May 20, 2021

How to Write a Good Essay in High School

The demand on high school students to produce top-notch essays is ever-high today. They have to understand the topic, conduct research, and express their thoughts.

And with easy access to unlimited online resources, no high school student should be submitting poor essays.

How to Write a Good Essay in High School: eAskme
How to Write a Good Essay in High School: eAskme

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But how can they get the best of these resources to write high-scoring essays?

This article shares proven tips to guide you on how to write a good essay in high school.

Beyond excellent school grades, this will help you gain a better understanding of essay writing concepts.

8 Tips on How to Write a Good Essay in High School

Students need to brace up for the challenges that high school education brings, especially in essay writing.

Here are writing tips to jazz up your high school essay!

1. Create an Essay Plan

Writing a good essay is like taking on a journey: you need a clear plan to take you where you are going. This planning usually starts by discerning the essay topic.

For example, before writing an expository essay, you need to start by brainstorming and highlighting points relevant to the essay topic.

From the information gathered, you can create an essay outline before you start writing.

This outline will give your essay a comprehensive and coherent structure.

2. Generate a Thesis Statement

Every good essay needs a central statement that coordinates the entire piece.

This statement highlights your paper's focus. Therefore, make the thesis clear and concise, especially for a cause effect essay.

3. Conduct Relevant Research

Creating an essay plan and writing your thesis statement will keep your research relevant to your essay writing.

Spend time gathering information and substantial evidence to support your claims.

Afterward, arrange all the qualitative vs quantitative data you discover for further analysis.

During your research, you need to establish relationships between different segments of your work.

This will help you organize them to develop the main body of your essay.

But since this is a high school essay, you may not need to conduct extensive research and experiments.

You can access relevant information in scholarly articles or the school library.

Ensure that your research findings are relevant to your essay.

4. Arrange Your Points Into Paragraphs

High school essays usually follow a 5-paragraph structure, including an introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs, and the conclusion.

Since you have obtained the information required to write the paper, it will be easier to break them down into sections.

Each paragraph should contain only one main idea and start with a topic sentence.

You should also include supporting evidence to bolster the main point.

And most importantly, organize your body paragraphs to create a seamless flow throughout the essay.

5. Begin With a Catchy Hook

Writing essay hooks is a vital aspect of writing excellent essays in high school. This technique is a perfect way to invite the reader to check out your work.

Therefore, you should begin with a relevant quote, statistic, or even a question.

Whichever opening you choose, make sure it is sharp enough to draw attention.

Besides, don't start your essay with a quote or statistic that is unrelated to the topic.

Double-check to confirm that the facts you select are accurate and valid.

6. Write Your Paragraphs

Begin each paragraph by stating its main idea in the topic sentence.

Consolidate the body paragraphs of your essay using research information, reference articles, examples, and supporting evidence.

However, don't use filler words to take up space in the body paragraphs. Instead, conduct better research to find out more information for your writing.

And most importantly, add in-text citations for borrowed knowledge.

7. Edit, Reread and Revise

After writing, you'll most likely end up with a first draft that will need some fine-tuning to get the essay going.

Don't rush to proofread: step away from your workspace and come back later to the paper with fresh eyes.

But if you are in an exam, you need to proofread immediately after writing your essay.

When editing, check for grammatical errors, restructure the paragraphs, and crosscheck the information in the text. You can also read the final draft aloud to hear how it sounds.

8. Practice More

Like every other activity, you can become better at essay writing by writing more essays!

Don't wait for history assignments or English tests to write an essay; practice as much as possible during your free time.

Moreover, you can consult past questions and select relevant essay prompts to study and write on your own.

You can also show your teacher the written essays for assessment.

Most teachers would be thrilled to read an unsolicited paper from their students!


Essay writing might appear twice as hard for high school students.

But with these tips, you can now write outstanding essays in high school and get excellent grades!

Don't forget to start with a plan when working on your papers.

And once the final draft is complete, proofread and get rid of errors.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

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