November 09, 2019

Helping Others to Get Backlinks: 5 Ways to Build Links by Giving Back

Are you into a link building? Have you ever helped anyone? Do you know that you can build links by helping others?

As a blogger, SEO, or marketer, you must have some strategy to build links.

Most of the times your link building strategy walks around;
If your link building strategy is not able to deliver desired results, that means you are missing something.

Helping Others to Get Backlinks: 5 Ways to Build Links by Giving Back: eAskme
Helping Others to Get Backlinks: 5 Ways to Build Links by Giving Back: eAskme

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Engagement or real human interactions, creating a community, or helping others in your niche or industry will supercharge your link building strategy.

Today I am sharing five ways to build links by helping others strategy:

Contribute to Community: 

No matter what are you doing as long as you actions can affect others, there are chances for you to contribute to your community.

Your contribution and involvement in community events will not only help you improve your brand reputation but also boost traffic and conversion.

How it works:

The easiest way is to find a community that shares interests similar to your skills, niche, or hobbies. This can be a local or international project.

Most of the time, communities publish the list of contributors on their website, email list, and brouchers.
They will also include you if you are contributing to their cause.

Share your involvement in the community by publishing on your blog or sending emails.

The more engagement you can bring to the community campaign, the more chances you have to get published among the top contributors of the community.

When communities mention you or link to your website, this displays the trustworthiness of your business website or blog.

What to do:

When contributing to the community, you have to invest money, service, and products for the betterment of society.

Also, have clear thought about why you are contributing to the community.

Focus more on building connections than earning backlinks.

Guest Writing:

Guest writing is one of the most commonly used strategies for link building. Still, most people are not doing it in the right way.

When it comes to writing a guest post, you need to think beyond just link building.

Write about something in such a way that will make people read the content again and again. This will surely help you to increase traffic and ranking effectively.

How to link Building with Guest Blogging Works:

The act of publishing your writings on other websites is known as guest blogging or guest writing or guest posting.

When you are writing a guest post, you will include a relevant link to your website.

You can also add a link to the author's bio or contributors list.

What you should do:

Building links from a site with low authority can damage the reputation of your website.

Do the background check of every single website where you want to publish your guest post.

Write only for trusted blogs or websites.

Free tools:

If you are good at creating tools that can help people, then go for it.

You can create free online tools to earn backlinks or invent something, and your inventions will be featured in most of the publications.

How it works:

If you are good at development, then create a free online tool else hire an agency or freelancer to develop useful tools such as calculator, cheat sheet, email course, ebook, photo, gallery, etc.

Offer these resources or tools for free for those who signup your email list.

If the resource is useful, then users will keep on talking, sharing, and mentioning it on various channels, blogs, and publications.

What to do:

Keep updating your tool or resources to satisfy the need of the user.

Also, market your tool using social media marketing, etc.


Commenting on authority blogs and participating in high authority forums will improve your chances of developing the traffic and authority of your blog or website.

How it works:

Join the question answers forums like Reddit and Quora. Participate in conversations.

Ask questions. Also, share your experience and knowledge with others.

These forums will help you learn many things and market your blog or website at the same time.

This will surely be an excellent way to build quality links to your blog.

What to do:

Most of the time, you will get nofollow links back. But don't feel bad about it. It is good to keep a diverse backlink profile.

Testimonials and reviews:

Reviewing products and services on your blog will help you grab the attention of product creators.

They may place your link and snapshot of the study on their product appreciation page.

Most of the new businesses and brands with unique products are willing to give a link back to those influencers who are talking about their products or services.

How it works:

Write a review or write a testimonial about the product you have used recently.

Email the brand or business, including the link and name of your business and explain to them about your review and find out if they can publish your review on their website.

What to do:

Only review the products and services with brand value and authority.

Final Words:

There is no doubt that links from high authority sites can help your website, but at the same time doesn’t make link building complicated.

Stay away from outdated strategies.

Giving back or helping others is one of the best ways to earn appreciation and link back.

This will also improve the trust score and domain authority of your website. Focus on community building and diverse link profile.

If you still have any question, do share via comments.

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Man Behind eAskme

Mr. Kumar

He is the founder of He is the professional blogger, writer, motivational speaker and online entrepreneur. He the man behind "Blogging for money guide" and "complete domain name guide". eAskme will help you to become an online entrepreneur. You can learn SEO, Money MAKING, SEO, blogging and more.

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