November 06, 2020

Ways to Cultivate a Warm Connection with Your Audience through Social Media

Connecting your brand with emotion is one of the best ways to make your digital marketing campaign succeed and resonate with your target audience.

Studies have shown that most consumers make most of their decisions to buy a product or service based on their emotional responses rather than rational.

Ways to Cultivate a Warm Connection with Your Audience through Social Media: eAskme
Ways to Cultivate a Warm Connection with Your Audience through Social Media: eAskme

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The world of social media opens up the opportunity for you to target people and evoke warm feelings by sharing images, links, and videos, all of which can help your brand build a stronger bond with consumers on social media.

The type of content you share with your followers on social media matters a lot because if it creates the right kind of emotions and increases engagement, more people will share your content, raising your brand recognition and awareness.

If your content hasn't converted the way, you want it to, evoking some emotions could make all the difference.

Here are ways you can evoke warm feelings with your brand on social media.

Tell Your Brand Story:

Tell Your Brand Story: eAskme

Telling a good story will keep your followers engaged. Storytelling is a simple yet effective tool for grabbing your audience's attention and getting your consumers emotionally invested in your content.

People want to know what is next in your story, especially if they can identify with the plot.

For example, you can tell your followers how your business started, what kind of challenges you have overcome, and how you are working towards improving your brand.

If you have videos to share even better, it creates authenticity with your brand. If you have videos from when you started your business on DVD, digitize your discs and share your audience's stories on social media.

Stories about the clients you have done business with can also be an effective way to connect with your target audience.

A great example is by using case studies.

This helps show how your business has helped others. Telling your audience stories about your business can increase your likeability, and people will associate with your brand.

Make your audience feel special.

Ways to Cultivate a Warm Connection with Your Audience through Social Media: eAskme

The desire for consumers to feel special usually influences a lot of their purchasing decisions. From gadgets, cars, clothes, consumers often buy things to feel superior and unique to other people.

You can use this drive to your advantage and build a strong image for your brand on social media.

You can do this by creating content that paints a specific picture of your products or services in their distinctive, high quality, and exclusive nature.


People love exclusivity, so ensure that you give your audience something they can't find anywhere else.

They will gradually gravitate toward your brand and spread the word about your brand.

Represent your current consumers as people your audience would want to imitate or can identify with.

Customer spotlights, product demos, giveaways are all excellent ways of doing this.

Highlight Volunteer Work:

Another excellent idea is to highlight any volunteer work your company has done, especially this time of the coronavirus pandemic.

You can give out a helping hand to your followers and consumers, make them feel special, loved, and cared for. It's always awesome to see organizations dedicated to the betterment of their people.

Your audience will see that your business is built with real people, and it has a face and personality that they can relate and engage with.

Be Active and Consistent

Be active and consistent in responding to messages and comments on your social media platforms.

The biggest key to social media management and evoking warm feelings towards your brand is by building long-term and meaningful relationships with your audience.

Hacking and creating viral content isn't going to cut it anymore.

Audiences crave interactive and responsive conversations that they know will make a difference.

If done well, it can lead to a ripple effect, increasing your post's organic reach and visibility on news feeds, leading to high engagements and more interactions.

Although most companies have adopted digital marketing on social media, their engagement efforts are generally very low.

Social media care is one of the most effective forms of interacting with consumers.

This means that as a brand if you don't respond to comments or messages, your audience will see that as a cold approach to their issues, and concerns and they will feel like you don't care about them.

Respond consistently and quickly

Respond consistently and quickly to many comments and messages as possible and never use "copy-paste" responses.

Standard answers may be acceptable to private messages but won't look flattering when pasted one after another on public comments.

Create a feeling of belonging

Most people need to feel accepted, wanted, and important. Creating content that makes your audience feel good and a part of an essential in-group or cause can be very useful.

If you want to make your target audience feel like they are part of your brand, do it by presenting your brand as a lifestyle or club instead of just a business.

For example, Apple has a great emotional and social component when it comes to advertising their products. Some people associate using Apple's products as almost part of their identity.

They make people feel like they belong to a unique group of people, and it has worked on marketing their products.

Your organization may not have the same reach and funds as Apple when marketing on social media.

But you can use their example and do something similar but on a smaller scale by creating a solid brand image and nurturing a sense of exclusivity with your products or services.

Your audience will be proud to be associated with your brand, and they will spread your brand message, creating brand awareness, and more sales.  


Evoking feelings of happiness, warmth, and a sense of belonging is the key to creating unique and compelling content.

Such content will generate more interactions and engagement with your audience on social media.

People want to engage and interact with brands that are real and offer something unique.

Use the above tips on how to evoke warm feelings with your brand on social media. 

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