July 12, 2020

Where To Start if You Want To Create an Image of Your Favorite Character? Cosplay For Beginners.

Everyone at least once thought about trying on the image of your favorite character. If you wanted to try to make a costume of a book or game hero, make armor and weapons, but didn't know where to start, then our material can be useful for you.

Where To Start if You Want To Create an Image of Your Favorite Character? Cosplay For Beginners: eAskme
Where To Start if You Want To Create an Image of Your Favorite Character? Cosplay For Beginners: eAskme

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The author of the article tried to answer the most common questions, on what side to approach this difficult case, what to look for, and what to navigate.

Imagine that I wanted to become a cosplayer - a simple guy who can neither sew nor draw, nor glue. What should I learn first?

The first thing to learn is what you want to get out of it and what you like.

Write down your wishes. Imagine what you can make out of it and how you can make it.

Then it will be clear which skills are most in demand.

What do you need to be guided by when choosing an image? From its popularity, hype or personal preferences?

And this already depends on what you want to achieve.

I'm here looking for compromises, as to make irrelevant characters - means to get little feedback, and do not do your favorite characters is stupid, because it will not bring positive emotions, but rather the opposite.

Do what you like to do. If you want attention, look for what you like from the popular.

I often focus on the winners of various contests like Monaco Anime Game International Conferences (MAGIC).

Where can you learn this? Cutting and sewing courses or are there any tutorials, articles or something like that?

There are many tutorials on all kinds of creativity on YouTube and articles on various sites. I can't say anything about sewing, I'm just learning a little bit about cutting articles on the Internet. I learned Kraft through video lessons and with the help of friends.

I learned to make leather from an excellent tanner, and also tried some things intuitively.

 The question is very general, and the answer often depends on how those who are interested in this or that direction are more used to learning.

Where is the best place to get materials? Which basic materials are used to create costumes?

They are very different - everything depends on your imagination and engineering skills.

For many, the main materials are EVA foam and thermoplastic.

I personally give preference to natural materials whenever possible, so I often use leather (I do it myself) and metal (I order from friends at the forge). There are many subtleties and peculiar situation materials.

How do I create the illusion of metal/bone/rare materials?

As I said before, most often I try to do not an illusion, but a real material, if possible. But if you need an illusion, you often use texturing and sophisticated painting techniques.

Here I am not a pro and I will not take advice!

Do I have to sew everything from scratch or can I buy some elements already ready?

There are no clear boundaries - everything depends on the supply on the market.

If the image is very famous, most of the time craftsmen quickly start making ready-made elements or even whole costumes for sale.

I usually find the best compromise so that I don't have to spend too much money or go overboard where you can buy a finished piece or a single part.

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