March 19, 2015

DoorWay Pages SEO Penalty : Return of Google Panda

By Sonia
Is this a return of Google Panda? Yes. Google has announced that they are targeting doorway pages this time. It is really important news for every single affiliate marketer and blogger. It seems like Panda is coming again and it will target pages with low quality content. 

DoorWay Pages SEO Penalty – Return of Google Panda : eAskme
DoorWay Pages SEO Penalty – Return of Google Panda : eAskme
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Low quality page is that page which have irrelevant information such as archive pages as they are not the direct answer for any query.

See this Google Webmaster team`s official announcement:

See this Google Webmaster team`s official announcement:

I have already said that categories and tags are the main culprit for Panda penalty. I always recommend you to no-index categories and tags or labels.

Also See : Google Webmaster Tools Now Shows if Images, CSS, or JavaScript Are Being Blocked

Doorway Pages could destroy your site:

Webmaster team said that doorway pages made only for drawing affiliate traffic and without adding any value in functionality.

This clearly shows that this penalty will affect those affiliate or micro-niche which are generating affiliate revenue without adding any value to reader. If you have an affiliate site with high quality content then you need not to worry. But if your site have crappy affiliate content then I recommend you to improve quality content.

Also See : How to Beat Panda and Penguin with Your Content Strategy

There are few other pages which also knows as Doorway pages. See below:

few other pages which also knows as Doorway pages

There are chances that doorway pages algorithm may affect legit sites also. If that happens to you then work to improve the quality of your site. You have to wait till someone share his experience about how to recover from Doorway pages penalty.

It is also interesting to see if this doorway pages algorithm will effect email subscription pages, as these pages do not answer any direct query.

How to check your site for Doorway pages:

  • Go to
  • Enter, change with your site name
  • Hit "Enter"
  • Now you will see all indexed pages. 
  • Check if author, tags, categories or search results pages are not indexed in search engine. 
  • If these pages shows, go ahead and no-index them.
  • Go to the last page of search result
  • Click on omitted search results
  • Again check the search results till last page.

Unethical SEO companies usually create doorway pages and load it with inks and keywords. See what Google says:

SEO companies usually create doorway pages
Do share how to save your site from Doorways page SEO penalty? If you find this article helpful, do share on social networks.

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