April 05, 2015

SEO Checklist For Every Blogger

SEO is an importance factor of blogging. When you plan SEO strategy for your blog you need to focus on many things. There is no fix methodology for search engine optimization but below factors surely help your blog to get high search engine ranking. SEO strategy also helpful for your blog to get organic traffic for your blog.

SEO is a bigger topic than people usually think it is. If you are doing SEO then you should have an SEO checklist to optimize your site well. It can be confusing to create a SEO checklist so here I am showing my SEO checklist so you can check your site.

SEO Checklist : eAskme
SEO Checklist For Every Blogger : eAskme
Other people are reading : 5 Smart and Quick Ways to Promote Old Posts from Your Blog

EASKME has covered easy and practical tips for SEO factors which effects search engines ranking of your blog. We cover all SEO tips. If you miss something on EASKME than check this post

SEO Checklist:

This list include many things that you should know and many things that you should follow.I tried to cover most, but do suggest if I miss something.


Make sure that you target keywords on every post and monitor performance of all your pages. There are so many tracking websites available online to track your keyword and site status. Now let`s see:

Link Building:


  • Quality content
  • Duplicate content

Meta Tags:


  • Google Sitemap 
  • Permalinks 
  • Ping Services   
  • Redirections   



    SEMRUSh Review 

These are the few important aspect of SEO which I have mentioned in this SEO checklist that everyone should follow.  There are no shortcuts to get high rank in search engines, So I recommend you to use good ways to improve your ranking. Do share your own SEO checklist for your blogs.

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Man Behind eAskme

Mr. Kumar

He is the founder of eAskme.com. He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online entrepreneur. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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