February 26, 2015

Google To Use Mobile Usability As A Ranking Factor In Mobile Search Results

By Sonia
Mobile usability of websites is increasing day by day. Every site owner or webmaster trying to make it`s site responsive to fit every screen. Google has announced today that on April 21st Google will be extending the use of mobile-friendliness of a site or blog as a ranking signal for mobile search results.

According to Google this will have a significant impact and will affect worldwide mobile search results in all languages.
Mobile Usability As A Ranking Factor In Mobile Search Results : eAskme
Mobile Usability As A Ranking Factor In Mobile Search Results : eAskme
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Earlier I have predicted that Google will make mobile-friendly version a factor to rank sites. Today with this announcement Google made it clear. From last few months Google was working towards this step.

When Google introduced mobile friendly site testing tool with an official set of mobile-friendly site criteria, I was clear that they will soon make mobile friendliness a factor to rank sites. Google said It will be ranking signal in future.

I recommend everyone to test their websites on Google’s mobile friendly site testing tool before April 21st and if your site passes this test then you need not to worry about anything.

In case if your site do not pass the test then this tool will recommend you the improvements you need ot make on your site. You can also use Mobile Usability Report on Webmaster Tools account to get list of mobile usability issues across your website.

Also See : Free Responsive Testing Tools To Test Responsiveness 

Google also starting to use information from indexed apps as ranking factor for signed-in users. You may see content from indexed apps featured more prominently.

Start working on your site and make it mobile friendly. If you do have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

Is your site mobile friendly? Is there any issues you are facing? Do share what you think about Mobile Usability As A Ranking Factor In Mobile Search Results?

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