October 23, 2015

Zero Bounce Rate WordPress Plugin Review

By Sonia
I have already shared about what is Bounce rate in previous articles. TO make sure that your website or blog get good rank, it is your job to make sure that bounce rate of a site should be low. Here I have a good news for you as now there is a WordPress plugin available to help you to decrease bounce rate of your or website. I recommend this plugin to every passion blogger who blog on WordPress platform. This will increase your revenue of your blog or website. Name of this plugin is Zero Bounce rate plugin.

Zero Bounce rate plugin is for everyone who have a site or blog on WordPress. You can use this plugin in various ways to make your blog profitable. For example, You can use this plugin to  increase revenue, make adwords CPC work for you, increase email opt-in and many other things.

Check out Zero Bounce plugin

Zero Bounce rate WordPress Plugin review:

Zero Bounce Rate WordPress Plugin Review: eAskme
Zero Bounce Rate WordPress Plugin Review: eAskme
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The major reason for bounce rate of a site is that visitors are moving out of that site quickly. If you usually get traffic from Facebook and search engines then there are more chances that readers can read and move back quickly. Have you ever thought about that if you can redirect those users on a page of your choice without pop-up or annoying message.

This is the benefit of Zero bounce rate plugin. It is really easy to configure, activate and install this Wordpress plugin.

This is a premium plugin so you have to purchase it first. After purchasing you are ready to install and activate this plugin.
  • Go to settings
  • Go to Zero bounce
  • Configuring the settings Choose the link on where you want to redirect your visitors.
Watch this video to understand how this plugin works 

  •     Use multiple URL  or single URL to rotated automatically and find out which work best for you.
  •     Activate this plugin based on referrals.
  •     Deactivate the plugin for visitors who have spent defined amount of seconds on your blog.
  •     Choice to set it for desktop or mobile or both.
Zero Bounce rate WordPress Plugin review : eAskme

It also provide you option to configure for individual posts. You can use it for those posts which have high-bounce rate. Redirect them to product page or another similar post to increase sales.

Zero Bounce rate WordPress Plugin review : eAskme
Practical usage:

Go to ZeroBouncerate site and you will see usage of Zero bounce rate plugin.

Redirect visitors to landing page:

You can redirect those visitors who are about to hit back or exit button on lading pages which are interesting like offering free e-books.

Make Adwords work for you:

You can make a landing page with exciting Adwords offer which will help increase sales and revenue for you.

For Affiliate and micro-niche site:

As an affiliate marketer you can redirect users to one of the affiliate product.


I personally recommend ever WordPress blogger or webmaster to grab this plugin. Zero bounce rate plugin is the best choice to decrease bounce rate.

You can purchase this plugin at starting cost of $49 only for 5 domains with life-time updates or you can buy a higher version of this plugin.

Zero Bounce rate WordPress Plugin review : eAskme
Grab Zero bounce WordPress Plugin now

I believe you have some smart usage of this plugin in your mind. Do share your tricks in comment section.

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