November 28, 2017

5 Big Content Marketing Strategy Trends to Know This Year

By Sona Mathews
Are you a content marketer who is looking for a strategy to be successful?

Do you think that by just creating content you can attract traffic?

You need to understand one basic thing that no one will visit your blog until you know about what you have created.

Always focus on these three things when creating content:
  1. Target Audience

  2. Objectives of your business

  3. How you promote your content
5 Big Content Marketing Strategy Trends to Know This Year: eAskme

Today I will share with you the result of a content marketing survey conducted on over 300 marketers at various US businesses. Clutch has conducted this survey. The result provides reviews and research on marketing and advertising agencies also other firms.

1) Brand story: priority of Content:

When it comes to blogging business or an online business brand story is the most important thing. Survey result shows that 18% marketers are agreed with this. Other than this there are some other important factors are:
  • Mission Statement

  • Content types

  • Metrics

  • Audience personas
5 Big Content Marketing Strategy Trends to Know This Year: eAskme

It is a surprise to see such a low personas, that most of the people think as top priorities of an online business to create a powerful consumer focused strategy.  So focus on understanding your users/readers and create quality content that satisfies their expectations, desires, needs, concerns, and interest.

Check out eAskme post for more tips and ideas:

2) Brand Awareness: Always the top Goal

According to the survey, 49% companies are focused on Brand Awareness, including me also. Only 30% businesses count high search engine ranking as the top priority and only 21% consider lead generation as the top goal.

5 Big Content Marketing Strategy Trends to Know This Year: eAskme

I always say that focus on your goal when creating content for your blog or site. You may be focused on organic traffic, social media engagement or high conversion, always focus on your goal and write accordingly. This will make thing easy for you.

Check out eAskme post for more tips and ideas:

3) Research original data: the most effective content format

18% content marketers consider original data and research as the best content type. It got the first place in content marketers survey. 

Some other content formats are:
  • Videos

  • Blog posts

  • Product reviews

  • Infographics
5 Big Content Marketing Strategy Trends to Know This Year: eAskme

Since last year infographics are hot trend of visual content marketing. Infographics are the best way to present information and original data. 

Check out these eAskme posts for more tips and Ideas:

4) Sales: The Top Success Metric:

32% content marketers agreed that sale is the top success metric. They always focus on how many people actually buy their stuff. 

Content Marketers also focused on:
  • Tracking consumption such as page views, downloads

  • Lead generation

  • Social sharing
5 Big Content Marketing Strategy Trends to Know This Year: eAskme

The best way to find out how to achieve your goals is to set tracking and goal metrics. If you think content marketing is just waste of time, then you need to think again.

Check out eAskme posts for more tips and ideas:

5) Paid Promotion: Top Content promotion

71% marketers trust paid advertising more than anything else. They do pay to advertise on social media and also use native ads. 

Some other top ways of promotions are:
  • Events

  • Traditional marketing

  • Social media posts

  • Email marketing

5 Big Content Marketing Strategy Trends to Know This Year: eAskme

Remember: Even the best thing can`t attract a single buyer if not promoted.

Focus more on distribution than content creation. If you can`t go for paid advertisement then optimize your content for more social media shares and to attract influencers.

So you see, these are the 5 big content marketing strategy trends that you should know to improve your marketing.

What is your content marketing strategy? What do you do to improve your bussiness?

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

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