April 22, 2021

Content Creation Explained: 3 Steps from Scratch to Success!

What is content creation? How to create unique and impactful content?

Web content is the information that the webmaster puts into his website. It can be written content, images, gifs, videos, etc.

And content creation is the process of creating content that makes the difference. It is a time-consuming process. User engagement on your website truly depends upon the quality of the content.

Content Creation Explained: 3 Steps from Scratch to Success!: eAskme
Content Creation Explained: 3 Steps from Scratch to Success!: eAskme

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Whether you are a vlogger, marketer, or travel blogger, you always need more content to make people stay connected with your website. Know how travel bloggers do it.

Fresh and updated content is important for the success of every online business and blogging business.

This is the reason why businesses focus a lot on content creation.

Today, I am explaining everything that you must know about content creation and process.

What is Content Creation?

Content creation is a step by step process:

  • To find new topics to write about.
  • To choose the type of content you want to publish.
  • To use content strategy.
  • To produce quality content.

Proofreading also plays an important role. You must proofread every content before publishing it.

Use can publish content in different forms such as;

  • Blog posts
  • Infographics
  • Videos
  • Tweets
  • eBooks
  • Advertisements, etc.

Content creation is a complex process. But master it to outrank your competitors.

Whether you are a newbie from New York or the best SEO in Mississauga, you always need content to target your audience.

Here I am sharing the 3-step content creation process.

Discover Ideas:

Your content idea is the first thing that you ever need to finalize before writing content.

You can find new content ideas by focusing on your stakeholders, content team, and customers.

Your content goal depends upon the idea you want to spread online.

How to Produce Content Ideas?

Keyword research:

Keyword research related to your product, service, or business website will help you discover new content opportunities.

You can find out what people are searching for.


Customer feedback also helps you what your customers want more from you. 

This process will help you discover new content ideas.

You will find many new questions that must be answered for the goodwill of your business and brand image.

Think Beyond Sale:

You must understand your customer.

Focus on what your customer finds interesting on your website.

Use the keyword research tools to find how these ideas can help you write amazing content.


There are a lot of industry-related groups running online.

Join such websites, forums, or social media groups to find out what people are talking about.

This is also a great way to discover new content creation ideas.

Competitor Analysis:

You must focus on what your competitors are talking and writing about. It will give you a lot of new ideas to write new content.

You can also find content gaps on your website.

After choosing the topic you want to write about, the next step is to plan how you must write the new article.


The very step to planning your content is to choose what type of content you want to produce. Will it be a blog post, or infographic, or video, or something else.

Videos and infographics have a better visual influence on others, but sometimes writing content in plain text works better.

To get the better idea, you need to do a quick research and find out what type of content is already published around your topic. Finding which type of content ranks better in search will help you decide your content creation strategy.

Do keyword research, competitor research, etc., to find the best opportunities to publish or promote the content.

Must answer these questions when planning content for your business:

  • What aspect are you targeting?
  • When and how will it influence the buyer’s decision?
  • How much should you invest in content creation?
  • Do you need additional resources?
  • Is it evergreen content?
  • How will this content help your content strategy?
  • Who is your target customer?

Once you answer these questions, you will have a better content plan with you.

Content Writing and publishing:

The final step is to write and publish the content.

Use your content idea and planning to create link-worthy and compelling content.

Content creation is an active process. You can always rethink or replan your content strategy.

Create content that is thorough and answer every question related to the topic.

Final Words:

Content creation is important to attract more customers.

You must follow these steps of the content creation journey to be on the right path.

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Man Behind eAskme

Mr. Kumar

He is the founder of eAskme.com. He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online entrepreneur. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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