether that is the right VPN service for you.

Here’s more on the speed tests and the right way of reading them:

Read The Results Like A Pro

As I have already said, these tests will most commonly show results for ping, and download and upload speed.

Ping measures the time that passes between you asking for a piece of information and receiving it.

In other words, it shows how much time your device will need in order to access a certain website.

Depending on why you are using the Internet, the ideal ping would be around 50ms, but it can go up to 250ms if you are just browsing the Web.
  • Download speed is the speed at which you get the information from the Internet and it is more important for streaming than for browsing websites.
  • Upload speed is the time necessary for you to upload info on the Internet and it is generally the most irrelevant parameter, unless you are uploading files.
If you are using Wi-Fi, make sure that your connection is stable when running the test and keep in mind that speed can fluctuate, so you might want to do multiple tests.

When you compare your results, you will see that a VPN will slightly affect ping, which is completely normal.

If you choose a good and a nearby server to connect to, however, your ping shouldn’t go over 50ms.

As for download and upload speed, you can even notice an improvement after connecting to a VPN.

If there is a huge difference between your results and if they don’t speak in the favor of the chosen VPN, you should look for a different one.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

Don’t forget to share it with your friends and family.


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