March 26, 2016

Key Steps to Improve Your Website’s Loading Speed

By Sona Mathews
It is well known that Google algorithms are targeting domain ownership, keyword stuffing and spammy backlinks and these are the factors that usually every blogger follow.

Now Google adding few more things in it`s algorithm and website loading speed is one of the biggest determinants of a website`s ranking position and value. Now it is necessary for every webmaster to optimize site speed so their site can rank well in search engines. So without wasting any more time let`s see why page speed is an important ranking factor and how you can improve it.

Key Steps to Improve Your Website’s Loading Speed : eAskme
Key Steps to Improve Your Website’s Loading Speed : eAskme
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Google’s Master Plan

Google want to give best user experience and for that it has created so many algorithms to identify most relevant websites with particular search term to rank them accordingly.

Deal With Site Speed

As Google want to please users so it discourage slow sites by rewarding fast ones and denying ranking privileges to slow sites. It gain three things:

Read More : How to test Website Speed
  •     It also increase the chances that customers stay longer on your site and also help to decrease bounce rate of your site.
  •     It also make sure that website speed is consistent on all devices.
  •     It decreases annoyance.
These factors shows why site speed is an important factor.

Also See : How to Blog like a Pro Blogger

How to Improve Your Site Load Speed

Here are the tips to improve your site speed:
  •     Minimize on-page components. Replace images with CSS, combine style sheets or  the HTTP requests this will make sure that on-page function won’t slow down your site.
  •     Compress large pages. Social media sharing, videos, infographics are a great deal to rank website but these all create issue with load speed. COmpress your pages.
  •     cacheUse browser caching. Turn on browser caching as it will store some necessary elements on a visitor’s hard drive and make your site load faster.
  •     Optimize visual content. Reformat images into JPEG.
  •     Eliminate unnecessary plugins. Remove any plugins you don’t absolutely need.
  •     Review hosting plan. Recheck your hosting plan.
These steps will help you to monitor you site speed on regular basis.

Read More : Optimize Post title For Search Engines and for Readers and Search Engines

Here Comes the Lightning-Fast Website

If you do this your site will get rewarded for it`s speed. Customers can rely on your site and they visit more often.

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