February 09, 2015

Interview with Sarah Taher from Muglatte: Journey of a Professional Blogger

Interviews are the great way to know person, his struggle, life journey and achievements. It make all of us strong and also give inspiration to create our own world of happiness.

We have already published Six successful and inspirational interviews in the series of Journey of a Professional Blogger, interviews on EASKME.com. 

Today we are going to publish interview with a professional Blogger, Sarah Taher. 

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Please share about yourself and your story to enter in blogging? 

I am 28 years old mother of three kids. In the beginning of 2014 I felt the urge to do something different to help the community and improve people lives around me. I kept searching for what it could be this thing until it just came clear to me that I should presume my old passion for writing! I love to write. I used to write poems back in high school and I once made a student magazine but since I joined faculty of Engineering I couldn't resume much of my hobbies so it was just about time to start once again doing what I love. I decided to start an online women magazine in Arabic focusing on every aspect of a woman's life and targeting the improvement of women's quality of life. I also decided to make it a hub where women can contribute and write about their personal experiences with everything whether it is marriage or parenting or even share their special cooking recipes. Muglatte is a start-up and we are almost one year old now.

How the idea to make your own blog came in your mind? How you found the right people to develop it and what big obstacles you faced? 

Ever since I was young... I wanted to change the world!
I still remember the time back when I was in high school when my mum handed me this book and it had this piece of writing that I remember till the moment

When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world.

I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation.

When I found I couldn't change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn't change the town and as an older man, I tried to change my family.

Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, and suddenly I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world.

Author: Unknown Monk 1100 A.D.

So, first thing was the motivation to do something to help the community. I'm the admin for a Facebook group for a community of more than 14k mothers that was launched back in 2011, and although of the success of the group, I felt that this was not enough for me. So, I kept searching, reading and talking to friends to find what could be the community influencer.

so I finally after some research came to the idea for an online magazine for women in Arabic that gives space for women themselves to contribute and write about themselves and share their knowledge and experience together. Also I found that the Arabic content is not fully developed yet so I put in mind to always add to the Arabic content new value.

What are your favorite internet marketing tools? 

Definitely! Blogging has an influence on people more than we think! You are passing around ideas, knowledge and experience to others who might be less privileged in having enough education or even time to improve themselves. Also I believe so much in sharing personal experience because there is nothing like! In Arabic there is a saying that says ask someone who have tried a medicine and don't ask your doctor!!! Although it is not the right thing to do when you get ill but the meaning in other life situation applies. Sometimes if you ask your grandmother for a recipe or advice this is all what you need.

Facebook pages and Facebook groups are great to market your brand. People spend so much time on Facebook and will consume a lot of the information you provide. Social media in general and I advise everyone in the beginning to have an account on different social media platforms but if you are in the beginning don't divide your effort between them just focus on one platform you think you can manage very well. In addition, I believe in search engine optimization so much if you rank on the first page this is all the marketing you need. 

What is your daily schedule? and how do you maintain your tasks? 

Since I am a mother of three kids one of them is under two work is very hard and my schedule is so tight. I prefer to work few hours in the morning before 12.pm and late in the night. Sometimes of course there are days that I cannot do this but this is the schedule I put for myself. I use traditional ways to maintain my tasks like the every lasting classical paper and pen. In addition I used Wunderlist mobile application for a while I would recommend it for anyone who wants an easy to use portable check list on his/her mobile phone. But right now I use Google spread sheets.

Blogging have different definition for different person. What is it for you?

Blogging for me is about choosing the right idea and the right points you want to discuss and putting them in the best words. And every-step of this is hard. You can definitely write anything but for me blogging is about creating quality content. It is said that content is king and I believe so is the process of blogging itself. You have to realize that you are changing people's lives one post at a time. Even if few people read your posts they may transfer this knowledge through their actions and discussions in real life.

In other words it can be said as:

A word is dead when it is said some say,
I say it just begins to live that day - Emily Dickinson

Which are your favorite blogs? 

I don't favorite a certain blog in general I like to check anything that comes cross my way. I am a big fan of some great websites though like mindbodygreen.com and WebMD. In Arabic I check different websites from time to time specially my competitors'. In addition I keep track of what's new with RSS.

How much time do you spend on social media promotion and SEO of your blog? 

At least half of the time I dedicate to work is spent towards Social Media Marketing and Search Engine Optimization. They are very important and very effective and a blog is nothing if it doesn't get enough traffic. I have to admit I started late on both of those but it is never too late and of course some of the time is also dedicated to learning more about them it is not all about implementation you have to keep learning.

How much time do you spend for blogging daily?

Minimum two to three hours. Of course this is not always enough but sometimes this is all what I have! Blogging is not only about opening your word document and start typing there is time spent on brainstorming reading and background research for the topic and finding a good topic that the users are interested about in the first place.

Message for Readers:

Many people don't like to read and that is forcing us to reduce the size of posts. So I tell my readers if you don't like to read or if you just want a quick small post you are definitely missing out a lot of things. A lot of effort is spent on writing quality informative posts and I recommend that users have more patience and try out more lengthy content, life cannot be like twitter.

It was a great interview with Sarah Taher. I also wish her best of luck and bright future. Her journey as a blogger is a an inspiration. If you are woman and you think that you can`t do blogging, think again. A woman is most powerful personality on earth. So if you still waiting to start a blog, I must say you should start it right now.

If you want me to Publish your interview, feel free to contact me.

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