September 07, 2017

How to Optimal Cloud Security With SIEM?

Businesses are rapidly moving from in-house to cloud-based IT, or at least to a combination of in-house and cloud, but how can they maximize safety when flying high and enjoying the cost savings and benefits of cloud technology?

How to Enjoy Optimal Cloud Security With SIEM: eAskme
How to Enjoy Optimal Cloud Security With SIEM: eAskme

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SIEM (security information and event management) is the premier cloud security software of our time, combining as it does SIM (security information management) and SEM (security event management) into one integrated whole. The security benefits of SIEM are well agreed upon, although there is an ongoing (and sometimes heated) dispute over the pronunciation of SIEM (silent e, like “sim,” versus silent i, like “sem).

According to cloud SIEM Detroit, a leading SIEM cloud provider nationwide, the benefits of SIEM include the following:

1. Centralized Data:

SIEM software gathers data from multiple sources across your entire IT system and consolidates it.

SIEM then monitors this unified data block from one location, making it far less likely to miss a security event or not notice unusual trends or patterns.

SIEM is the “holistic” approach to cloud data security.

2. Real-time Defense:

SIEM’s value largely stems from its ability to monitor systems and react to threats in real-time or nearly real-time.

Data is gathered, stored in a central repository, analyzed, and reacted to within seconds.

Thus, SIEM lets cyber security personnel take defensive action rapidly.

As cyber-attacks and data breaches can do great damage in seconds, this “speed factor” is a huge benefit.

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And you will be able to view automated alerts on your cloud SIEM dashboard, where they can be presented visually as charts and graphs, and receive alerts via email.

3. Easier Compliance:

With SIEM, data relevant to compliance issues is automatically collected, and reporting can be automated.

This immensely simplifies and speeds up the tasks of compliance managers and makes it much less likely that oversight will leave you exposed to fines or undue legal liabilities.

4. Long-term Storage:

SIEM gathers data for short-term use, but it also stores “historical data” long-term and correlates that data over time.

As a result, it puts you in a good position regarding compliance audits of years past.

Also, gives you the ability to discover data breaches that occurred in the past that have not been detected.

In addition, forensic analysis capabilities can cross-search logs and nodes over a long time, saving you time and effort when conducting an investigation.

5. Customization:

SIEM software correlates data from all sources, from end-user devices to servers to firewalls.

Still, it can build your defense and analysis system based on your pre-created “profile,” which is simply the picture of what your system looks like when operating at “normal.”

The bottom line is that cyber security is the number one concern of businesses moving to the cloud and the number one fear that keeps them away from the cloud.

Still, SIEM systems vastly improve cloud security for small and large businesses alike.

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