June 13, 2015

6 important Questions to Ask Yourself about Inbound Call Center Software Solutions

By Sonia
Its been a long time since we talked about any career opportunity, don't worry. We are here back again with Inbound Call Center Software Solutions.
Six important Questions to Ask Yourself about Inbound Call Center Software Solutions : eAskme
6 important Questions to Ask Yourself about Inbound Call Center Software Solutions : eAskme
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6 important Questions to Ask Yourself about Inbound Call Center Software Solutions

Do you run an inbound call center?

And has the thought crossed your mind that the call center software solutions might not be keeping pace with the changing needs of your customers?
And are you sure if it’s the right time to leverage a more robust call center software solution with the functionality of getting the job done in the right manner?

Given here are 10 important questions you need to ask yourself about your inbound call center software solutions helping to evaluate whether they adequately meet the needs and requirements of your team or not.

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Is your call center offering relevant caller information to the agents in real time?

To effectively continue interacting with the callers, call center agents must be armed with contextual information about the caller.

They should not have to dig through pages of notes or multiple applications to do so.

Progressive call center solutions would need to provide comprehensive caller data in the browser of your call center agent as they have routed the call.

This allows them to optimize their approach of interacting with the callers with little to no time preparation.

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Does your call center software integrate with the business tools we use the most?

Accessing the real-time information is one of the most important things when it comes to inbound marketing, and imagine how effective would your agents be if they have been given access to the entire information of the callers' history, the phone interactions they have had, support tickets of the issues faced, emails they have sent, chats, orders, etc. from one interface.

The call centers software with your business tools integrations would provide a 360-degree view of the caller in one interface.

This would allow the agents to develop a solid understanding of why the customers have been calling to more effectively and efficiently meet their needs and requirements.

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Is your team able to access the call center from anytime anywhere?

If your team cannot access your call center while at home, it’s the right time you make a move.

Progressive call centers software solutions are browsed based, thus all the teams would need to use them having a computer and Internet connection.

This helps them afford the team the flexibility they need to stay connected no matter where they are located.

Is our call center software solution making training simple?

Learning to deal with your call center software solutions does not play a large role in the training process.

So if your agents can’t learn how to use the software in about 10 minutes, demonstrating the proficiency within the first day, then it’s high time that you upgrade.

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Is the call center software facilitating collaboration among the team members?

Agents generally working in a call center do not do so in isolation.

Make sure that your call center software solutions would provide them with the tools they need to collaborate with their colleagues at great ease.

They should be given access to the functionalities like warm transfers, call conferencing, agent-to-agent call, voice mail assignments to work together and provide optimal experiences.

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Do the agents have an access to the reporting functionality in order to make data driven decisions?

Empowering the agents with real-time data and encouraging them to make an informed decision could positively impact the KPO that, is imperative enough in running an inbound call center.

If your call center software solution does not provide you with data about the service level, waiting time, abandonment time, and calls in queue, it might be missing the mark.


To conclude, if your current call center software solution does not seem to keep pace with you and your organization, then it’s right time you switch to another.

Ask yourself these 6 above questions, and if the answers to these questions would lead you to make a switch, then it’s right time you start today.

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