January 16, 2015

Google Releases New Update To Structured Data Site Testing Tool

By Sonia
Google releases new update to it`s Structured site testing tool today. Structured data can benefit you in terms of content discovered and organic traffic.

Google’s structured data testing tool is the best way to check if you have implemented markup code correctly or not. So we will see the update for structured data testing tool.

Google Releases New Update To Structured Data Site Testing Tool
Google Releases New Update To Structured Data Site Testing Tool : eAskme
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Google Releases New Update To Structured Data Site Testing Tool

List of updates:

  •     This new update reflect Google’s interpretation of your content.
  •     Policy guidelines and Improved documentation are powered by structured data
  •     Expanded support for JSON-LD markup syntax
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Updates To Structured Data Testing Tool:

These new feature has been added to Google’s structured data testing tool:
  •     Validation for all Google features
  •     Support for markup in the JSON-LD syntax
  •     Clean display of structured data items
  •     Syntax highlighting of markup problems in HTML source code
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Updates To Policy and Documentation

Google has made it very clear that what type of wording is supported in structured data. New documentation explains which markup you need to add to enable various search features with code examples.

Also See : New Google Adwords Editor Version 11 : Best New Features 

Update to Support for JSON-LD

Google has extended its support in JSON-LD syntax:
  •     social profile links,
  •     company logos and contacts,
  •     the sitelinks search box,
  •     events in the Knowledge Graph,
  •     event rich snippets.
Google is expanding support to additional markup features in coming days. if you do have any suggestion, feel free to share me via comments.
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