September 25, 2015

3 Best Practices To Follow Before You Write for eAskme

eAskme has grown as a fastest growing blog in the field of the Affiliate marketing, Blogging and Technology niche.

You may have seen many big fishes already crowded in the pond of this competitive niche.

The man who have created this blog with;
He is the person who dream about to make the blogging as a great and robust career choice in his country.

Without holding you more in the puzzle, let’s break the name, he is none other than your beloved or friend Gaurav Kumar.

He built eAskme as fastest growing blog to help eAskers.

Here comes the best part for other bloggers that eAskme also accepts quality guest posts under certain conditions.

Today, I am covering the remarkable three things you should follow to get approved your very first guest post from eAskme.

3 Best Practices To Follow Before You Write for eAskme
3 Best Practices To Follow Before You Write for eAskme
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Many of the blogosphere member and freelancers say that guest blogging can be a sluggish way of successful link building.
But according to Gaurav, guest blogging for backlinks can be worst.

He always recommends and says that blog with passion and still engage in building your community and audience and community for your blog.
You always need to create an audience of the same interest for your blog.
Backlinks are only to make your stable in SERP and rank higher in Google.

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I have read several articles written by Gaurav Kumar; now I concluded that he loves in-depth, high-quality content.

I also agree with him when he says that only Quality+detailed content make you gain loyal followers and attract readers.

It also helps you to make your blog brand.

He is the true believer of Content Marketing, that is the reason which makes him produce pillar articles with the best content on the regular basis.

He always suggests some key point for the bloggers who like to write for eAskme.

Here are the Three PRINCIPLES to Remember Before You start Writing for eAskme. If you think content is not the king you probably go wrong, actually, “Only High-Quality Content is the King”.

Since eAskme is an authority blog, so we expect you to maintain the quality that reflects that tone and quality and tone of eAskme.

Everyone knows that “Content is the king” and quality + detailed articles play crucial roles to make your articles go viral.

You just need to dig deeper into the topic and express your thoughts with examples interestingly and uniquely.

See : 7 ways to get high quality backlinks

If you want to write guest posts on eAskme, then you should write in a conversational tone to make it part of other articles on eAskme.

Do not just think about presenting yourself when you write an article, always remember that you represent the whole eAskme blog community with a huge audience.

You should do the best or hire a professional freelancer.

It is recommended that you should go through the blog posts related to your topic before writing an article for readers.

The quality of the content is one thing among the hallmarks of PRINCIPLES, to get you the approval of guest posts on eAskme.

Gaurav has made prohibition for any low-quality articles in eAskme for the sake of readers (eAskers), cute animals and followers.

If you are confused, right, let me explain it for you.

Imagine that you have incomplete content, how can you solve readers problem?

Such articles are annoying to loyal readers, and they quit visiting leave your blog.

It also not suitable for search traffic and readers engagement.

This may decrease the popularity of your blog.

When we say Cute animals, that means we are referring Hummingbird, Penguin, Google Panda and other such Google Algorithm updates.

You should know that Google Panda hunts for the low-quality contents even from reputed blogs.

Due to spam links, low-quality guest posts blogs usually lately.

Google Panda may ruin your blog if you do not follow Google panda recovery techniques.

So Gaurav always pays attention while accepting guest posts from bloggers around the world.

See : Tips to Attract reader to Your Blog

Remember, Google honor your content if it is user-friendly and slap it if it annoys your readers. There are reasons why you should focus on your readers more than search engines as this makes them happy. Now you may ask, how will Google know if your readers are happy or not.

Remember few things before submitting guest posts:
  •     Make sure you have not copied the content, write unique.
  •     Proofread your articles before submitting.
  •     Link to related posts, do strong interlinking. Always Link to high authority sites such as Wikipedia, Masahble.etc. Work for high quality outbound link SEO.
  •     Use Grammarly for professional proofreading.
Giveaway: There was the time when only content was the king, but now only “High-Quality content is the King “. Focus on quality throughout the article. Express your ideas and realistic thoughts to express your point of view, which make sense and make your content get more social shares and backlinks. Always keep the balance between the search engine and reader views for your articles.

See : Get More Blog Readers and Keep Them

Be Loyal and Regular Reader

Being a loyal reader is also the key to show your commitment to the content of eAskme.

You should write content by keeping the focus on readers of eAskme (eAskers).

Write your content as per your conversational tone.

To know what audience love on eAskme, you should be the regular reader of this blog.

When you read eAskme posts, you will see the actual writing style.

Interactive writing is always the key to success in blogging, according to Gaurav.

Write in a confident tone and active voice to make the article more engaging.

Do as mentioned below:
  •     First subscribe to the mailing lists of the eAskme.
  •     Subscribe/follow popular social channels of eAskme.
  •     Engage yourself with admin by leaving comments.
  •     Be a well-wisher and loyal reader!
Giveaway: Even if you are not going to write for eAskme, never stop reading, as it will be your helping hand whenever you need it.

Patience Always Pays!

Patience is the key to success in blogging.

Only patience, commitment and dedication to serving with the best make your blogging as a full-time career.

Noone gets success in just one click.

You are creating a blog, writing random articles or bombarding with Google AdSense not going to make you anything.

You need to write quality contents, engage in social networks, build useful links, do self-branding, create blog community and so much more to get your target.

When it comes to blogging, patience helps you to make money from a blog.

If you lack patience, you will quit blogging.

See : Optimize Post title For Search Engines and for Readers and Search Engines

Why I am saying this? because never get setback even if your guest post gets rejected. You can improve and resubmit again.

Never just "Do or Die". Gaurav have another saying "Do before you die“.

Giveaway: It took 2+ year for Gaurav to make eAskme a reputable blog.

Final Words:

Writing for a high-quality blog like eAskme is a dream for the majority of pro-bloggers, I also dreamt.

But how can guest post get accepted if your article does not meet the criteria for eAskme guest blogging?

Always put yourself in the shoe of admin, and you will realize that you also never like any low-quality article.

We look for quality writers with high-quality posts.

Write for eAskme

If you have the skill of expressing peculiarly and a unique idea, then you are on the right blog to submit and share your thoughts with the audience worldwide.

I hope I have made it clear for yours.
Follow these 3 best practices to follow before you write for eAskme.
Let me know what you have learned from the Gaurav Kumar? Or from eAskme? Feel free to leave a comment below.
If you still have any question, feel free to ask me.

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