May 05, 2020

How To Write An Effective Email Copy That Converts?

Email copy that converts is nowadays used in marketing; it is an important tool as marketers and business people can just get in touch with prospect clients through their emails. “A copy that converts needs effort and proper planning to be effective, just like a cover letter”, says Laura Garbers, a professional cover letter writer and a career coach from the resume service.

How To Write An Effective Email Copy That Converts: eAskme
How To Write An Effective Email Copy That Converts: eAskme

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A well-written email copy should be able to convey the message in an appropriate way.

The techniques one can use to write such a copy can be divided into four main categories.
  1. Generating ideas for your email
  2. Researching the message and how you want to convey it.
  3. Writing the email itself
  4. Marketing the written email

1. Generate Ideas for How to Write Your Email

Generate Ideas for How to Write Your Email: eAskme

Generating ideas is as important as writing the copy itself.

No matter how good you may write your email, if your ideas are not good enough, your target audience will not be impressed with your copy.

Marketers should be able to understand the market and come up with the right idea to sell to their audience.

Ideas are just right there in the market! Look at what you have, who needs it, and how to make people want it.

Make a strategy to provide the information to your target and make them feel that they have found what they needed.

Somehow, you may need to be ‘jumpstarted’ to know your ideas. That should not worry you since there are numerous ideas online.

These ideas will give you the ground and guidelines on how to analyze and present your idea to the market.

Today, there are online platforms that can help you come up with an excellent idea for your email and that can help you to know how to write it.

All you need to do is contact them!

2. Researching On the Message and How You Want to Convey It

Researching On the Message and How You Want to Convey It: eAskme

Before you consider writing an effective copy, you should be familiar with the topic you seek to address.

In other instances, you might be well-endowed with details about your topic but still, fail to write an email copy that converts.

This may be as a result of failure to understand the target market.

Research helps you understand your audience, and hence present your idea in a manner that will appeal to your target audience.

So, how do you conduct research on your topic?

What are you supposed to look for?

Internet searches can provide you with adequate information to guide you in coming up with the best email.

For instance, if you search on Google about how to come up with an effective email copy that converts, you will find informative websites as shown below.

From the search result shown above, you can borrow a leaf from those sites as they have multiple user acknowledgment.

For instance:
  • 17 tips to writing email marketing copy that converts @
  • How to write an email copy that converts @
  • How to write a marketing email @
But, how do you pick the right information from above? All these results have relevant points to consider.

You can pick points that you think are most appearing from the above results. The points have been discussed differently.

However, the primary points that are most common include:
  • Emphasis on clarity
  • Being brief
  • Personalizing the email
  • Counter check for errors
  • Be concise
  • Format for skimmers
  • Make it entertaining
  • Use killer heads
  • Mind your audience
Research about the concept you seek to present can help you to:

1. Know your audience

You need to understand and know your target audience and you can achieve this through research.

When you get to know your audience, it becomes easier for you to generate ideas on how you want to convey your message.

Research helps you avoid unnecessary mistakes and thus promote good communication between you and the audience.

2. It gives the technical know-how

Researching on the topic enables you to know how and what to include in your content.

It gives you an overview of what the audience expects from you.

Research gives you the initiative to find and know how it is done.

While researching, you can write down rough notes to help you reserve the searched content and simplify your task of writing.

Taking rough notes helps you avoid missing other relevant materials when developing your final copy.

Besides, a well elaborate sketch can be equated to a good plan, and a good plan results in a good email copy.

3. Writing the Email Itself

Writing the Email Itself: eAskme

Once you are done researching, you can now write your copy.

Once you have all the materials ready, the process gets easier.

There are various factors to be taken into account when writing an effective email copy.

Below are some of the factors to consider.

The Word Choice

Choose the right words to capture the client's attention; correct word choices help you to effectively convey your message.

For instance, you may need to use persuasive words to convince a buyer.

Be Concise

When marketing a product, you need to give a lot of information about a product in a short and simple way.

The same applies when writing these emails. You should be clear and straightforward.

In other words, avoid giving unnecessary information which may bore your audience.

Just provide the necessary information that is relevant to the market of the product you are writing about. People at times do not read the whole email.

They just scan through it.
Thus, if you are too wordy in your presentation, your target audience might miss a lot of important information about your product or brand.

Avoid Vagueness

You should avoid using vague phrases or sentences.

Clarity is very important when you are writing an email copy.

It helps your target audience understand what you wanted them to do.

Marketers do not get the opportunity to explain what they meant in their writing, especially nowadays when social media has a vast effect on our writing.

Therefore, it is wise to put your message across in the easiest way possible.


You can personalize the email copy to make the target customer feel more attached to the email.

Emails that are not personalized are likely to interest the user.

Thus, as a marketer, you should ensure you address the targeted user in a personalized manner.

Addressing them using their first name is one way of personalization.

Break it up

You should also consider breaking up the email copy into a subsection.

This reduces the boredom that usually comes from reading huge blocks of texts.

Besides, you can capture more attention from the reader when you use catchy subheadings.

Use Killer Headings

Surely, everybody wants his or her email to be read and not be thrown into a spam box.

You should use killer headings and make your email stand out from others.

Avoid using shouting subject lines.

The use of shouting lines may lead to your email recipients mistaking your email for spam, thus ensure to use relevant subject lines.

You should note that if multiple recipients put your email in the spam box, you might be blocked.

Format You Email for Skimmers

We all know that people do not always read a whole web page or emails, there are skimmers and you have to cater to them.

You can also change your formatting to turn skimmers into readers.

You should consider formatting your email in a way to allow skimmers to be able to skim the email.

Mind the Audience

While researching, you can know and understand your audience.

You must make sure what you write serves your audience perfectly.

Your target audience is among the greatest considerations that you must put in place whenever you are writing these emails.

Counter Check for Mistakes

 Sometimes, when writing, there is a chance that you will make errors.

Consequently, checking for such errors helps you to convey your message in the best language possible.

Avoid errors such as wrong recipients or sending a wrong message to the right recipient.

Also, use online tools such as Grammarly which help correct grammatical and syntax errors.

Make it Entertaining

Though the email is intended for an official purpose, the content should not be restrictive as it will result in boredom.

You should strive to make your audience enjoy reading it, and you can do that by using funny clauses.

Also, do not make so much farce with it; your audience will not take you seriously.

4. Marketing the Copy

Marketing the Copy: How To Write An Effective Email Copy That Converts: eAskme

After you have written your email copy, you need to market it.

Marketing is very important and it can be done in various ways.

There are some sites and organizations that may help you market your email.

Marketing the email broadens the penetration of your email.

Final Word

When writing an effective email that converts, various factors are taken into account.

The technique of writing the email is as important as the message being conveyed.

Therefore, you should consider following the guidelines presented above, which will help you achieve a properly formatted email with appropriate content.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

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