February 24, 2015

How to Add Ads Below Post Title in Blogger

By Sonia
You may have seen me saying that Adsense if the first love of bloggers life and the best way to monetize a newbie blog. I have already shared Adsense heatmap to show you where to place ads on your blog to give maximum exposure.

Today I am sharing how you can easily add Adsense ad below post title in blogger blog. Title is the area of the post which get maximum exposure, so it is better to add adsense below post title. This way you can easily increase your adsense earning.

How to Add Ads Below Post Title in Blogger : eAskme
How to Add Ads Below Post Title in Blogger : eAskme
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Create Adsense Ads :

The very first thing that you need is ad unit code from your adsense account. You can choose 720*90, 300*250 or 336*280. You can also add responsive ad unit.

Now you just need to do one thing which is parse that ad code using HTML Parser Tool.

Now copy parsed code and save it on notepad.

Also See : How to create Google Adsense Account

How to Add Adsense Ads Below Post Title in Blogger:

  • First go to Blogger
  • Go to blog dashboard.
  • Go to Template section.
  • Click on "Edit Templat". 
  • Search for
  • Now paste following code just above <data:post.body/> in your template.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
Ad Code
  • Replace Ad Code with parsed ad code.
  • Click on Save Template
  • Now you see Adsense Ad showing below post title.
Try this and if you have any question, feel free to ask me via comments. Don`t forget to like us on facebook and subscribe our newsletter to get free updates.

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