Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Education. Show all posts

March 19, 2024

Stand Out on Your Business School Application with GMAT Test

If you are serious about your business career, the GMAT test will be your ultimate path to success. This exam not only ensures that you can study at the most prestigious business schools, but also means that you develop a sense of entrepreneurship.

Why should you take the GMAT exam?

he test is designed to meet the specifics of business graduates and their needs. It measures the skills that may be needed in management and are necessary for successful business.

Stand Out on Your Business School Application with GMAT Test: eAskme
Stand Out on Your Business School Application with GMAT Test: eAskme

The admissions professionals have also preferred the GMAT exam over other tests. This number has increased by 44% since 2014.

The GMAT showcases to the admissions officers that you are serious about your degree in business.

It also shows your commitment to the program and your readiness and steadfastness.

The GMAT test is also much shorter than many other exams being only 3 hours and 30 minutes while the GRE test is 3 hours and 45minutes.

The shorter exam allows the students to have a better focus during the test and they don't get tired and exhausted with the duration.

The exam is divided into 4 sections instead of 7.

This also shortens its time.

The GMAT score has been set as an industry standard. It has individual scores + total score.

The test gives the university a single score, which evaluates your ability in all sections.

The examiners have the option to look at the entire score or look individually at each section to get a better understanding.

Universities have to convert other scores into the GMAT points, which often does not give an accurate score, since the GMAT is tested on many different criteria than the other exams.

Exam Detail:

The GMAT test is a prestigious name to add to your business profile.

The exam itself is considerably easy to attempt and pass.

It is divided into different sections that evaluate the specific ability of the candidate.

The four sections include Analytical Writing Assessment that measures your communication skills and your ability ponder and develop new ideas within the allotted time; Integrated Reasoning checks your ability to process and analyze various forms of information to produce the suitable output; Quantitative Reasoning, which will test your reasoning skills and your ability to summarize and draw conclusions; and Verbal Reasoning, which verifiesone’s verbal communication skills and understanding of the standard English language by asking him/her to correct written information and produce a supporting argument.

The GMAT exam duration is 3.5 hours during which you are allowed to take two breaks of 8 minutes each that are optional and left at the candidate's discretion. It consists of 80 questions in total that are divided among the different sections.

Each part is also allotted a specific time that is in correlation with the amount of questions. The questions are assessed by a point system.

Each section is assigned a different range of points out of which the question is scored. These scores then add up to make the final score of the students.

The Analytical Writing Assessment section has a point range of 0-6 with increments of 0.5, its duration is 30 minutes and it consists of only 1 question (an essay).

The Integrated Reasoning part has a point range of 0-8 in 1 point increments. It contains 12 questions and the duration is 30 minutes.

The Quantitative Reasoning section contains 31 questions and has a time duration of 62 minutes.

The points that can be awarded range from 6 to 51 in 1 point increments.

The last area is Verbal Reasoning, which consists of 36 questions and has a time duration of 65 minutes.

The point range is between 6-51 in 1 point increments. The cost of the GMAT test is standard for all US countries and is $250.

Registration Process:

Scheduling the GMAT exam is a painless process. It requires no physical presence or documents to apply for.

The entire process can be done online by creating an account on their website.

After you have an account you are able to schedule, reschedule and cancel any exam that you wish.

Other methods of registering for an exam are also available.

You can register by calling the GMAT regional number and have a telephone assistant schedule a review for you.

There is however a surcharge of $10 when you use this method.

The test is carried out across the globe, so every region has a specific phone number that is available on their website.

Preparation Options:

The GMAT test requires time, that is why it's beneficial to start your preparation at least 2-3 months in advance.

This gives you a good start and increases your self-confidence in knowing you are well prepared.

Always use sufficient materials to study from.

Practicing and preparing for your exam is a whole process.

It requires you to dedicate time energy and proper equipment.

You can never know how well you're prepared unless you have practiced from different sources and studied from various books.

You must remember not all the information you find in your books contain every detail of what you need.

Therefore, it's greatly encouraged to do your research, get your study guides and exam dumps organized.

Align all your work and when you begin studying, work section by section.

Remember that every test has a pattern.

A format that lets you analyze the type of questions you will get and how to score well on these criteria.

Focus on time management and utilize the most of what is provided to you in your course.


To sum up, the GMAT test provides good opportunities for those individuals who want to get into a business school.

They are much likely to score higher on the GMAT as they will be tested on skills related to their field.

Over the years, many business admissions offices give their preference to the students who take this exam because they understand their abilities well.

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March 08, 2024

How E-Learning Can Help You Grow Your Business?

Business growth means a lot of things to different people. Some see an increase in revenue and padding of profits as success. While others find the kind of improvements that develop individual skills, inspire teamwork, and clarify a company’s objective to be more satisfying.

How E-Learning Can Help You Grow Your Business: eAskme
How E-Learning Can Help You Grow Your Business: eAskme

Other people are reading: Crucial Things Consumers with Bad Credit Should Consider Before Getting A Small Loan
So if you’re in the latter category of entrepreneurs, here’s how e-learning can help you grow your business:

Provides Continued Education:

E-learning offers an easy way to improve your business skills and provide continued education to your employees.

Traditional classroom learning methods like seminars, workshops, and on site training won’t work for the 50% of companies operating in virtual environments.

With e-training, you can make learning available to your employees no matter where they are in the world. Frequent training can give your team a technical edge over your competitors.
Aside from continued education, e-learning also gives you the chance to test your staff’s knowledge, say for compliance or sales reasons.

You’ll always know which of your employees are actively upskilling and deserve promotions.

And if a training doesn’t offer a certificate of completion, consider starting an online leaderboard. You’ll encourage healthy competition and hold each team member accountable for their success.

Lowers Turnover:

Between publicizing open positions, interviewing candidates, and onboarding new hires, finding good employees can become quite expensive.

In fact, a study from the Society for Human Resource Management states that turnover can cost up to 90-200% of an employee’s annual salary.

Yet e-learning programs can diversify your employee retention techniques and completely eliminate onboarding costs.
The number one reason people walk away from their jobs is because they feel they aren’t being paid enough.

E-training provides continued education, allowing your employees to increase professional value and earning potential  while working for you.

A Learning Management System (LMS) can also highlight gaps in your workforce. So you’ll always know when it’s time to hire and won’t overwork your current staff.
When you take on new hires, every employee will have access to an online onboarding program. One which offers a more personalized, interactive, and engaging experience.

Reducing staff turnover while at the same time saving time and money.

Bridges Skills Gaps:

A skills gap among your staff negatively affects productivity and competitive edge. Since not all your employees have the same skill level.

E-learning gives everyone access to the same education resources. Ensuring all your employees receive consistent information about your business and understand at least the basics of every moving part of your operations.
Businesses that rely on the newest technology can use LMS programs to keep up with the rapid and radical changes of the industry.

You’ll easily provide on the job training on updates to critical tech tools. And guarantee all your employees have the skill to complete every internal and external task related to your business.

Which in turn leads to customer satisfaction- accelerating revenue growth.

Minimizes Productivity:

In person training usually puts a stop or slows down operations. Particularly when your staff has to travel to a workshop or a seminar that’s two states over.

And although you won’t be getting full productivity, you’ll still pay your employees full salaries plus travel expenses.

Having an online course gives your staff the flexibility to take the training at a time that fits with their individual schedules. Substantially reducing lost productivity.
Once you install an e-learning system you won’t have to close down your business for mandatory seated training. Employees will instead attend online training in shifts.

Or you can provide after hours compensation so your employees can access the online training when they’re not on the clock.  
Online training also has the potential to reduce learning time by up to 60%. So you’ll not only keep up with all the latest trends in your industry but also reap the associated productivity rewards.

Saves Money:

While the initial cost to develop an online training may be high, e-learning can help reduce the ongoing expenses associated with in person training.

You won’t have to cover meals, accommodation, and training costs when your employees travel for learning purposes. Which puts more money in your pocket.
Another way e-learning saves you money is with the ongoing access to the material. Once the training content is complete and uploaded on your LMS, you’ll have lifetime access to the course.

Providing an accessible “knowledge look-up system” for your staff. Such that everyone on your team can find answers to standard operating procedures (SOP).

Look up policy and safety guidelines, or company equipment troubleshooting guides.

Eliminating the need to call the help desk for answers to such questions and decreasing your current support costs.

Soon your employees will start seeing training as an ongoing process rather than a single overload of information.
Simply providing accessible online training can streamline operations and give your business a competitive edge in every market.

With SOP’s, you’ll  have faster service and product delivery.

Your staff will have more time to focus on more complex issues, fostering innovation and encouraging rapid troubleshooting.  

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March 07, 2024

Unveiling Academic Insights: Independent News

The education sector keeps evolving in various dynamics, from adopting tech trends to modifying multiple learning models. While some changes are predictable, others have been surprising.

All these evolutions have played a significant role in streamlining the learning process.

Some of the changes being experienced have made it easier for collaborations between all stakeholders in the education sector: teachers, parents, and students.

Let’s review some of the top developments shaping the education landscape as institutions strive to meet the needs of their students.

Unveiling Academic Insights: Independent News: eAskme
Unveiling Academic Insights: Independent News: eAskme

Integration of Technology and Education:

Technology advancements have played a primary role in making learning more accessible for students and educators.

Through innovations such as artificial intelligence, students and teachers can explore diverse learning models.

Artificial intelligence has played an integral role in the education sector, and the most outstanding one has been the introduction of virtual tutors.

Virtual tutors can help students learn various concepts even outside of class. It is beneficial to those who struggle to grasp multiple concepts and may need extra elaboration. The tools are intuitive enough to deliver targeted assistance.

Artificial intelligence learning tools also make it easy for students to learn at their own pace since they can take time to comprehend concepts not understood in class.

One advantage of this is that students grasp more content, enabling them to complete assignments without relying on a paper writer service.

Virtual and augmented reality have revolutionized online learning.

These innovations are particularly used to promote immersive learning where all students in various learning areas enjoy an interactive and elaborative class. These tech tools have been incorporated into multiple learning areas, including STEM subjects.

The primary challenge teachers often experience in a traditional class is student engagement.

However, augmented and virtual reality have offered a solution to such challenges by promoting collaborative learning.

Moreover, virtual reality and augmented reality tools make learning easier, especially for students experiencing various challenges, such as dyslexia. Students can also use these tools to explore multiple destinations in the world, whether geographical or historical, without visiting the place physically, which makes learning more realistic.

Experiential Learning:

Institutions are currently embracing experiential learning, which takes a hands-on approach. This learning method helps students connect theoretical knowledge learned in class by assigning them practical projects or offering internship placements.

Different institutions vary in their mode of experiential learning approach.

For example, while some institutions may send their students for community service, others may require them to conduct a study around topics learned in class or hold peer teaching programs.

This project-based learning helps students develop essential skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration, that they may need when starting their careers.

Experiential learning also promotes the following: 

  • Better concept comprehension.
  • Broader perspective of the world and appreciation of the community.
  • Identification of one’s passion and talents.
  • Opportunity to network.
  • Practicing professional skills such as communication and leadership skills.
  • Gratification of contributing to the community.

STEM Education:

STEM education has been on the trend table for a long time primarily because of its high demand and its value. Regardless of its technicality, more students look forward to venturing into various careers along this line.

STEM education prepares students for the complex and demanding job market, where they will need to be more skilled to stand out.

STEM programs are also well known for promoting creativity and innovation among students.

Blended and Online Learning:

Blended and online learning models are gaining ground, with online learning experiencing robust growth over the past few years.

Institutions are now offering more courses to their students remotely, even the technical subjects, especially with the introduction of tools such as virtual and augmented reality.

Students have embraced remote learning mainly due to its convenience, as they do not have to compromise other areas of their lives, such as work and family engagements.

Institutions have also blended learning by combining physical and online learning. Some schools also practice blended learning by combining digitalized learning, project-based learning, study groups, and other peer-led programs.

Blended learning has displayed several strengths over time, the major one being that it facilitates the acquisition of different competencies.

This learning mode incorporates various learning models, thus covering different students and their preferred learning styles.

For example, social learners who thrive more in an instructor-led class have appropriate learning modes designed for them. At the same time, those who prefer engaging in hands-on projects get taken care of by relevant assignments.

This approach helps ensure that each student receives the most from the learning process, which also motivates them to attend school and manage their schoolwork easily without relying on academic helpers like the ones discussed at

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL):

Social and emotional learning is a technique that involves the application of various social and emotional skills as well as attitudes and habits to help guide students in class.

Institutions are incorporating SEL as a learning model to help students social and emotional learning programs help students maintain their wellness during their time in school.

The program involves learning more about self-awareness, empathy, responsible decision-making, and resilience.

Through such programs, students learn more about how to trust their abilities, which helps improve their confidence and overall performance.

Global and Cultural Competence:

Learning institutions are now more appreciative of the world’s interconnectedness, thus adopting global and cultural competencies among students.

Schools are now more open to exchange programs, international collaborations, and integration of global programs into the curriculum.

The appreciation of global and cultural competence has made it possible for students to exchange ideas on global issues and interact with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Globally competent students are life-long learners, as they learn about global evolution every day.

Appreciating different cultures in schools has also been an excellent way to fight discrimination and racism.


The education landscape is gradually evolving, and the dynamics in learning models are shifting into a more collaborative approach where learning now does not only involve instructor-led sessions.

Institutions have streamlined their learning process so that students can learn virtually, use digitalized materials, or conduct peer-led learning. The new models give students more autonomy to ensure they take charge of their learning process.

Technology has also played a significant role in the changes currently being experienced in the education sector. Students can attend classes remotely, conduct their research online, and even get virtual tutors to help them with concepts they have not understood.

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March 05, 2024

Which Movie Streaming Platforms Offer Student Discount?

Students are one part of the demographic who loves nothing more than stream their favorite television shows and films all day.

And many providers are familiar with this fact.

This is why different brands like Charter Spectrum offer special student discounts when they opt for their services like Spectrum TV or the internet.

Which Movie Streaming Platforms Offer Student Discount?: eAskme
Which Movie Streaming Platforms Offer Student Discount?: eAskme

Apart from ISPs, some major streaming platforms also provide generous student discounts.

After all, they want to make their services as much as accessible to students as possible.

Do you want to know which some of those platforms are?

Well, read on!

1. Amazon Prime Video

Amazon Prime Video has become one of the most popular streaming platforms.

The service offers an impressive library of titles that you can watch at any time you want.

Plus, did you know that Amazon Prime gives you access to much more than just Amazon Prime Video?

If you opt for the service, then you will be getting free shipping on multiple items.

Moreover, you will access other services like Amazon Photos, Prime Music, and Prime Gaming.

You will also receive some very attractive deals throughout the year!

Amazon takes care of students by giving them a very special student discount. If you opt for this deal, you will get to use the service for free for the first six months.

And then, you will be required to pay only $6.50/month.

That’s a 50% discount on the regular price of $13/month. However, do keep in mind that the price is tentative and is subject to change.

2. YouTube Premium

After rebranding from YouTube Red, YouTube Premium has attained quite a popularity in the United States. So, what is it that makes the service so special?

Well, for starters, you will get ad-free viewing. It will allow offline viewing.

Furthermore, you will be able to access YouTube’s library that will feature original content along with all the latest and classic flicks.

What’s more?

Subscribing to this service will also give you access to YouTube Music!

If you are a student, you are in luck as subscribing to YouTube Premium will only cost you $7.

The regular cost of subscribing to this service is $12. But do remember that the price is subject to change.

3. Apple TV+

Famous for its smartphones, Apple loves innovation! The company has expanded its wings and is delving into other markets as well.

It has now introduced Apple TV+, which is its attempt to take on the giants in the streaming world.

Let’s be honest here; Apple TV+ hasn’t been a big success. But this doesn’t mean that you should overlook it. And there’s a reason for that as well.

Did you know that you can find many exclusive shows on this platform where you will never find anywhere else?

Also, if you own an iPad or an iPhone, you can seamlessly integrate the Apple TV+ app with your devices.

For Students, Apple TV+ is free! Wait, what? Is it true?

Yes, it is. However, you will have to subscribe to Apple Music to enjoy the service for free.

But don’t worry. Apple Music offers a special student discount.

You will only need to pay $5/month to subscribe to the service. And that’s it! However, the price can change in the future.

4. Paramount+

This is another movie streaming platform that has been gaining quite a lot of popularity in recent times.

Formerly known as CBS All-Access, the platform was rebranded in early 2021 after a merger of Viacom and CBS. Paramount+ is a must-have for film enthusiasts.

You can find a ton of on-demand films as well as TV shows. Moreover, it offers live television too!

When you subscribe to this service, you will get channels like Comedy Central, MTV, Nickelodeon, along with multiple live sports channels.

The best thing about Paramount+ is that the platform gives a decent discount to students. How much, you ask?


This means that students need to pay $4.50/month instead of their regular price, $6/month.

The cost is tentative and might change in the future.

5. Hulu

You may not know this, but Hulu was the first movie streaming platform to introduce student discounts.

When this deal got popular with the people, other services started offering it as well.

Hulu’s student deal is one of the cheapest, costing you just $2/month.

And this will give you complete access to the platform’s complete library of original shows and movies.

However, there will be ads when you stream your favorite content.

But it’s a small price to pay.


While students will certainly be ecstatic to know that all of the mentioned movie streaming platforms offer student discounts, some services don’t offer such a deal.

This includes Disney+, Sling TV, and Netflix.

However, this doesn’t mean that one-off student plans will not be made available for these services from time to time.

Therefore, it’s suggested to keep your eyes open for any discount that may pop up.

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January 17, 2024

Unleashing the Power of Education: Exploring the Best Learning Platforms

Education plays a pivotal role in personal and professional growth, serving as the foundation upon which individuals can unlock their full potential. The pursuit of knowledge and skills not only broadens our horizons but also equips us with the tools necessary to excel in various aspects of life.

In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving world, the importance of continuous learning cannot be overstated. As industries and technologies continue to advance, individuals need to adapt and upskill themselves to stay relevant and competitive.

Education acts as a catalyst for personal growth, empowering individuals to expand their perspectives, think critically, and develop a deeper understanding of the world around them. It fosters intellectual curiosity, instills a passion for lifelong learning, and nurtures a sense of self-awareness and personal development.

Unleashing the Power of Education, Exploring the Best Learning Platforms: eAskme
Unleashing the Power of Education, Exploring the Best Learning Platforms: eAskme

Moreover, education plays a vital role in professional growth. It provides individuals with the necessary knowledge, skills, and qualifications to pursue their desired career paths. Whether it's acquiring technical expertise, honing leadership skills, or gaining industry-specific knowledge, education empowers individuals to thrive in their chosen fields.

Fortunately, with the advent of technology, the traditional barriers to education have been significantly reduced. Learning platforms have emerged as powerful tools, enabling individuals to access educational resources and courses from the comfort of their homes. These platforms offer a wide range of subjects and disciplines, catering to diverse interests and learning styles.

In this blog post, we will explore some of the best learning platforms available today, uncovering their unique features and benefits. By harnessing the power of education through these platforms, individuals can unlock new opportunities, broaden their skill sets, and embark on a journey of continuous growth and self-improvement.

Traditional vs. online learning: Pros and cons

When it comes to education, the traditional method of learning in a physical classroom has been the norm for centuries. However, with the advancement of technology, online learning platforms have gained popularity and have become a viable alternative to traditional learning. In this section, we will explore the pros and cons of both approaches.

Traditional learning offers a structured and immersive environment where students can interact face-to-face with their teachers and peers. This form of learning fosters direct communication and immediate feedback, allowing for a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Additionally, traditional learning provides a sense of community and social interaction, which can enhance the overall learning experience. Students also have access to physical resources such as libraries and laboratories, which may not be readily available in an online setting.

On the other hand, online learning provides flexibility and convenience. Learners can access course materials and lectures at their own pace and convenience, eliminating the need for fixed schedules and geographical limitations. This accessibility allows individuals from all walks of life to pursue education without the constraints of time and location. Online learning platforms often offer a wide range of courses and subjects, giving learners the opportunity to explore diverse fields of interest. Furthermore, online learning encourages self-discipline and independence, as students are responsible for managing their own time and progress.

However, online learning does have its drawbacks. The lack of physical interaction and face-to-face communication can sometimes result in a less engaging learning experience. Students may miss out on valuable discussions and debates that often occur in traditional classrooms. Additionally, online learning requires a certain level of technological proficiency and access to reliable internet connections, which may present barriers for some individuals.

In conclusion, both traditional and online learning have their unique advantages and disadvantages. The choice between the two depends on individual preferences, learning styles, and circumstances. Ultimately, it is essential to determine which approach best aligns with your educational goals and needs in order to unleash the power of education and make the most out of your learning journey.

Top online learning platforms: A comparison

When it comes to online learning, there are numerous platforms available, each offering unique features and benefits.

In this section, we will delve into a comparison of the top online learning platforms, helping you make an informed decision on which one suits your educational needs best.

  1. Coursera: Coursera is a well-established platform that partners with prestigious universities and organizations to provide a wide range of courses. With a vast library of subjects, from computer science to humanities, Coursera offers both free and paid courses. Their emphasis on collaboration and interactive learning experiences sets them apart.
  2. Udemy: Udemy is known for its extensive catalog of courses taught by industry professionals. With over 130,000 courses available, you can find almost anything you want to learn. The platform offers lifetime access to courses, allowing you to learn at your own pace. It is a popular choice for individuals looking for specific, skill-based courses.
  3. LinkedIn Learning: Formerly known as, LinkedIn Learning is a platform that focuses on professional development. It offers a wide range of courses, including business, technology, and creative skills. What sets LinkedIn Learning apart is its integration with the LinkedIn network, allowing you to showcase your completed courses on your professional profile.
  4. Khan Academy: Khan Academy is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing accessible, high-quality education to anyone, anywhere. It offers courses in various subjects, primarily targeting K-12 students but also covering college-level subjects. Khan Academy's comprehensive video lessons and interactive exercises make it a valuable resource for learners of all ages.
  5. Skillshare: Skillshare is a platform that focuses on creative skills and offers a vast range of courses in areas such as photography, design, writing, and more. With its subscription-based model, you get unlimited access to its library, allowing you to explore and learn new skills at your own pace.

These are just a few of the top online learning platforms available today. Each platform has its strengths and caters to different learning styles and preferences. By comparing their features, course offerings, pricing models, and user reviews, you can find the learning platform that best aligns with your educational goals and aspirations.

1. Coursera: A comprehensive platform for academic and professional courses

When it comes to online learning platforms, Coursera is undoubtedly one of the most comprehensive and esteemed options available. With a vast array of academic and professional courses, Coursera has established itself as a go-to platform for individuals seeking high-quality education.

One of the most impressive aspects of Coursera is the wide range of courses it offers. From computer science to humanities, business to medicine, there is something for everyone. Whether you're looking to enhance your skills in data analysis, learn a new programming language, or delve into the intricacies of art history, Coursera has you covered.

What sets Coursera apart from other platforms is its partnership with prestigious universities and institutions around the world. Courses are created and taught by instructors from renowned institutions such as Stanford University, Yale University, and the University of Michigan, ensuring that learners receive top-notch education from experts in their respective fields.

Coursera also provides learners with the flexibility to choose their preferred learning style. Whether you prefer self-paced learning or structured courses with specific start and end dates, Coursera has options to suit your needs. Additionally, many courses offer certificates upon completion, allowing learners to showcase their newly acquired skills to employers and peers.

The platform's user-friendly interface makes navigation and course enrollment a seamless experience. Learners can easily access course materials, participate in interactive quizzes and assignments, and engage in discussions with fellow students through the platform's interactive features. This fosters a sense of community and collaboration, enhancing the overall learning experience.

Furthermore, Coursera offers a variety of subscription plans, including free options and paid plans with additional benefits. This allows learners to choose the level of access and support that aligns with their budget and learning goals.

In conclusion, Coursera stands out as a comprehensive platform for academic and professional courses. With its extensive course offerings, partnerships with prestigious institutions, flexible learning options, and user-friendly interface, Coursera empowers learners to unleash their potential and acquire valuable knowledge and skills in their chosen fields.

2. Udemy: Diverse courses taught by industry experts

Udemy is a leading online learning platform that has gained immense popularity for its diverse range of courses taught by industry experts. With over 100,000 courses available, Udemy offers learners the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills in almost any subject imaginable.

What sets Udemy apart is its extensive catalog of courses taught by experts who have hands-on experience in their respective fields. Whether you're interested in mastering a programming language, honing your photography skills, or learning about digital marketing strategies, Udemy has a course tailored to your needs.

The platform is designed to cater to learners of all levels, from beginners to advanced professionals. Each course is carefully crafted to provide a comprehensive learning experience, with video lectures, practical exercises, quizzes, and downloadable resources. This interactive approach ensures that learners not only gain theoretical knowledge but also have the opportunity to apply what they've learned in real-world scenarios.

One of the standout features of Udemy is the ability to learn at your own pace. With lifetime access to courses, learners can take their time to digest the material, revisit lessons whenever needed, and even pause their progress to accommodate other commitments. This flexibility makes it an ideal choice for busy individuals who want to pursue education alongside their professional or personal responsibilities.

Furthermore, Udemy fosters a vibrant community of learners and instructors. Students have the opportunity to engage in discussions, ask questions, and receive feedback from both instructors and fellow learners. This collaborative environment not only enhances the learning experience but also allows for networking and the exchange of ideas.

Udemy also offers certificates of completion for many courses, which can be a valuable addition to one's professional portfolio. These certificates serve as tangible proof of the skills acquired and can boost career prospects or provide validation for personal growth.

In conclusion, Udemy stands out as a top learning platform due to its diverse course offerings taught by industry experts, flexible learning options, and vibrant community. Whether you're looking to upskill, explore a new passion, or enhance your career prospects, Udemy provides the necessary tools and resources to unleash the power of education.

3. LinkedIn Learning: Skill development for career advancement

LinkedIn Learning is a robust platform that offers a wide range of courses and resources for skill development and career advancement. With its vast library of high-quality content, learners can access courses on various topics such as business, technology, creative skills, and more.

One of the standout features of LinkedIn Learning is its personalized learning experience. Upon signing up, users can indicate their career goals and areas of interest, allowing the platform to recommend relevant courses tailored to their needs. This not only saves time but also ensures that learners are investing their efforts in acquiring skills that are directly applicable to their professional growth.

The courses offered on LinkedIn Learning are created by industry experts and thought leaders, guaranteeing reliable and up-to-date content. Whether you are looking to enhance your leadership abilities, improve your coding skills, or learn about the latest marketing strategies, you can find a course that matches your aspirations.

What sets LinkedIn Learning apart from other e-learning platforms is its integration with the LinkedIn network. As a user, you can showcase your completed courses and newly acquired skills on your LinkedIn profile, making it easier for potential employers or colleagues to recognize your expertise. This seamless integration between learning and professional networking creates a unique advantage for individuals seeking career advancement.

Moreover, LinkedIn Learning provides flexible learning options. Whether you prefer to study at your own pace or follow a structured learning path, you can choose the approach that suits you best. The platform offers bite-sized video lessons, exercise files, and quizzes, enabling learners to reinforce their understanding and apply their newly acquired knowledge in real-world scenarios.

In addition to individual learning, LinkedIn Learning also offers opportunities for team-based learning. Companies can leverage the platform to provide their employees with access to relevant courses, enabling them to enhance their skills collectively and contribute to the overall growth of the organization.

Overall, LinkedIn Learning empowers individuals to take control of their professional development and unlock new opportunities for career advancement. By offering a vast array of courses, personalized recommendations, and seamless integration with the LinkedIn network, this learning platform is a valuable resource for anyone looking to stay ahead in today's competitive job market.

4. Khan Academy: A free platform for K-12 and college subjects

Khan Academy is a game-changer in the world of online education. As one of the pioneers in the field, it has established itself as a leading platform for learners of all ages, from K-12 to college-level subjects. What sets Khan Academy apart is its commitment to providing accessible, high-quality education to anyone, anywhere.

With a vast library of video lessons, interactive exercises, and practice quizzes, Khan Academy covers a wide range of subjects, including math, science, history, computer programming, and more. The platform employs a step-by-step approach, breaking down complex topics into easily understandable concepts. This allows learners to progress at their own pace and grasp complex ideas with clarity.

One of the critical strengths of Khan Academy is its adaptive learning feature. The platform uses intelligent algorithms to tailor the learning experience to each individual's needs. By assessing a learner's strengths and weaknesses, Khan Academy provides personalized recommendations and targeted practice exercises, ensuring efficient and effective learning.

Furthermore, Khan Academy offers valuable resources for teachers and parents. Educators can access lesson plans, instructional videos, and practice materials to enhance their teaching methods. Parents can monitor their child's progress, track their learning milestones, and provide additional support as needed.

The accessibility of Khan Academy is another highlight. With its user-friendly interface and availability across multiple platforms, including desktop and mobile devices, learners can access educational content anytime, anywhere. This flexibility makes it a popular choice for students, busy professionals, and anyone with a thirst for knowledge.

In addition to its comprehensive subject coverage and adaptive learning approach, Khan Academy has also formed partnerships with reputable organizations and institutions, further enriching its content and credibility. This collaboration ensures that learners receive the most up-to-date and reliable educational resources.

Whether you're a student looking to supplement your classroom learning or an adult seeking to expand your knowledge base, Khan Academy provides an invaluable platform for education. With its free access, adaptive learning, and extensive subject coverage, it empowers learners to unleash their full potential and pursue their academic and intellectual goals.

5. Streamline School Communication and Parent Engagement with MyPascoConnect

In today's digital age, effective communication and seamless information management are crucial for the smooth functioning of schools. That's where MyPascoConnect comes into play. MyPascoConnect is an innovative school communication platform that serves as a comprehensive parent engagement tool and student information system.

With MyPascoConnect, schools can streamline their communication processes, ensuring that parents stay informed and engaged in their child's education journey. This powerful platform offers a range of features that facilitate the efficient sharing of essential announcements, academic updates, and event notifications.

Moreover, MyPascoConnect acts as a secure hub for student information management. Administrators can easily access and update student records, attendance data, grades, and more with just a few clicks. This eliminates the need for manual paperwork and minimizes the risk of errors or miscommunication.
The benefits of using MyPascoConnect extend beyond administrative tasks. Parents can conveniently access their child's academic progress and attendance records and even communicate directly with teachers through the platform. This fosters more vital parent-teacher collaboration and enhances overall student support.

In summary, MyPascoConnect is an essential tool for schools seeking to enhance communication efficiency while promoting active parent engagement. By leveraging its features as both a parent engagement tool and a student information system, schools can create a cohesive educational environment that benefits students, parents, teachers, and administrators alike.

Conclusion: Embracing the power of education through the right learning platform

In conclusion, embracing the power of education through the right learning platform can be a transformative experience. With the advancement of technology, the world of education has expanded beyond traditional classrooms and textbooks. Today, there is a wide range of learning platforms available that offer diverse and engaging educational content.

By choosing the right learning platform, individuals can access a wealth of knowledge and skills that can enhance their personal and professional growth. Whether it's learning a new language, acquiring technical skills, or exploring a new subject of interest, these platforms provide a convenient and flexible way to learn at one's own pace.

Moreover, the interactive nature of these platforms fosters a dynamic learning environment where individuals can engage with instructors, peers, and resources to deepen their understanding and gain practical insights. The integration of multimedia elements like videos, quizzes, and interactive exercises further enhances the learning experience, making it more engaging and effective.

Furthermore, the accessibility of learning platforms allows individuals from all walks of life to access quality education, breaking down barriers like geographical limitations and financial constraints. This democratization of education empowers learners to pursue their passions, develop new skills, and unlock their full potential.

In a world that is constantly evolving, embracing the power of education through the right learning platform is essential to stay relevant and thriving. It opens up endless possibilities for personal and professional growth, enabling individuals to adapt to the changing demands of the modern world.

So, whether you are a student looking to supplement your classroom learning, a professional seeking to upskill, or simply someone with a thirst for knowledge, explore the vast array of learning platforms available and unleash the power of education in your life. Embrace the journey of lifelong learning and watch as it transforms your perspective, opportunities, and future success.

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November 21, 2023

Amazon AI Ready Free AI skills Training for 2 Million People by 2025

After many AI giants like OpenAI, Meta AI, Google AI, YouTube AI, Opera AI, SnapChat MyAI, and Mozilla AI, Amazon is also getting ready for AI technologies.

Amazon has decided to train 2 million people for free with AI skills. This news came out when everyone is looking for talent with AI skills.

According to the reports, AI workers are getting 47% more salary than candidates with non-AI skills.

Artificial intelligence empowers science and healthcare and is becoming a necessary part of every industry.

Amazon AI Ready Will Offer free AI skills training to 2 million people by 2025: eAskme
Amazon AI Ready Will Offer free AI skills training to 2 million people by 2025: eAskme

There are 3 things about Amazon AI Ready announcement:

  1. First, Amazon wants to empower people with its 8 free AI training programs.
  2. You will get free AI courses, educational platforms, collaborations, and scholarships.
  3. Third, Amazon wants you to learn AI because it is the future of jobs and careers.

Amazon is advancing by training job seekers with free AI skills. You can take all the 8 AI courses for free.

Amazon's AI Ready initiative will help 2 million people to learn AI skills for free.

It displays that LinkedIn and Amazon understand the upcoming demand for AI talent and professionals.

Now, Amazon is bringing free AI education accessible to all.

What is the Amazon AI Ready Initiative?

Amazon's AI-ready initiative includes:

  • 8 Free AI courses
  • partnership to learn generative AI
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) Generative AI Scholarship for more than 50,000 students with Udacity.

The Amazon AI Ready Training series includes:

  • Courses for Nontechnical and Businesspeople.
  • Courses for Technical and Developers.

Here are the 8 free Amazon AI Ready training courses that you can join:

  1. Introduction to Generative AI Intelligence: In this course, you will learn foundation modes, applications, and concepts of Generative AI.
  2. Generative AI Learning Plan for Decision makers: In this course, you will learn how to build a generative AI organization and plan a generative AI project.
  3. Introduction to Amazon CodeWhisperer: You will learn how to use the Amazon AI code generator for wiring codes.
  4. Foundation of Prompt Engineering: In this course, you will learn the basics of prompt engineering, AI tools, and prompt techniques.
  5. Low-code Machine Learning on AWS: This course will teach you to use data and machine learning models with minimal coding.
  6. Building Language Models on AWS: In this course, you will learn the use of foundation models, open-source models, and language models.
  7. Amazon Transcribe-Getting Started: In this course, you will learn how to use AI services like Amazon Transcribe.
  8. Build Generative AI Applications with Amazon Bedrock: In this course, you will learn how to build generative AI applications using Amazon Bedrock.

The first and third course is available on AWS Educate.

The rest of the free AI courses are available on AWS Skill Builder.

  • 73% of employers are looking for talent with AI skills but need help finding the level of expertise required for the job.
  • 47% more salaries are waiting for a professional with AI skills.
  • 93% of businesses will start using AI in the next 5 years.

It is time for you to take a step to secure your career and start learning AI skills.

$12 Million Audacity generative AI Scholarships:

AWS will give 50,000 students scholarships worth $12 million. It will help students to explore further in AI technologies.


Amazon's AI Ready" initiative will help 2 million people to learn AI skills for free. But its impact will be more than 2 million. Amazon also runs free cloud computing skill training for 29 million people, and 21 million have already trained under this course.

So, if you want to learn AI skills, it is the best time to start with Amazon AI Ready.

Do you want to learn AI skills?

Let me know via comments.

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October 21, 2023

How significant is ITIL certification in the US?

The need for IT experts with specific knowledge and abilities is always increasing in the fast-paced, ever-
evolving technology world of today. 

The ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) certification has grown in importance and is especially valuable in the United States for IT professionals wishing to enhance their careers. 

We will examine the enormous importance of ITIL foundation certification in the US, why it's a game-changer for IT professionals, and how it can lead to new prospects in the rapidly growing IT sector in this thorough essay.

How significant is ITIL certification in the US?: eAskme
How significant is ITIL certification in the US?: eAskme


Similarly, TOGAF certification signifies a pinnacle of achievement in enterprise architecture and is increasingly vital for IT professionals. 

As we emphasize the significance of ITIL in the United States, we'll also delve into how TOGAF certification opens doors to unparalleled opportunities, fostering growth in the rapidly expanding IT sector.

Changing IT Landscape in The United States:

The US leads the world in technology, and its IT sector routinely leads the way in innovation. The need
for qualified IT experts is greater than ever in a nation with Silicon Valley and several tech behemoths.

The need for IT professionals who can manage and optimize IT services is critical as businesses and
organizations across a variety of sectors rely on technology to promote efficiency and growth.

The importance of ITIL certification has greatly increased in this changing setting. A standardized and
tested framework for IT service administration is provided by ITIL, which is essential in a country where
technology is at the centre of every industry.

How do I become certified in ITIL?

Information Technology Infrastructure Library, or ITIL, is a collection of recommendations and best
practices for managing IT services (ITSM). 

An organization's IT services can be planned, delivered, managed, and improved using ITIL's systematic approach. 

The framework covers a wide range of IT processes, including service design, change management, and incident management.  

People who pass the ITIL certification examinations are given the ITIL certification, proving that they have a thorough understanding of the ITIL principles and practices. 

Each level of the certification, from foundation to Expert provides a greater understanding of ITIL concepts.

ITIL Certification in the United States: Its Importance

for a variety of reasons, ITIL certification is quite important in the United States.

Worldwide Recognition

The ITIL framework is widely accepted, and certification attests to your knowledge of IT service
management. An ITIL certification is a worldwide transferable credential; therefore, it doesn't matter if
you live in the US or intend to work abroad. 

Conformity to Industry Standards

The ITIL framework is in line with industry best practices, ensuring that you are knowledgeable about the
fastest, most reliable ways to manage IT services. 

This alignment is essential because it guarantees that
you have the tools necessary to adhere to industry norms and legal regulations.

Career Development

Your IT job may alter dramatically if you earn an ITIL certification. It provides access to numerous
opportunities, including those for leadership and management roles. 

ITIL-certified workers are frequently given preference when applying for positions in IT service management, IT consulting, and IT project management.

Increased Earnings Potential

ITIL-certified experts frequently command greater wages. 

They are highly important assets to firms due to their specific expertise and capacity to streamline IT service management operations, which increases their earning potential.

Flexible Skill Set

Your skill set is more diverse if you have an ITIL certification. It covers a range of IT service management
facets, including service strategy, design, transfer, and operation. 

You are likely equipped to handle a variety of issues in the IT industry with this extensive skill set.

Sectors in the US economy Adopting ITIL:

Several industries in the United States have recognized the value of ITIL certification. Here are some
industries where ITIL is having a significant impact:

Services and Information Technology

Unsurprisingly, the IT industry is leading the way in adopting ITIL. 

IT firms and service providers are aware of ITIL's benefits for enhancing customer satisfaction and service delivery. 

To stay competitive in this booming industry, a lot of IT professionals in the US are obtaining ITIL certification.

Monetary services

ITIL is essential in the heavily regulated financial services sector for ensuring that IT systems are
trustworthy, secure, and in compliance with industry requirements. 

To effectively manage their IT
services, banks, financial organizations, and insurance companies hire ITIL-certified individuals.


Technology is highly used in the healthcare industry for administrative, data management, and patient
care tasks. 

Because it enables healthcare firms to provide top-notch services while abiding by stringent regulatory standards, ITIL is crucial in the field of healthcare IT.

Public and government sectors

To improve service delivery to citizens, government organizations and the public sector are progressively
implementing ITIL practices. 

Government enterprises can increase productivity and effectiveness while maintaining accountability and transparency by optimizing IT service management.

Retail and online shopping

IT is essential to managing inventories, processing transactions, and providing customer service to both
traditional and online retail enterprises. 

Retail industry ITIL-certified professionals contribute to seamless, effective operations that improve consumer experiences.

How to Get an ITIL Certificate?

In the US, obtaining an ITIL certification is a well-organized process. The steps to getting your ITIL
certification are as follows:

Choose Your Level of ITIL Certification

Choose an ITIL certification level based on your experience and professional aspirations. There are five
levels of ITIL certification: Foundation, Practitioner, Intermediate, Expert, and Master. The initial level is
the Foundation level, while the upper levels are Expert and Master.

Pick reputable training providers.

To get the right ITIL training, pick reputable training companies in the US. These companies give training
that covers ITIL concepts and gets you ready for the certification tests. 

Depending on your preferences and schedule, you can pick between courses that are offered online or in a classroom.

Prepare for the exam by studying.

Studying is an essential step in getting certified. Use the study tools and resources offered by reputable
training companies, including books, online modules, and practice tests. 

It's crucial to fully comprehend the ITIL framework, tenets, and recommended procedures.

Passing the ITIL test

You must pass the applicable ITIL exam for your chosen level in order to receive your ITIL certification.

Multiple-choice questions make up the Foundation level test, but scenario-based questions and essays
may be included at higher levels. Take practice tests and actively study to get ready.

The American ITIL Certification Landscape in the Future:

The ITIL certification's prospects in the US are bright. 

The demand for IT service management specialists with ITIL expertise will only increase as technology continues to play a major role in every part of business and daily life. 

The framework's most recent iteration, ITIL 4, is made to be more flexible and

Adaptive to contemporary IT environments, which increases its relevance.

Furthermore, there will continue to be a high need for ITIL-certified individuals as businesses place more
emphasis on service quality, legal compliance, and customer happiness. 

The ITIL framework will keep developing to meet the shifting demands of the IT sector, ensuring that ITIL certification remains a highly advantageous skill for IT workers in the US and around the world.

Obtain ITIL Certification to Advance Your IT Career

IT professionals in the US benefit greatly from ITIL certification, which provides a passport to career
advancement, increased income potential, and a broad skill set. 

ITIL certification is a badge of distinction that opens doors to brand-new and exciting prospects in a country where technology and IT service management plays a crucial role in a variety of industries.

ITIL certification is a vital tool that may set you apart in the cutthroat IT job market, whether you are a
new professional trying to advance your abilities or a seasoned expert looking to expand your

Accept the power of ITIL certification, advance your IT career, and participate in the transformation of the US IT industry. 

Your ITIL certification is the first step on the road to success in IT service management. 

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September 20, 2023

School Construction: Essential Guidelines for Success

The construction of schools stands as a pivotal endeavor, shaping educational environments for generations.

The meticulous planning, design, and execution of such projects demand scrupulous attention to detail to ensure safety, functionality, and an enriching setting for both students and educators.

In this discourse, we shall delve into the vital guidelines for realizing successful school construction initiatives, addressing various facets that require careful consideration.

School Construction: Essential Guidelines for Success: eAskme
School Construction: Essential Guidelines for Success: eAskme

Site Selection and Preparation:

At the inception of any school construction undertaking, the selection of a suitable location takes precedence.

Site choice necessitates an evaluation of factors such as accessibility, proximity to residential zones, and the presence of indispensable infrastructure such as roads and utilities.

It is imperative to conduct comprehensive geological and environmental assessments to identify potential challenges that may manifest during construction.

Furthermore, adequate site preparation, encompassing tasks such as clearing, grading, and ensuring proper drainage, is crucial to forestall potential complications.

Budgeting and Funding:

Budgeting constitutes the linchpin of successful school construction.

The establishment of a pragmatic budget is paramount, one that encompasses all facets of the project, encompassing construction expenses, materials, labor, and unforeseen contingencies.

For sustainability, schools ought to explore a gamut of funding options, ranging from public funds and grants to private partnerships.

Meticulous financial planning and vigilant oversight are indispensable in averting cost overruns and associated delays, which can disrupt the academic calendar.

Architectural Design and Spatial Planning:

Effective school design transcends aesthetics, placing a premium on functionality and educational objectives.

Collaboration with seasoned architects assumes utmost importance to craft spaces that facilitate learning, prioritize safety, and imbue flexibility for future needs. The delineation of adequate classroom dimensions, communal areas, and administrative spaces is imperative.

Moreover, the design must encompass energy-efficient attributes, aiming to curtail long-term operational expenses and environmental impact.

Safety Measures and Regulatory Compliance:

The paramountcy of ensuring the safety of students and staff looms large in school construction endeavors.

Adherence to local building codes and regulatory provisions is non-negotiable. This entails strict adherence to fire safety standards, accessibility mandates, and seismic considerations in regions prone to seismic activity.

Adequate security protocols, inclusive of surveillance systems and controlled access points, should also find integration, conferring a secure learning milieu.

Integration of Technology:

In the contemporary digital age, technology assimilation assumes centrality in school construction.

Schools must be equipped with contemporary infrastructure to support modern pedagogical techniques and digital learning tools.

This entails provisions for high-speed internet connectivity, interactive whiteboards, and an ample number of power outlets within classrooms.

Additionally, forward-thinking conditions for future technological enhancements must be factored in to maintain a competitive edge in the ever-evolving educational landscape.

Environmental Sustainability:

The adoption of sustainable construction practices figures prominently in school construction endeavors aimed at diminishing ecological footprints.

The incorporation of energy-efficient HVAC systems, solar panels, and green roofing surfaces can substantially lessen energy consumption and subsequent operational outlays.

Furthermore, the selection of environmentally amiable construction materials and the institution of recycling and waste-reduction protocols contribute to a more ecologically mindful campus and underscore a commitment to environmental stewardship.

School Bathrooms and Restroom Partitions:

While frequently overlooked, school bathroom facilities wield considerable influence over the overall school ambiance.

Ensuring the presence of sufficient and well-maintained restrooms is imperative to safeguard students' comfort and hygiene. In the realm of school construction planning, due attention must be accorded to the design and siting of bathrooms.

A special focus must be trained on middle and high school restroom partitions, as they furnish privacy and structure within the restroom realm.

Robust and easily maintainable materials should find favor in the selection of restroom partitions to ensure longevity and streamline upkeep.

Adequate ventilation and plumbing infrastructure should also receive requisite emphasis to bestow a gratifying restroom experience upon students and staff alike.

Project Management and Timelines:

Efficient project administration forms the bedrock of successful school construction initiatives. The employment of adept project managers, proficient in overseeing all phases of construction, from inception to fruition, assumes seminal importance.

Realistic timelines and milestones must be etched out to ensure the project remains on course and within budgetary bounds.

Open lines of communication amongst stakeholders, encompassing architects, contractors, and school administrators, are indispensable in addressing issues in a timely manner and averting setbacks.

Community Engagement:

Harnessing the involvement of the local community constitutes a fundamental facet of school construction endeavors.

It is imperative to apprise residents and parents of the project's progression and any potential disruptions.

Soliciting community input can offer invaluable insights and inculcate a sense of ownership in the undertaking.

Moreover, enlisting community participation in the planning and design phases can help tailor the school to cater to the unique requisites and preferences of the locale.

Quality Control and Maintenance:

Upon the culmination of construction, the commitment to quality remains unabated.

Regular maintenance and inspections are requisite to ensure the continued safety and functionality of school facilities.

Instituting a maintenance regimen that encompasses routine checks and rectifications is indispensable to protract the lifespan of the infrastructure.

Furthermore, involving school staff in identifying and reporting maintenance exigencies can expedite issue resolution.


School construction serves as a multifaceted endeavor, necessitating judicious planning, budgeting, and execution.

By adhering to essential guidelines, educational institutions can cultivate safe, functional, and sustainable learning environments that foster student accomplishment.

From site selection to technology integration and community engagement, each facet assumes pivotal importance in the overall triumph of a school construction initiative.

By affording primacy to these tenets, educational establishments can proffer students and educators facilities that nurture growth, innovation, and a promising future.

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April 01, 2023

Preply Vs. Cambly: Which is Better Option for Teachers?

With the advent of technology, learning English online has become simpler; you can be at home and grasp the new language.

Today's online English language learning focuses more on practical applications and lessons for any level and age group.

Regarding language learning platforms, several online platforms connect English tutors and learners.

This blog will discuss two popular language learning platforms, Preply and Cambly.

Preply Vs. Cambly Which is Better Option for Teachers?: eAskme
Preply Vs. Cambly Which is Better Option for Teachers?: eAskme

What is the Cambly business model?

Cambly is an online language tutoring platform that connects English learners with native speakers worldwide.

The company's business model is based on providing an accessible and affordable language learning service that helps students improve their English skills through live conversation practice.

Cambly offers subscription-based plans, where students can pay a monthly or yearly fee to access the platform and schedule one-on-one conversation sessions with tutors.

The platform also offers a pay-as-you-go option, where students can purchase a certain number of minutes to use whenever they want.

In addition to its core tutoring service, Cambly offers specialized courses and resources for specific English language skills, such as grammar, pronunciation, and writing.

These courses are available as add-ons to the subscription plans or can be purchased separately.

How Cambly makes money?

Cambly generates revenue by paying a commission on students' fees to its tutors. The platform also earns revenue from its premium courses and resources.

Additionally, the company has partnerships with schools and universities, providing a white-label version of its platform to educational institutions to enhance their language learning programs.

Overall, Cambly business model relies on providing an accessible and personalized language learning service that meets the needs of a global audience while leveraging technology to connect learners with native speakers from around the world.

Pros and cons of Cambly:

Cambly is an online English tutoring platform that connects students with native English speakers.

Here are some pros and cons of using Cambly:


  • Flexible scheduling: Cambly offers 24/7 availability, making scheduling lessons at any time easy.
  • Native English speakers: Cambly's tutors are native English speakers from the US, UK, Canada, and Australia, providing students with an authentic learning experience.
  • Conversational approach: Cambly focuses on conversational English, making it ideal for students who want to improve their speaking and listening skills.
  • Free trial: Cambly offers a free trial for new students, allowing them to try the service before committing to a paid plan.
  • No minimum commitment: Unlike other tutoring services, Cambly does not require a minimum commitment, allowing students to take as many or as few lessons as they want.


  • Expensive: Cambly is relatively expensive compared to other online tutoring platforms.
  • Limited curriculum: Cambly's focus on conversational English means that there may be better options for students who want a structured curriculum with a specific learning path.
  • Variable quality: Because Cambly's tutors are not required to have teaching certifications or experience, the quality of the tutoring can vary widely.
  • Limited feedback: Because Cambly's focuses on conversation, students may need more detailed feedback on their writing or grammar skills.
  • No offline resources: Cambly only offers offline resources or materials for students to study independently outside their sessions with a tutor.

What is Preply?

Preply is a language learning marketplace where tutors offer language services.

Students can select a language teacher and schedule lessons on a specific date.

Prices differ according to the teacher, and you can easily choose tutors that suit your needs and budget.

Pros and Cons of Preply:

Preply is an online platform that connects students with tutors for one-on-one lessons. As with any platform, there are both pros and cons to using Preply:


  • Wide range of tutors: Preply has a large pool of tutors worldwide, making it easy to find a tutor who speaks your target language and fits your schedule.
  • Flexible scheduling: Tutors on Preply are available 24/7, so you can book a lesson at a convenient time.
  • Affordable pricing: Preply's pricing is generally lower than what you would pay for in-person traditional language lessons.
  • Variety of lesson types: Preply offers a range of lesson types, including conversation practice, grammar instruction, and exam preparation.
  • Easy payment and cancellation: Payments and cancellations are processed quickly and easily through the platform.


  • Quality of tutors can vary: Because anyone can apply to be a tutor on Preply, the quality of tutors can vary widely. It's important to read reviews and choose a tutor with a strong track record.
  • Technical issues: Technical issues can sometimes arise during online lessons, such as poor internet connection or audio problems.
  • Limited interaction: Because lessons are conducted online, you may get a different level of interaction than you would in person. This can make it more difficult to pick up on nuances of the language.
  • Limited support outside of lessons: Preply's support is limited to scheduling and payment issues. You may need to look elsewhere for additional help with language learning outside of lessons.
  • Preply can be a great option for language learners seeking affordable, flexible, and convenient language instruction.
  • Still, it's important to be aware of the potential drawbacks and choose a tutor carefully to ensure a positive learning experience.

Differences between Preply and Cambly:

Preply and Cambly are both online language learning platforms, but there are some differences between them:

Teaching Approach:

Preply focuses on a more structured learning approach with the ability to choose your own tutor and schedule lessons.

At the same time, Cambly provides more informal conversation-based practice with the option to speak with various tutors on a more ad-hoc basis.

Tutoring Availability:

Preply offers lessons in more than 50 languages, while Cambly is focused on English language learning.


Preply offers a range of pricing options, with tutors setting their rates, while Cambly offers a subscription-based model with unlimited tutor access for a monthly fee.

Tutor Qualifications:

Preply tutors are required to have teaching certifications or relevant experience, while Cambly tutors do not necessarily need formal teaching credentials.


Preply offers features such as lesson plans, progress tracking, and homework assignments, while Cambly focuses more on live video chat with tutors.

Ultimately, the choice between Preply and Cambly will depend on your learning goals, preferences, and budget.

Similarities of Preply and Cambly:

Preply and Cambly are online platforms offering language tutoring services, connecting students with tutors worldwide.

Here are some of the similarities between the two platforms:

Language options:

Both Preply and Cambly offer tutoring services in a variety of languages. Students can find tutors who specialize in languages such as English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese, and more.

Flexible scheduling:

Both platforms offer flexible scheduling options, allowing students to book sessions at times that are convenient for them. This makes it easy for students to fit language learning into their busy schedules.

One-on-one tutoring:

Preply and Cambly provide one-on-one tutoring sessions, giving students personalized attention from their tutors. This allows for a more focused and customized learning experience.

Variety of tutors:

Preply and Cambly have a diverse pool of tutors worldwide, allowing students to work with tutors from different cultural backgrounds and teaching styles.

Overall, Preply and Cambly share many similarities in their approach to language tutoring, offering students the flexibility and personalized attention they need to achieve their language learning goals.

Preply and Cambly, which is the best:

Both Preply and Cambly are good when it comes to learning a new language. But it all comes down to your choice.

And if you wonder which language learning platform is best, the best bet is to build an online language learning platform as you hold control of running a business.

You can use the industry’s best online tutoring software to build your Preply-like platform to host your online classes.

It comes with best-in-class features and allows you to customize the script to suit your needs.

Preply and Cambly are online platforms providing language learning services, but they have different features and target different audiences.

Here's a brief comparison between the two:


  • Offers personalized one-on-one language lessons with professional tutors.
  • Has a broader range of languages available for learning?
  • Provides more advanced tools for scheduling, payments, and lesson materials.
  • Offers a variety of language proficiency tests to help learners track their progress.
  • It tends to be more expensive than Cambly, with prices varying depending on the tutor's experience and expertise.


  • Offers conversational English practice with native English speakers.
  • Provides 24/7 access to tutors, making it more flexible for learners who want to practice anytime, anywhere.
  • Offers a free trial session and a low-cost subscription plan for unlimited tutor access.
  • It has a mobile app that allows learners to practice on the go.
  • Has limited options for learning languages other than English.

Regarding which platform is better, it ultimately depends on your goals and preferences.

If you're looking for personalized language instruction and are willing to pay a higher price, Preply may be the better choice.

However, if you're looking for more casual conversational practice with native speakers and want to save money, Cambly might be a better fit.


Selecting the language learning platform for your English learning (or any other language) doesn't have to be difficult.

You can decide your needs when you want to explore a new language. If you want a well-qualified teacher, choose Preply, and if learning on the go is your priority, try out Cambly.

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