April 14, 2020

Showcasing Your Listings - A Home for the Seller

As technology continues to dominate the world of business, it is becoming more and more necessary to establish yourself online. This rings true for both businesses and individuals alike, especially if you run yourself like a business.

You need a place for your clients and prospective clients to land on as your home and your hub of information.

As a real estate agent, having an online base for everyone to come to is pivotal and necessary.

Showcasing Your Listings - A Home for the Seller: eAskme
Showcasing Your Listings - A Home for the Seller: eAskme

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Some agents have turned to Facebook and X (Formerly Twitter) to establish their presence among an already present audience of friends and followers.

This is a great idea to start out with, but where do you go when you want to branch out and expand your client base?

All real estate agents should have a website that showcases their listings, offers information about their services, and allows clients to sign up and register for mailing lists.

Building one such website is another beast in and of itself.

Luckily, companies like JustCoded offer high-end real estate agent website design services and will provide you the perfect hub for yourself and your business.

Listing your services

One of the most prominent features you should include on your website should be informed about what you offer.

If a potential client came across one of your advertisements and is visiting your website, chances are they're interested, they simply want to know more about you.

This information should be readily accessible on your website, maybe even your front page.

Show off what you have done through completed and sold homes, have active listings available for people to see, and give a quick bio about you and your services.

Allowing people to get a feel for who you are and what you offer should be the first goal of your website.

Interactive and appealing

The GUI (Graphical User Interface) of your website is what your users will interact with.

If the GUI is unappealing or difficult to navigate, many clients will turn away from your services.

Consumers rate the services they're about to search for based on the usability of their website - if they don't like your website, chances are they won't even get in contact with you.

You'll want a website that is both appealing and able to draw people in once they're there.

Some ideas of interactive features could include a navigation system that takes them through your listings and allows them to see more when they interact.

Having features that draw a crowd will only benefit you and allow more people to see you mean business.

Registration and subscription

This is where the business end of things gets accomplished.

In order to alert your users and prospective clients of future listings and service information, allowing them to subscribe to your email list is pivotal.

This is one of the easiest ways to reach your audience and a website with subscription capabilities will see greater success than one without.

If you still have any question, do share via comments.

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