February 20, 2021

How to Find Top Influencer with these 5 Best Influencer Marketing Tools

Influencers are the most trusted people with high authority in their respective industries. Their words are enough for improving the brand value of any product, service, or small business.

Influencer’s influence on the people is why marketers are building connections with influencers to promote their products or services.

How to Find Top Influencer with these 5 Best Influencer Marketing Tools: eAskme
How to Find Top Influencer with these 5 Best Influencer Marketing Tools: eAskme

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Influencer marketing is not new, yet many businesses, bloggers, and marketers are not using this strategy for one or another reason.

Today, we will discuss;

  • What is an influential influencer?
  • Why should you go for influencer Marketing?
  • What are the tools to find real influencers?
  • How to find influencers on social media?
  • How to Leverage Influencer Marketing?

Let’s start!

What is an Influential influencer?

One thing that you must understand about influencer marketing is that you do not always need celebrities to promote your products or services.

For example; You may think of Kylie Jenner or Oprah Winfrey as the top influencers. But they may not be suitable for promoting web designing products.

In reality, an influencer can be any person who may not be very famous but must have an engaging social media audience.

According to Hootsuite, Social content creators with dedicated followers on social media and the real influencers.

This means that Influencers do not have to be Rihanna, Dwayne Johnson, or Kim Kardashian.

Your top influencer can be a marketer with 10k followers on social media sites like LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. He/she is the person who has engaging followers.

She can be an artist on Facebook with an engaged following or a Model on Pinterest.

An influencer can be anyone who has trusted followers and gained authority in their niche.

And, influencer marketing always works.

Reasons Why You Should Choose Influencer Marketing?

Here are the reasons why you should use influencer marketing?


Becoming an influencer is not an overnight thing.

It takes time and effort to build trust among followers.

A single tweet, Instagram post, Facebook share, and LinkedIn mention about your product or service will help you build trust between brand and followers.

Target Audience:

An Influencer on social media channels like Instagram is the person who posts on a dedicated topic or niche.

His followers are those people who are interested in that niche or topic.

If you are also in the similar niche, you should think of collaborating with such an influencer.

The best thing about influencer marketing strategy is that you will get into targeted marketing without managing too many people.


Networking is a great way to succeed.

Establishing collaborations or partnerships will land many opportunities for you to market your brand, improve brand value, gain more followers, build trust and become an influencer.

5 Influencer Marketing Tools:

Now you understand the benefits of Influencer Marketing. It is time to know how you can find Influencer Marketing Tools.

Here are the 5 tools for it;

Alexa Audience Overlap Tool:

Alexa Audience Overlap Tool is a great tool to find brands that share your audience or have a similar audience.

With the help of the Alexa Audience Overlap Tool, you can find popular industry influencers.

Alexa Audience Overlap Tool: eAskme

You can also check to rank, overlap score, etc.


Buzzsumo is a premium tool to find a lot of useful information.

You can use Buzzsumo for Content Discovery, Content Research, Monitoring, and to find influencers.

The Buzzsumo Influencer tool lets you search influencers with authority on Youtube, Google Plus, and Twitter.

To search Influencer on Youtube;

Click on “YouTube”

buzzsumo-Influencer-Marketing-Tool: eAskme

Enter the Keyword.

YouTube-Influencer-Marketing-Tool: eAskme

Hit Search.

YouTube-Influencer: eAskme

And, you will get the result like this.


Followerwonk-Influencer-Marketing-Tool: eAskme

Followerwonk is the best tool to find influencers on Twitter.

With the help of Followerwonk, you can check influencers, their followers, ranking, etc.

You will also find out what is working for the influencers with a massive number of followers.


Keyhole is another tool to search for industry influencers. All you need is to use the target keyword to find the influencers.

Keyhole influencer marketing tool: eAskme


You will find the influencers, number of followers, and average engagement.


Klear is an influencer marketing tool.

Klear-influencer-marketing-tool: eAskme

With the help of Klear, you can search influencers based on location and target market.

How to Find Influencers on Social Media:

If you are a newbie, then you might now have enough budget to spend on finding influencers.

In this is the case, then you should use social media as an influencer marketing tool to find influencers.

Here are the steps you should follow to find influencers on social networks.

Blue Badge:

You may have noticed a Blue Badge with the name on Instagram or Twitter accounts.

The blue badge shows that the account is verified by the social network.

This also means that the person is a well-known personality.

The blue badge is the indication.

Use Hashtags:

Use hashtags to find the influencers with blue badges.

When using the hashtag, use the target keyword, and you will find the list of people.

Now go for the account with a blue badge.


  • What is the account all about?
  • Number of Followers
  • If the Followers engaging or not?
  • What you are offering is beneficial for his followers or not?
  • Create a list of influencers with the target audience.

Use Keywords:

It is possible to find influencers even without a blue badge.

All you need to find out the number of followers and their engagement on the influencer’s account.

If a person has targeted followers with massive user engagement, then there is no second thought that he is the right influencer for you.

How to Leverage Influencer marketing?

It is not easy to win people’s trust.

Brand and people are both exhausted with apps and spammy sale tactics.

Influencer marketing is still a fresh way to win trust, build authority and gain followers.

Collaborate with the person who has build authority and credibility. Trust the influencers and promote only that product that is suitable for their audience.

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Mr. Kumar

He is the founder of eAskme.com. He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online entrepreneur. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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