May 07, 2017

Invaluable Blog Writing Tips

By Sonia
In last few years I have discovered my passion of writing, before that I was just a passionate reader. Blogging gave me way to write, express and share what I want to with the world. I just got my start from my first blog post and then I never looked back.

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After writing more than 1800 articles for different blog and websites, I experienced when words just come out from nowhere and some times I was thinking like a blank screen. I started with lots of errors and typos but with the time and experience I have gained skills.

Invaluable Blog Writing Tips : eAskme
Invaluable Blog Writing Tips : eAskme

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Writing is a great way to improve personality and a great tool for self discovery. Write anything that come in your mind, and then you will realize the value of thoughts your mind have everyday. Then manage those thoughts and write valuable articles.

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What I learnt from Writing articles :

After putting my hands in different forms of writing, I found that there is more and more to achieve in writing and improve. There are some fundamental ways to improve writing. So today I will talk about what I have learnt about Blog Writing.

Be a Regular Reader:

I have always been a passionate reader and this habit helped me in understanding and writing various perspectives of writers and authors. Even if i write a long article, I read it few more times daily.

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I always carry my kindle which help me reading on the go. Reading regularly is a habit that not only help you writing but help you get more and more knowledge that can be helpful at any point of time in your life.

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Write Everyday:

When we write and we write daily, this become a challenge. But I try my best to write most valuable content for the reader. I study, manage, plan and then write. It is recommended to blog on daily basis. Writing everyday is a good habit that any blogger must have. You should set a minimum target of writing daily.

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Don`t blog just for Blogging:

If you write daily dosen`t mean that you should publish daily. You should keep some articles in the hand to post when you can`t write. Do not publish anything because you have to publish, write only what you think add value to everyone.

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Plain and Concise:

Now a days when blogging is very easy the quality of content can be questionable. So this time need is to doe plain and concise blogging. Do not use jargon`s as they cannot be easily understandable for your readers. Eliminate that don`t add value to the readers.

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Collective Blogging:

Collective blogging is introduce by easkme. Where you can also get feedbacks for what you write and it also increase your productivity. Once you be a community, you will grab attention of everyone and they expect more and more from you.

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Writing can change lives for better:

We get personal messages from people around the world appreciate our articles. This add happiness to what we do. It also provide self gratification. Felling of a good contribution to the world is a profound feeling. This is a noble job to spread knowledge by writing.

Limitless Opportunities and Challenges:

A great craftsman know that noone can be master of his craft as there is always something new to learn or discover. Blogging regularly is a challenge and also provide opportunities. No matter how good you write, you always want to write something more valuable. The best thing is that there are various forms of writing.

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