February 28, 2023

How Google Makes Online Shopping Safe? 3 Ways for You!

Google is known for its security and privacy. Regarding online shopping, Google does not let anyone mess with the system.

Google’s safety measures make online shopping easy and safe.

Google uses multiple ways to tell online shoppers can learn if the shopping site or merchant is trustable or not.


How Google Makes Online Shopping Safe? 3 Ways for You!: eAskme
How Google Makes Online Shopping Safe? 3 Ways for You!: eAskme

Here are the 3 ways to find out if a shopping site on Google is safe or not.

Automated Vetting:

Google uses automated vetting processes to ensure consumer safety.

Before a product or merchant list itself on Google, it has to go through a safety process. Google’s shopping graph analyzes the process.

With this system, Google quickly determines whether the business is legitimate or fake.

Google also enforces strict online shopping policies for shopping ads and product listings. You will learn what is acceptable and what merchants should not do. It also explains Google’s online shopping quality standards.

In January 2023, Google refused 100 million products and 300,000 accounts due to quality and policy issues.

Google’s Store badges and Other Visual Cues:

Google also displays store badges to tell if the merchant or store is trustable.

Merchants can only get Google’s trusted store badge if they meet the shopping experience scorecard.

To earn a trusted Store badge for your business, you should sell high-quality products and work on improving customer experience.

A merchant gets the Trusted Store badge based on 4 parameters:

  • Shipping needs
  • Return Costs
  • Shipping costs
  • Return Windows

Automated and Human Review Teams:

Google keeps on monitoring products even when they list on the shopping portal.

This strategy helps Google to avoid any Ponzi sales. Human review teams are also there to review products and give feedback.

Online shoppers can also report fake products to help other buyers.


Google believes in building trust. And this reflects how Google ensures merchants only sell quality products to ensure user safety.

Trusted Badge, automated vetting process, and strict shopping policies ensure that only legit merchants can join the portal.

Google is working hard to avoid fraudulent online shopping activity from its platform.

You should also report suspicious activities to stay safe and improve the online shopping experience.

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