November 10, 2023

On-chain Metrics vs. Traditional TA: Which Offered Better Signals During Bitcoin's Decline?

By Sona Mathews

The pioneering cryptocurrency has always been at the forefront of financial discussions due to its volatile nature.

Its price fluctuations have led to the development and application of various analytical methods to predict its future movements.

Two of the most prominent strategies are On-chain metrics and Traditional Technical Analysis (TA).

This article delves deep into these methods, comparing their efficacy during Bitcoin's decline.

On-chain Metrics vs. Traditional TA: Which Offered Better Signals During Bitcoin's Decline?: eAskme
On-chain Metrics vs. Traditional TA: Which Offered Better Signals During Bitcoin's Decline?: eAskme

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What is Traditional Technical Analysis (TA)?

Traditional Technical Analysis (TA) is a method used to predict the future price movements of assets based on historical price and volume data.

Originating from stock market analysis, TA has found its place in the cryptocurrency world due to the volatile nature of digital assets.

Common tools and indicators in TA include:

  • Moving Averages (MA): It smoothens price data to create a single flowing line, which makes it easier to identify the direction of the trend.
  • Relative Strength Index (RSI): Measures the speed and change of price movements and indicates overbought or oversold conditions.
  • MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence): A trend-following momentum indicator that shows the relationship between two moving averages of an asset’s price.

In the context of Bitcoin, TA has been instrumental in identifying potential buy or sell signals, resistance levels, and market trends.

Introduction to On-chain Metrics:

On-chain metrics offer insights into blockchain activities.

Unlike TA, which focuses on price and volume, on-chain metrics delve into the very heart of blockchain operations, providing data on transactions, wallet activities, and more.

Famous on-chain metrics include:

  • NVT Ratio (Network Value to Transactions Ratio): Analogous to the PE ratio in stocks, it compares the value of the crypto's network to the value of transactions on the web.
  • MVRV (Market Value to Realized Value): Compares the market cap of a cryptocurrency to its realized cap.
  • Active Addresses: Represents the number of unique addresses active in the network as a sender or receiver.

Critical Differences Between On-chain Metrics and Traditional TA:

While both methods aim to predict future price movements, their methodologies and data sources differ significantly.

  • Methodologies: TA relies on chart patterns and technical indicators derived from price and volume data. On-chain metrics, on the other hand, derive insights from blockchain activity, focusing on transaction data, active addresses, and more.
  • Data Sources: TA uses historical price and volume data, often visualized in candlestick charts. On-chain metrics use data directly from the blockchain, offering a more granular view of network activity.
  • Strengths and Weaknesses: TA is excellent for short-term predictions and identifying market trends. However, it might not always account for sudden market changes due to external news or events. On-chain metrics provide a deeper understanding of network health and user activity but might not be as effective for short-term trading strategies.

Case Study: Bitcoin's Decline

During one of Bitcoin's significant declines in 2018, both TA and on-chain metrics provided signals.

TA indicators like RSI showed oversold conditions, suggesting a potential price rebound.

Meanwhile, on-chain metrics like the NVT ratio indicated that the network value was high compared to the value of transactions, suggesting overvaluation.

In this instance, while TA provided short-term buy signals, on-chain metrics were more bearish in the longer term.

Traders who relied solely on TA might have bought during the dip, expecting a rebound, while those using on-chain metrics might have remained cautious, anticipating further decline.

The Future of Cryptocurrency Analysis:

With the increasing availability of on-chain data, the landscape of crypto analysis is evolving.

There's a growing consensus that a hybrid approach, integrating both TA and on-chain insights, offers the most holistic view of the market.

New emerging platforms combine both methods, offering traders and investors a comprehensive toolkit for decision-making.


In the dynamic and unpredictable realm of cryptocurrency trading, relying solely on one analytical method is insufficient.

Traditional Technical Analysis (TA) is invaluable for short-term market trend insights and potential reversals, offering traders immediate signals for buy or sell actions.

However, its reliance on historical price and volume data might not fully encapsulate the market's complexity.

On the other hand, on-chain metrics delve deeper, providing a comprehensive view of blockchain network health, user activity, and overall transaction values.

These metrics are crucial for understanding long-term value and potential growth or decline, making them indispensable for informed investment strategies.

As the cryptocurrency market matures, a hybrid analytical approach that seamlessly integrates TA's immediacy with the depth of on-chain metrics is becoming increasingly vital.

This combined methodology offers a broader view of the market and empowers traders and investors with the necessary insights for making well-informed and strategic trading decisions.

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