September 18, 2014

10 Must Know Google Plus Tips for Better Marketing [Update]

As the launch of Google Plus there are many views came about its origin. Some said its new Facebook some said its not. But for bloggers its a new social networking site where they can connect with many others using circles and get traffic to their blog or site. Today we will discuss about Google Plus tips and tricks that can be helpful for you.

Update: Google Plus will shut down in April 019, so you should start using Google+ alternatives.

10 Must Know Google Plus Tips for Better Marketing : eAskme
Top 10 tips and tricks about Google Plus : eAskme

Top 10 Google Plus Tips and Tricks :

Mention Name of Someone using "+" or "@" :

You can easily mention someone in your comment or post by typing their name preceded with "+" or "@" and you can also select from list. You should type more letters of their name to find them easily.

How to Mention "People not in your circles" using "+" :

You can mention person even if they not in your circle using their Google+ Id.  Their Google Plus id will show as a series of numbers in URL. remove Google Plus from the url and you will get the id of that person. Now enter this number preceded with "+" in comments to mention them.

Font Styling :

You can also write in Bold, Italic and underline the text. for example if you want to make "easkme" bold than you will type *easkme* and if you want to make it italic you will type _easkme_ and if you want to create underline then type -easkme-.

Import friends from facebook :

If you use Google Chrome then you can use Facebook Friend Exporter extension of Google Chrome to import facebook friend to Google plus.

Scroll with shortcut keys :

You can even scroll Google+ using "k" and "j" keys. "k" scrools up and "j" scrolls down.

Edit or Delete posts :

Google Plus allow you to edit or delete your posts. To edit or delete you just need to clcik on arrow button and you will see options "Edit this post", "delete  this post", disable comments", "lock this post".

+1 Button Personalization :

This is liek Facebook like button, you can choose either you want to show names next to Google Plus button  or not. You can make it enable or disable.

Set language :

You can set language by clicking the pulley icon and click the link "Google+ Settings" then go to language. Now set the language of your choice.

Set Notifications :

GO to the settings page and uncheck those for which you don`t want to get notifications because by defualt all boxes are checked so you can set it as you like.

Google+ Photo Editor :

You can also use Google Plus photo editor. Go to "Google+ Settings">"Account Overview">"Edit profile">"Change Photo". When you upload a photo it will show you option to edit in picnic.

For more Google tips and tricks visit Here 

Do share your own tips about "Google Plus".
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