October 28, 2018

Meanings of BRB, ASL, LOL, FAQ, TOS etc. for Chatting and Texting

By Sona Mathews
BRB, ASL, ATM, LOL, TC, W8, etc are just a few examples of the best abbreviations of slang words. I have already shared Facebook abbreviations for chatting and texting. Using abbreviations help you to save time when chatting.

Meanings of BRB, ASL, LOL, FAQ, TOS etc. for Chatting and Texting: eAskme
Meanings of BRB, ASL, LOL, FAQ, TOS etc. for Chatting and Texting: eAskme

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Why should you use abbreviations?

Using abbreviations will help you save time and easy to chat with multiple people at the same time. It is an easy and quick way to share the words effectively. These days’ people are looking for more and more short words to use and save time.

I am sharing some of the most popular short forms or short words that you can use online.

Meanings of BRB, ASL, LOL, etc. used in chats

Many times when someone type a short message, you will find it hard to understand what he want to say. This list will help you to find the meaning of popular short words and abbreviations.

List of short words or abbreviations or for you;

A3 Means
Anytime, Anywhere, Anyplace
AAP Means
Always A pleasure
ACK Means
ADD Means
AEAP Means
As early as Possible
AFK Means
Away From Keyboard
AH Means
At Home
AMA Means
Ask me Anything
APP Means
ASAP Means
As Soon As Possible
ASLA Means
ASL Means
ATB Means
All the best
ATM Means
At The Moment
AYS Means
Are you serious?
AZN Means
B4N Means
Bye For Now
B2C Means
Business to Consumer
B2B Means
Business to Business
B2W Means
Back to work
BF Means
B4 Means
BB Means
Be Back
BBL Means
Be Back Later
BBS Means
Be Back Soon
BFF Means
Best friends forever
BBQ Means
BRB Means
Be Right Back
BOL Means
Best of Luck
BRT Means
Be Right There
BR Means
Best regards
BTW means
Bye the way
Blog Means

C4N Means
Ciao for now
CAM Means
CFY Means
Calling for you
CU Means
See you
CYA Means
See you
CM Means
Call me
CRE8 Means
CRB Means
Come right back
CUZ Means
CT Means
Can’t talk
CYO Means
See you online
DC Means
DND Means
Do Not Disturb
DIY Means
Do it yourself
DTS Means
Don’t think so
DUPE Means

EAM Means
ED Means
Erase Display
EOF Means
End of life
EOD Means
End of discussion/end of day
EOM Means
End of message
EOL Means
End of life
EVO Means
EZY Means
FAQ Means
Frequently asked questions
F2F Means
Face to face
FB Means
FFA Means
Free for all
FTL Means
For the loss
FYEO Means

For your eyes only
FTW Means
For the win
FYA Means
For your amusement
FYI Means
For your information
G9 Means
G2G Means
Got to go
GR8 Means
G2CU Means
Good to See You
GTG Means
Good to go
GA Means
Go Ahead
GB Means
Good bye
GM Means
Good Morning
GE Means
Good Evening
GN Means
Good Night
GF Means
GBTW Means
Get back to work
GFU Means
Good for you
GJ Means
Good Job
GL Means
Good Luck
Gratz Means

H8 Means
HAND Means
Have a nice day
HRU Means
How are you
HW Means
HF Means
Have Fun
IB Means
I am back
IC Means
I see
ICU Means
I see you
ILU Means
I love you
IDBI Means
I don’t believe it
IDK Means
I don’t know
IG Means
IM Means
Instant message
IMU Means
I Miss you
J/K Means
Just Kidding
LOL Means
Laughing Out Loud
JLMK Means
Just let me know
k/b Means
KISS Means
Keep it simple stupid
KFY Means
Kiss for you
L8R Means
LD Means
Long Distance
LDR Means
Long Distance Relationship
LI Means
LMK Means
Let me know
LMAO Means
Laugh My A* Off
LOLO Means
Lots of love
LOL Means
Laughing Out Loud
LYSM Means
Love you so much
LTNS Means
Long Time No See
MS Means
M/F Means
Male or Female
M8 Means
MGB Means
May Good Bless
Msg Means
MLM Means
Multi level marketing
MYOB Means
Mind your own business
MMS Means
Multi Media Messaging
N1 Means
Nice one
NE1 Means
NM Means
Never mind
NP Means
No Problem
NW Means
No Way
IC Means
I See
OIC Means
Oh I See
OFC Means
Of Course
OS Means
Operating System
OLL Means
Online Love
OMG Means
Oh My God
OTB Means
Off to bed
OTP Means
On the phone
OYO Means
On your own
P2P Means
Parent to parent/peer to peer/pay to play
PS Means
PLZ Means
PIC Means
PM Means
Private message
PPL Means
PZA Means
QT Means
R8 Means
RIP Means
Rest in peace
RLY Means
RU Means
Are you?
S2S Means
Sorry to say
s2pid Means
SAT Means
Sorry about that
SC Means
Stay cool
SD Means
Sweet Dreams
SEC Means
SEO Means
Search engine optimization
sk8 Means
SH Means
Same here
Some1 Means
SIS Means
Spoz Means
SIT Means
Stay in touch
Sry Means
SM Means
Social media
SS Means
so sorry
SOL Means
Sooner or later
str8 Means
SOT Means
Short of time
SU Means
shut up
SUL Means
See you later
SYS Means
see you soon
SYL Means
See you later
SUP Means
What’s Up
SYS Means
See you soon
SYL Means
See you later
TAU Means
Thinking about u
THX Means
Thank You
TTYL Means
Talk To You Later
TG Means
That’s great
TBL Means
Text back later
TGIF Means
Thank god its Friday
TC Means
Take Care
TOS Means
Terms of service
U Means
UTM Means
You tell me
U4E Means
Yours For Eve
VIP Means
Very important person
WAT Means
WBS Means
Write back soon
WB Means
Welcome Back
WTF Means
What the F*ck
W8 Means

Final Words:

This list will help you find the meaning of BRB, ASl, LOL etc. to make it easy for you to chat with others and understand what others want to say.

Do you know any more short words? If yes, do share via comments.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

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