December 16, 2014

How to Install WordPress on Hostgator Using QuickInstall

By Sonia
WordPress is a CMS and one of the most popular self hosted blogging platform. It is really easy to start a WordPress blog. Most of the shared hosting offer quick script to install WordPress. Today we will discuss how to install WordPress on hostgator hosting. Hostgator offers different hosting packages. I recommend everyone to choose baby package which is a unlimited hosting package and cost $6.95/month . You can learn more about Hostgator on their official page here

How to install WordPress on Hostagtor:

QuickInstall is the easiest and fastest way to Install WordPress on hosting account. Within minutes you will install WordPress blog.

There are two ways to install WordPress on Hostagtor server.
  •     Manual
  •     Quick Install
We have already talked about WordPress manual installation, so here we will discuss about QuickInstall method on Hostgator to install WordPress. With quickinstall you can start your WordPress site within 5 minutes.
  • Login to your Hostgator web panel. 
  • Under services/Software 
  • Click on QuickInstall.
How to Install WordPress on Hostgator Using QuickInstall : eAskme
  • Select “WordPress’ under blog software category.
How to Install WordPress on Hostgator Using QuickInstall : eAskme
  • Click on continue 
  • Select your domain on which you want to install WordPress blog.
You can choose root directory or sub directory to install wordpress:
  •     Root Directory :
  •     Sub directory :
Hostgator baby plan allow you can to add as many domains as you want and host unlimited websites.

Never use “admin” as username. Make your username and password hard to guess. recheck everything and then hit button Install WordPress.
How to Install WordPress on Hostgator Using QuickInstall : eAskme
How to Install WordPress on Hostgator Using QuickInstall : eAskme

Hostgator WordPress Installation

Within minutes WordPress blog will be installed on Hostgator server. Now you can access your WordPress dashboard via “”.

Add your email to get installation information on your email.

What`s Next ?

Now as you understand installation of WordPress. The next thing is to configure wordpress blog. See following tutorial:

Essential WordPress tutorials After installation:
So this is how you can install Wordpress on Hostgator server. If you have any question, feel free to ask me. don’t forget to subscribe to eAskme Email newsletter for more such WordPress tutorials and updates.

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