February 17, 2021

HTTP Versus HTTPS: Impact of Both in Better SEO!

In the wake of the ongoing pandemic, people have taken to the online front, now more than ever. As they find more ease, convenience, and comfort to purchase their needs from the e-commerce sector, security tends to be a big concern.

HTTP Versus HTTPS: Impact of Both in Better SEO!: eAskme
HTTP Versus HTTPS: Impact of Both in Better SEO!: eAskme

Other people are at: How to Ensure Your Online Privacy in 6 Simple Ways?

On similar tracks, securing your site is crucially important for the health of your business.

Fortunately, getting yourself a Cheap SSL Certificate can save you from a lot of drama and will not cut a huge hole in your pocket.

It is these certificates that have changed the whole game of HTTP vs. HTTPS altogether.

However, you must note that both have their share of impacts on SEO's betterment (Search Engine Optimization).

Here, in the blog, we will be delving into those aspects with a magnified view.
Table of Contents

  1. What is HTTP?
  2. What is HTTPS?
  3. Difference between HTTP vs. HTTPS
  4. SEO and HTTPS – Why are they BFFs?
  5. Google and HTTPS
  6. SSL Certificates
  7. HTTPS and SEO Concerns

What is HTTP?

The term HTTP stands for, Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

Ever since the World Wide Web's birth, HTTP was used to transfer the data from the servers to the browsers, almost with the blink of an eye. It is due to the HTTP; a user can view a web page.

It is also called 'Application Layer Protocol.'

This means that the primary focus is on how the data is displayed to the viewer and transference from point X to point Y.
The only concern with HTTP is the lack of privacy that it presents the user with.

In technical terms, this is called being 'stateless,' as it does not remember anything from the previous web session.

This is a 'pros over cons' thing – you can now have increased speed while surfing through the pages.

What is HTTPS?

Similarly, the term HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure and is like an updated version of the previous term.

The HTTPS job is more or less the same, just with an extra layer of security added to it.

It helps in encrypting the data that flows within a web server to the browser.

Simply put, there are zero chances of your information getting leaked in the midway.

It is in safe hands.

Additionally, it is now impossible for hackers to break into the data and hack into it with the added layer of security. With this, you no longer have to worry about the payment information too.
So, how does HTTPS enhance the security factor?

The credit goes to the SSL Certificates.

They do the dutiful action of adding secure encryption between the browser and the server.

Google pays a lot of attention to the sites that are SSL certified over the ones that are not. Further, having an HTTPS site helps you rank better as well.

Difference between HTTP vs. HTTPS

Difference between HTTP vs. HTTPS: eAskme

While both HTTP and HTTPS are used to transfer information from the webserver to the browser, the only difference that the HTTPS ones embark is using the SSL Certificate, which the former does not use.

Further, they have an additional layer of protection guaranteed by the TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol. This is a stamp of data integrity, which is a must in a secure website.
Aside from this, you will be assured of a site that is well-authenticated.

It is site authentication that lets the users know that the data is going in a direction where it should and does not go out of ropes.

If you have an e-commerce site, it is wiser if you opt for the HTTPS site.

It can help you boost your SEO efforts, too, and deploy every other reason to make your site stand out from the rest.

SEO and HTTPS – Why are they BFFs?

1. Enhances Customer Trust:

Know that your business thrives on the trust of your customer.

The second they see that your site has issues that directly question the trust element, they would not take a backseat from churning away.

The HTTPS enabled websites ensure that the user's private information stays confidential and their browsing record.

When a customer knows that the sites, they visit will not steal away their precious data, it gives them a peace of mind and triggers them to trust your brand more.

This, in a way, helps with revving up the revenue rates and can take your sales section to a sky-high.

2. Valid for AMP:

AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages.

It is no surprise that the fresher generation's people prefer to browse from their smartphones instead of moving around with a bulky desktop.

This means that they want a site that is quick to load and easy to access on a mobile device.

AMP is a miniature version of the HTML and enables your site to load faster and keeps up with the screen resolution when a user browses your site on the phone.

But if you need an AMP page, you must have an HTTPS site.

3. Revs up your Ranking Number:

Google has a thing for the HTTPS enabled sites over the ones that are not.

Switching to the HTTPS can lead to long-term site growth.

Also, one more important factor that a user looks for on a site is the green padlock.

This lock symbol signifies that they are on a secure site and that their data cannot be misused.

In a way, this makes them comfortable to spend more time with you, thereby adding to your site ranking better.

Google and HTTPS

Google's algorithm for ranking a site can be tricky, especially if you are new to the business line.

Data analysis has shown that the HTTPS-enabled sites have more benefits when it comes to getting ranked better.

When a byte of information is sent to an HTTPS site, it is safeguarded by a transport layer security protocol that shows the users' data integrity, data encryption, and data authentication.

This is exactly what Google favors and helps the site come up in the first few pages when searched by a user.

SSL Certificates

In this game of HTTP vs HTTPS, the winner is the one who gets the SSL Certificate faster.

So, what is it?

An SSL Certificate is a block of code on a server that ensures that the communications streamline securely.

Whenever a browser initiates contact with a site, the SSL certificate will deploy a secure, encrypted connection on top of it.
As and when an SSL certificate is requested, a third party will be asked to validate that data, and then on confirming, it will issue a certificate of trust to the user to go ahead with the information.

In technical language, this is denoted as the authentication process.

These days, you can easily get a cheap SSL certificate that would not burn your budget.

If you are on the way to create a site, getting one of these is an absolute necessity and should be avoided at any cost.

HTTPS and SEO Concerns

If you have already decided to make this switch from going HTTP to HTTPS, you need to investigate a couple of things not to lose traffic instantly.

First things first, here are a few dos to consider:

  • Communicate to Google that you have had this rendition from HTTP to HTTPS now.
  • Decide on getting a Wildcard, single, or multi-domain SSL certificate.
  • Index all the pages in the search engine if the need arises.
  • Pick protocol relative URLs for some of the other domains.
  • Use your choice of analytics software and Google's webmaster tool to track your migration as you go from HTTP to HTTPS. If not done right, you might be identified as a fake site altogether.
  • Put 2048-bit key certificates.
  • Do not opt for using the no-index Meta tags.

That's a Wrap.

Suppose you truly value your customers and do not wish to be identified as a fake site.

In that case, it is of high pertinence that you get yourself one of those cheap SSL Certificates and optimize the customer experience with better quality.

Hopefully, this article would have thrown some light on the importance of SEO and how browsing an HTTPS site is a win-win for all.

And for those of you who are on the fence and are thinking about transitioning to an HTTPS one, you must know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the conversion, and you have nothing to lose on the way.

What is your take?

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

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Mr. Kumar

He is the founder of eAskme.com. He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online entrepreneur. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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