March 02, 2015

Excellent! Twitter-Hosted Video Can Now Be Embedded On Your Website

By Sonia
Are you a micro blogger? or Are you a fan of twitter? or Do you want to gain strong presence on Twitter? If answer of these questions if YES, that means you are on twitter. Twitter has brought you a new feature where you can use Twitter`s official apps to capture and upload video and it allow you to tweet video without uploading that video to a third party.

Excellent! Twitter-Hosted Video Can Now Be Embedded On Your Website : eAskme
Excellent! Twitter-Hosted Video Can Now Be Embedded On Your Website : eAskme
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Till now this feature had a problem that you could not embed tweets with video into your website.

here is a good news! Today, Twitter announced a solution with a new embedded video widget. This widget works just same as embedded tweets and official Tweet buttons.

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How to Embed Twitter-Hosted Video On Your Website

  • To embed a video you just need to click on ‘•••’ button
  • Select ‘Embed Video’.
  • Twitter will show you a HTML code.
  • Copy this code and paste on your website. 

This video widget also display the full original tweet.

An Alternative Option for WordPress

If your website is on WordPress then you have one another way to embed video tweets into your posts.

You can use recently launched Official WordPress plugin by Twitter. It has the ability to embed video tweets just by pasting a link of the tweet. This official plugin allows you to extend the functionality to video tweets. Click here to know more about Official WordPress plugin by Twitter.

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