January 24, 2015

The Risks of Content Marketing

By Sonia
I believe you have already seen many times everyone talking about the benefits of content marketing but do you know that risks of content marketing. Companies always say that they need content but what if you don`t know what is good and bad content? This can hurt your brand. So today i will show you some big risks with content marketing that can hurt any brand.

The Risks of Content Marketing : eAskme
The Risks of Content Marketing : eAskme
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Messaging Mis-Alignment

If your messages are not aligned properly then it can create confusion and mislead customers. It is important to align messages properly and push through all channels to leads with support content channels.

It is good to be funny and create clever commercials but you should not stay far from your brand as it will confuse your customers. Google also don`t like it and this will hurt your brand. For example if a cold drink company show mother feeding their babies in advertisement and say that cold make kids healthy, that may be look funny but in fact totally misleading.

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Brand Inconsistency

Enterprises usually have some brand guidelines. But are you sure that every organization follow it`s guidelines? You need collection of approved assets, and metadata for search.

You should have page which clearly explain your brand strategies. This will help users to know what is required.

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Content Irrelevancy

Relevant content as a key to success of content marketing. You deliver wrong message if you say something else other than your product or service such as a sale person talking about something else other than the sale.

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Lack of Resources

You need to invest your time to get desired results. Users feel bored if they don`t see any fresh content.

Here are the typical obstacles to content marketing:
  •     Lack of fresh content 
  •     Unreliable content sources
  •     Unorganized content
  •     Not of promotion
  •     lack of measuring results
So these are the few big risks of content marketing. If you implement them correctly then your content marketing will be efficient way to communicate with customers and generate more website traffic, more leads and meaningful audience engagement.

Also See : How to syndicate full content of post

Do share what is your content marketing strategy? If you have any question, or suggestion, feel free to ask via comments. Don't forget to like us FB and join the eAskme newsletter to stay tuned with us.

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