July 27, 2022

5 University Degrees with Great Career Prospects

While it is, of course, most important to choose a university degree that you are interested in studying, it never hurts to have an eye on the future.

Indeed, given the financial and temporal cost of higher education, the degree you choose must be beneficial to your prospects in the long term.

5 University Degrees with Great Career Prospects: eAskme
5 University Degrees with Great Career Prospects: eAskme

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Therefore, here are 5 degrees that offer some of the best career opportunities.


Unsurprisingly, medicine and dentistry degrees regularly top lists of the most employable university courses.

It is estimated that as high as 99% of medical graduates are working or in higher education within six months of graduating.

This is significantly higher than all other degrees, and only different medicine-affiliated degrees, such as veterinary science and medicine-related subjects, come close.

Salaries for medicine graduates straight out of university are also uncommonly high.

However, it is also one of the degrees that require the most work.


The criminal justice sector requires a wide variety of different roles and competencies to run effectively.

As a result, studying for a criminology degree can make you suitable for a diverse range of jobs.

For example, it is common for many criminology graduates to go into roles directly related to crime and punishment, such as working in crime reduction, probation, or legal administration.

However, skills acquired in such a degree may also be suitable

 for roles in social work or national/local government.


There is a perennial demand for teachers worldwide.

However, there is a particular need for teachers within the United Kingdom due to a recent exodus of older educators.

While to qualify as a teacher in the UK, you will require a postgraduate certificate of general education (PGCE), a bachelor’s degree in education alone will provide solid career prospects, as there are multiple roles in education beyond teaching.
If you choose to become a fully qualified teacher, the government is also currently providing bursaries for teacher training that can cover up to 100% of the cost of a PGCE.

Computer Science:

Computer Science is a highly lucrative choice in terms of job prospects because of the sheer number of roles one can go into after studying it.

Given computing affects nearly every aspect of the world today, those studying Computer Science can go on to work in a variety of roles, including in gaming, website creation, artificial intelligence, and data science.

Many of these areas are also well-paid and likely to grow as technology develops.


Mathematics degrees may be notoriously difficult, but they also provide some of the best career opportunities.

Not only are many of the mathematical skills you will develop helpful to various jobs, but a mathematics degree can help you hone more comprehensive skills in logic, problem-solving, and theory application.

As a result, those that study mathematics at university can move on to a wide range of employment opportunities after graduating.

These include roles in finance, computing, and economics.

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