June 28, 2024

Is Contact Information A Google Ranking Factor or Not?

Is contact information a Google search ranking factor? Do you want to use contact information for Google search ranking? Can contact information influence rankings?

The reason why contact information is necessary is to give your audience a way to contact you. It can be through email, chatbot, or phone. Contact forms are the most common way to let people contact you.

Yet, only some websites publish contact information or contact pages.

Is Contact Information A Google Ranking Factor or Not?: eAskme
Is Contact Information A Google Ranking Factor or Not?: eAskme

But does contact information impact your Google search position? Let's find out.

Let's understand everything about contact information and its impact on search.

Contact Information:

Contact information is the information that the webmaster publishes on his website to let others contact him. Contact forms, email IDs, phone numbers, and social media pages are part of the contact information.

Claim: Contact Information is a Google Ranking Factor

SEOs have two beliefs about contact information. Many believe that it is necessary to rank in search results, while others believe that it is not necessary.

Contact information is used on two most popular places:

  • Contact information on Google My Business.
  • Contact Information on website.

Evidence: Contact Information is a Google Search Ranking Factor

Contact information such as website name, physical address, email ID, phone numbers, and social media links are usually published on citation sites. Citations influencer search engine position as they are helpful for users to find ways to contact the website or business.

In 2009, Google launched Places to display contact information.

Since then, it is believed that contact information play a crucial role in ranking for local search terms.

According to the Google Quality Raters Guidelines document, the role of contact information changes according to the type of website. Contact information is crucial for businesses operating in the local area, such as banks, offices, etc.

While it is essential to have contact information on important pages and citations, it is not a ranking signal that can influence rank position.

The presence of contact information is necessary for a good user experience.

Contact information also helps in building a high level of trust. It is necessary to display contact information on important pages where users are most likely to contact your business.

Evidence: Contact Information is Not a Google Search Ranking Factor

John Muller answered the question by saying that Google does not look for search information as a ranking signal. It does not impact search ranking.

Yet, it is good to display contact information from the user's point of view.

Sites with contact information are gaining points on user experience.

Conclusion: Contact Information is a Google Search Ranking Factor (Not Always)

Contact information is an integral part of the local listing. It influences local search ranking in Google organic results.

In recent years, Google has improved its algorithm to analyze the importance of contact information for the user. Contact information is necessary when a user needs to contact a business. In most cases, this happens to businesses in the local area.

Contact information on your website is more important for your clients and users than search engines.

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