March 15, 2024

Instagram SEO: How to Multiply Your Content Visibility?

The major focus of every business and individual on Instagram is to increase the number of followers.  Instagram SEO is helping users to boost engagement, reach, and discoverability.

By boosting these, you get more chances to increase the number of Instagram followers.

Instagram SEO: How to Multiply Your Content Visibility: eAskme
Instagram SEO: How to Multiply Your Content Visibility: eAskme

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More followers mean more engagement, and more engagement means more sales.

Instagram SEO is about optimizing your content and profile on Instagram.

Today, I am sharing how you can optimize your Instagram account and content to get free Instagram followers, and free Instagram likes.

Optimize Instagram Profile with Instagram SEO:

According to Instagram, the account also works as a ranking factor in Instagram search.

Your likes play an important role in determining the relevancy of your content.

Optimize following:

Name and Username:

Use the most important keyword in username and name on your Instagram account.

This will improve the chances of displaying your profile more in relevant search results.


Instagram Bio also plays an important role in boosting your profile.

Use keywords in your Instagram profile to make it discoverable so that you can get free Instagram likes.

Optimize Captions:

Write descriptive captions by using keywords.

You should not only use hashtags and location tags but also make the content descriptive. Instagram also shows recommendations based on interactions and interests.

Use descriptive captions with relevant keywords to boost your reach on Instagram.

Use Hashtags:

On Instagram, hashtags work as keywords.

Users can use hashtags to find relevant content and profile on Instagram.

Tagging your posts with relevant hashtags improves reach and helps you gain Instagram followers free.

When using hashtags, don’t overdo it. Only use hashtag density that looks natural with your posts.

Also, learn the best time to post on social media channels.


Do you use Alt text on Instagram?

Instagram allows the users to add all text with each photo they upload.

Make your alt tag descriptive.

Instagram algorithm use alt tags to understand what the image is all about.

To enable alt text for your Instagram photos, you need to;

  • Go to Advanced settings.
  • Click on “Write alt text.”
  • Write alt text to describe your photo.
  • Click on “Save.”


Getting tagged will help you boost reach and discoverability on Instagram.

Encourage people to tag you in their posts. Also, tag others in your posts.

You can run giveaways to make people tag you in more posts.


Track the impact of your SEO strategies.

After optimizing your Instagram account, it is necessary to track what is happening.

It will help you understand if your SEO efforts are heading your Instagram account in the right direction.

If you have a creator profile or business account on Instagram, then you can access comprehensive analytics.


You will see a massive difference between optimized Instagram profiles and profiles without optimization.

Instagram SEO helps you boost discoverability, reach, followers and engagement.

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Man Behind eAskme

Mr. Kumar

He is the founder of He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online entrepreneur. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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