June 01, 2016

Free Blog Vs Self Hosted Blog Infographic

By Sona Mathews
When it comes to start a blog, every blogger has two options 1) Free blog 2) Self Hosted blogs. Free blogs are those were you host your blog on a free platform such as Blogspot and wordpress.com. Self Hosted blogs are those where you have to buy a domain name and hosting to launch a blog.

Free Blog Vs Self Hosted Blog Infographic : eAskme
Free Blog Vs Self Hosted Blog Infographic : eAskme
Read More : Secret : How I make $50-100 everyday from Blogging

Now you may have a question that why people pay to launch a blog when they can create a free blog. Well my answer is that on free blog you cannot do many things but self hosted blogs are fully customizable and also secure. Also self hosted blogs rank higher and make more money than free blogs.

 Read More : How much it cost to start a Self Hosted WordPress

Now lets see the more differences between Free Blog vs Self Hosted blogs with the help of this infographic.

Free Blog Vs Self Hosted Blog infographic

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Free Blog Vs Self Hosted Blog Infographic

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 Read More : WordPress.com Vs. WordPress.org : Which is Best Blog Platform

Differences Between Free Blog Vs. Self Hosted blog:

  • Free domain url example http://freedomain.blogger.com. Self hosted url example https://www.easkme.com.
  • To create free blog you need not to pay anything. For self hosted blog you have to buy atleast a domain and web hosting.
  • On free blog your blog is always under the control of free blogging platform. But on Self hosted blogging platform your blog is in your control only.
  • Free blog platform like WordPress put default ads on your blog and you never get paid for that. but on Self Hosted blogs its your choice to put ads and you do it yourself and get paid.
  • Self Hosted Blogs rank higher and work better than free blogging platforms.
I believe this free blog Vs. Self Hosted blog infographic will help you to easily understand the difference between these two. There is no doubt that self hosted blogs make more money than free blogs and also rank higher.

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