April 16, 2020

The Best Link Building Approach: Must Follow for Maximum Backinks

Do you want to build links? What is your link building approach? Are you following the right link building approach that will bring backlinks without nonsense?

If you are into link building, then you must have the answers to these questions.

The Best Link Building Approach: Must Follow for Maximum Backinks: eAskme
The Best Link Building Approach: Must Follow for Maximum Backinks: eAskme

Other people are reading:  4 Link Building Strategies that Still Work

When it comes to link building, one of the most commonly used strategy is to send cold emails or email outreach campaigns.

There was a time when email outreach worked as a miracle in building links, but things have changed.

The recipient knows your intentions. Most of the outreach emails land into the trash.

This means that to build links, you have to send millions of cold emails or run multiple email outreach campaigns.

If this the best approach.

No, it isn’t.

I have never used mass emails to build backlinks.

Mass emails is a waste of time and bring a negative impact on your brand name.

Even the expert SEO professionals and marketers had left this approach years ago. Yet some of the SEO still following stupid seo tactics.

Yes, some marketers are using this approach as Google search results will not show all the best and efficient link building strategies. And, the reason is that most of the times, posts are filled with outdated SEO strategies such as mass email outreach.

If you are like me, who does not like to waste time, then mass email outreach is not for you.

So you will ask now that what is the right link building approach that will land you the maximum number of positive links.

Today I am going to share the most effective and highly converting link building strategy that will help you to build high-quality links naturally.

But, before I start, here is what you must know.

Why Mass Email Outreach Doesn’t Work Anymore:

Why Mass Email Outreach Doesn’t Work Anymore: eAskme

I must tell you that email outreach still works for some marketers but not for all or mass SEO professionals.

But it still not worth the time and risk your brand.

You will better understand with this example;

For example; You wake up in the morning and find some outreach emails. You will find a couple of outreach emails that are drafter similarly or using the same copy. Do you want to reply to such an email or show the way to your trash box?

Professionals like me are facing tons of outreach emails that do not even have a face. Or only the copy of each other.

This is quite frustrating to deal with such emails every day.

Email outreach study by brain dean explains that less than 9% of outreach emails ever receive any response.

If you the luckiest in the industry, then you can reach the maximum level of 16%. Which is still way lower than expected.

This strategy also imposes reputational risks.

This is the primary reason why I do not believe in this link building approach.

Send multiple emails, and you will surely build the reputation as a spammer.

And, once you earn the terrible name, it will be the hardest job to fix it.

Warren Buffet has once said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it..”

You should also know the reasons why professionals mark emails as spam.

Here are the reasons;

Generic email:

A generic email is the most common mistake in mass email outreach strategy. The sender will be sending the same email to thousands of recipients worldwide.

Such an email tells the recipient that you do not care about their brand, and they also should not care about you.

Lack of Unique Value:

Daily, I receive more than a couple of emails asking me to link to them because they have published something valuable.

But the truth is there are other highly useful and in-depth resources available online, so why should I link to them.

How to Start Building links Without Wasting your Time:

The Best Link Building Approach: Must Follow for Maximum Backinks: eAskme

The struggle is the common feature of link building campaigns.

Remember: There is not magical how to’s or silver bullets that will ensure 100% guarantee of thousands of links.

Link building is a time consuming process that needs you to invest a lot of resources.

You can do it effectively with the right approach.

To make your link building campaign a success you should follow these steps;

Link Prospecting:

You are not the only one who is building links.

A whole lot of brands and businesses in your industry are investing in building links.

When the other brands come in the similar position as you, they will actively do the favor.

Find such brands who are professionally working on building links with the help of SEO.

You can do it by running Google search.

Focus on the keyword with low competition and a considerable number of monthly searches.

Use tools like SEMRush to find target keywords. Filter our high competition keywords.

The Best Link Building Approach: Must Follow for Maximum Backinks: eAskme

Here you will have the list of keywords.

Now make the list of all the sites that are ranking for the desired keyword in the first 100 results.

Use SEMRush or SEOquake plugin for this purpose.

SEOQuake is a free plugin.

Make the necessary adjustments.

The Best Link Building Approach: Must Follow for Maximum Backinks: eAskme

Go to SEOQuake and export the sites list.

Export Search Settings: The Best Link Building Approach: Must Follow for Maximum Backinks: eAskme

Now find out which of these are practicing link building.

Take the help of the Aherfs batch analysis tool to analyze 200 pages.

Also, note down the DR and referring domains.

Sort the sites according to DR and referring domains.

Excel Custom Sort Function:The Best Link Building Approach: Must Follow for Maximum Backinks: eAskme

Check every keyword and website.

Ahrefs graph will help you to understand the growing trend of referring domains.

After creating the list, the next thing is to connect with them.

Collaborate with Link Building Partners:

Use the relationship building strategy to communicate with these sites.

Make sure that you include a personalized touch.

Rather than using mass email outreach strategy, focus on LinkedIn.

Connect with the LinkedIn Influencers, and in the initial message, let them know why you want to connect with them.

For example; You can tell them that you have noticed that they are working hard to build white hat links, and there might be something where you both can collaborate for mutual growth.

Don’t forget to introduce yourself.

Write a concise but actionable message.

After building a professional connection on LinkedIn, move to email communication, and explain the benefits of your partnership.

The Big Fat Reason:

You want to establish a connection then give them the reason to connect with you.
  • What is their interest in linking back to your content?
  • Will you provide them backlinks?
  • Will you help them create or curate content?
The best thing is to help them build links by building links for them and make them build links for you.

You can give a link back to your partners by publishing guest posts on other websites.

This will help you both to attract more traffic and earn more backlinks.

The other way is to join the industry-related groups and find link building opportunities.

Also, share such opportunities with your partners.

Remember: When you help others to earn back links, they will help you to build links also.

Final Words:

So, which link building approach you to want to follow?

Do you still want to stay with mass email outreach, or you want to go for more creative and effective connection building and ego baiting techniques.

Remember: A friendly approach is what you need to build links and relationships.

If you still have any question, do share via comments.

If you find this article interesting, don’t forget to share it with your friends and family.


Because, Sharing is Caring!

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Man Behind eAskme

Mr. Kumar

He is the founder of eAskme.com. He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online entrepreneur. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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