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January 29, 2016

Interview with Daniel Ndukwu (Founder of The Experiment) : Journey of a Professional Blogger

Today I am going to introduce you with one more power blogger Interview with Daniel Ndukwu. Interviews are the great way to know person, his struggle, life journey and achievements. It make all of us strong and also give inspiration to create our own world of happiness.
This is the 28nd edition of powerful, successful and inspirational interviews in the series of Journey of a Professional Blogger, interviews on EASKME.com.
  1. Interview with Priya Florence Shah
  2. Interview with Irina Weber
  3. Interview with Christopher Jan Benitez
  4. Interview with Cendrine Marrouat
  5. Interview with Dana Sibilsky
  6. Interview with Rene Rude
  7. Interview with Anum Yoon
  8. Interview with Okiemute Omuta
  9. Interview with Kristin
  10. Interview with Priya Sharma
  11. Interview with Lukasz Zelezny
  12. Interview with Angela Alcorn
  13. Interview with Vinton Samms
  14. Interview with Leticia Perez
  15. Interview with Jennifer Peaslee
  16. Interview with Kari
  17. Interview with Deborah
  18. Interview with David Leonhardt
  19. Interview with Marisa Sanfilippo
  20. Interview with Sasidhar Kareti
  21. Interview with Romano
  22. Interview with Steve Counsell
  23. Interview with Alex Young
  24. Interview with Paul Manwaring
  25. Interview with Sef
  26. Interview with Maxwell Ivey
  27. Interview with Sarah Taher
Today we are going to publish interview with a professional Blogger, Interview with Daniel Ndukwu iaexperiment.
Interview with Daniel Ndukwu (Founder of The Experiment)  : Journey of a Professional Blogger : eAskme
Interview with Daniel Ndukwu (Founder of The Experiment)  : Journey of a Professional Blogger : eAskme
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Q. Please share about yourself and your story to enter in blogging?

Ans: Blogging was something I started as a way to pass the time and see if it was a better alternative to affiliate marketing using paid alternatives.

I was tired of paying for every conversion and PPC costs were getting too high as more and more competitors started to jump on the bandwagon.

I started off by creating micro niche sites and pumping them full of links (this was in the days before Google decided to hit us will a million and one updates.) It paid me a few dollars every month but when you start adding that up across multiple sites, you have a winner on your hands.
I have blogged in the personal development space.

I've created men's sites, and I've even gotten pretty lucrative ghost writing deals because people like my conversational style and need help building their own unique voice.

More recently, I've started a marketing blog where I focus om helping my fellow entrepreneurs solve challenges they face when trying to break into crowded markets. The emphasis is on unconventional practices rather that best practices. It's been a learning experience for me and Im still learning, but I seem to only get better with practice Both wins, losses, and everything in  between

Q. Can blogging really change someone`s life?

Ans: Blogging is what you make of it. It's just like asking can starting your own business change your life? Yes, of course it can but you have to put in the time, energy, and upfront investment to make it work for you.

You can't just jump in and start blogging about whatever comes to your mind. There should be a purpose to the madness. If you're passionate about wine then write about wine. If you love shoes then write about shoes. The more your passion comes through in what you do the more results you'll see from blogging each and every day.

Q.  What are your favorite Internet marketing tools?

Ans: My favorite internet marketing tools.

I use a lot of them in my arsenal and my daily workflow, but my favorite ones are.



Skype (not actually for internet marketing, but indispensable)

Moz open Site Explorer


Buzz Sumo




Google Docs


I can keep going but, these are at the top of the list.

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Q. What is your daily schedule? And how do you maintain your tasks?

Ans: My daily schedule is pretty hectic. I'm currently doing a one-year medical mission (I went to school and got a pharmacy degree and yes, it's free work) so I wake up at about six thirty and get ready for work by eight.

By three o'clock I finish with my mission and I jump on my computer.

I usually check on my blog to make sure everything is running smoothly, then I get a bead on what's going on through my social media profiles.

Then I work in 25-minute bursts called pomodoro's I break for five minutes then get back to work. I usually do that until about 8 or 9PM then I shut off my computer and interact with the world around me.

Q. Which are your favorite blogs?

Ans: I don't really have favorite blogs because I like to visit many blogs and keep leanring new things and seeing new perspectives. If I just had one favorite blog then I would be missing out on the wealth of diversity available on the internet.

There is no single grouping of my favorite, but there are a few I visit a little more often than others.
Twitter, Medium, Reddit, StumbleUpon.

I know these aren't traditional blogs, but they're almost the same thing to me. It's where people congregate,interact, and share information. What else is a blog really?

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Q.  How much time do you spend on social media promotion and SEO of your blog?

Ans: Social media 15 minutes a day three to four days a week. If you don't consciously ration your time like that, you're going to wind up losing huge chunks of your day.

SEO: This one is a bit trickier. SEO has changed dramatically over the last few years. what was once considered something else is now considered SEO such as outreach and the rest. So I would say I spend anywhere from 1-2 hours a day on SEO across my different sites.

I have a team that takes much of the burden off of me and I'm grateful for that.

Q. How much time do you spend for blogging daily?

Ans: Actually putting words on paper? just a few minutes. Researching and getting my thoughts organized before putting the thoughts on paper? about 1-2 hours.

A well developed and coherent post is more than just writing your thoughts. It's about researching.
It's about reaching out to people who are in a good position to contribute, it's about adding value in your own unique way, and it's doing the best damn job you can every time.

Q.  Finally, I would love to have your message for my readers and any suggestions for newbies?

Ans: If you want to start a blog on whatever topic, start with a very deliberate goal in mind. If you want to use blogging to attract new clients for your business then optimize your blog just for that.

Pay attention to your design and if it looks out of place or odd to you then it looks even worse to your readers.

Do your research, move around on social media, forums, and check out your competitors sites to understand what's working and what you can truly add to the conversation.

Don`t forget to share about  Interview with Daniel Ndukwu on your social profiles. If you want me to Publish your  interview, feel free to contact me.

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