December 08, 2021

7 eCommerce SEO Tips Can Help You Increase Your Sales

The advancement in computing and internet technologies has supercharged the development of eCommerce throughout the world.

If you have decided to benefit from the eCommerce opportunity, the good news is that you can apply proven techniques to get desired results.

7 eCommerce SEO Tips Can Help You Increase Your Sales: eAskme
7 eCommerce SEO Tips Can Help You Increase Your Sales: eAskme

One of the best things you can do to grow your eCommerce sales and rank #1 on all queries of your customers is by focusing on SEO.

With a proper SEO plan, you can consistently get inbound leads, and it becomes easier for you to grow your business.

But what can you do if you are new to the world of eCommerce and don’t know much about SEO?

Keep reading this article to find out seven amazing SEO tips that will make the job easier for you.

Choose a proper hosting plan:

The first thing you have to check while setting up your eCommerce store is choosing a proper hosting plan.

Hosting services enable you to keep your website up and running for users worldwide.

Hosting plans can be very expensive if you go after the best options.

Most eCommerce store owners make the mistake of choosing a hosting plan that isn’t effective for SEO.

If you buy an unresponsive hosting plan, it will become impossible for you to get your SEO efforts.

Make sure that you evaluate all the available options in the market and pick the best hosting plan for your eCommerce store.

Picking the right keywords:

Choosing the right keywords is the first step in implementing an eCommerce SEO strategy.

Keyword research lets you find out what your audience is looking for and how you can provide it to your audience to increase your sales.

But keep it in your mind that doing keyword research yourself can be quite hectic.

A better option instead is hiring eCommerce seo services.

You will have a team of professionals executing everything from keyword research to producing backlinks to your eCommerce website so that you can claim top rankings in no time.

Fix the duplicate content:

A common problem that most eCommerce store owners have to face is fixing duplicate content.

When you start building your eCommerce store, you will ultimately be listing the same product on several pages of your website.

Creating unique content for a single product to be put on 20 different pages is impossible.

If the same content is published on different pages on your website against a single product, it will trigger the process called “Content cannibalization” that hurts your positions on SERPs.

The simple fix to this problem is using “Canonical tags” on your eCommerce store.

This HTML tag will allow you to show the search engine bots that different pages on your website are interlinked, and doing so will help you curb the process of Content cannibalization.

Get rid of the broken links:

One of the most troubling things for a visitor to an eCommerce store is encountering a page that returns a “404 Error.”

Taking care of tons of pages on your website can take a lot of time, and that’s why many eCommerce stores have broken links.

These broken links destroy the visitor's experience and send a bad signal to search engine bots.

Ensure that all the pages on your eCommerce store are running properly and users can access them.

Optimize your website for smartphones:

Everyone has a smartphone in their pockets nowadays, which means that a major portion of the web traffic comes from smartphones.

You have to ensure that your website is optimized to meet the needs of these smartphone users.

Remember that a website is not optimized for smartphone users by default.

As a website is developed on a desktop computer, it fits desktops when it gets online.

It’s your job to ensure that a website is accessible for smartphone users.

Doing so will help you address the needs of smartphone users and increase your sales.

Proper structuring of your website:

What will you do if you enter a physical store where products are scattered everywhere, and you have to find what you want to buy?

You’d skip such a store and visit one nearby where products are put on proper shelves and categories.

Your eCommerce store visitors will be quick to ditch your website if there’s no structuring on your website.

Set up a proper hierarchy of products, build category pages, and improve the experience for your visitors.

Publish helpful content:

One of the easiest ways to get on top of SERPs is to publish valuable content.

The helpful and actionable your content is, the more convincing it will be for your target audience.

Make sure that you publish content regularly that addresses your audience's queries and persuades them to buy from your website.

If you still have any question, do share via comments.

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