March 26, 2020

How You Can Use Marketing and SEO to fight Coronavirus Impact?

Coronavirus is not only affecting health, but it is also hurting economies worldwide. Businesses are losing human resources, governments are placing lockdowns, and production is decreasing day by day.

This is the right time when you should seriously think of adopting safety precautions suggested by the WHO (World Health Organization).

Governments are taking all the necessary measures to eliminate the Coronavirus pandemic. New policies can help to reduce the impact of Coronavirus.

How You Can Use Marketing and SEO to fight Coronavirus Impact: eAskme
How You Can Use Marketing and SEO to fight Coronavirus Impact: eAskme

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The most significant impact of Coronavirus is in Italy. The Italian government has made the banks to suspend the mortgage payments.

The Canadian government has also eliminated the waiting period from the list of unemployment benefit terms.

World Health Organization’s guide has quite helpful resources that can help workers and businesses to be ready to combat with COVID-19.

Where brands and established businesses can cope with the adverse effects of the Coronavirus, small companies, bloggers, and individuals are facing the biggest challenges.

There is either no help for bloggers and small businesses or the help if far from the reach of small business owners or working from home individuals.

So how will you combat the adverse effects of Coronavirus?

Here I am sharing how you and your business can fight with the Coronavirus outbreak and how you can get rid of negative impacts.

Take a Long Breathe, Stay focused, and Keep Optimizing:

Take a Long Breathe, Stay focused, and Keep Optimizing: How You Can Use Marketing and SEO to fight Coronavirus Impact: eAskme

Panic is not the solution.

You should not panic because it will lock all your abilities. I have seen many SEO’s, webmasters, and bloggers who have shut down their operations until further notice.

No matter you are working from home mom, a blogger, a restaurant owner, shopkeeper, bookkeeper, or running your own company, you will experience some loss during this COVID-19 pandemic.

But you are not only.

Ecommerce businesses, and product or service businesses will also face the hit.

This hit can leave a significant impact on economies as no one knows what will happen the next day.
But, there is one thing for sure.

And that is….. “We Will recover.”

Focus on Flatting the curve method to decrease the number or amount of loss.

You can also face organic SERP issues, but this will happen with everyone, and you cannot complain about it.

Social life and paid search are not organic. This time if you are not careful, then you will fall behind others.

Coronavirus Pandemic and Budgeting for SEO and marketing:

Coronavirus Pandemic and Budgeting for SEO and marketing: How You Can Use Marketing and SEO to fight Coronavirus Impact: eAskme

SBA report states that a business which is earning between $1 million to $5 million is spending 7-8% of their earning on marketing and advertising.

Some brands are spending more than 10% on growth marketing and 7% on maintenance.

This data tells that for every $100,000 earned, you should spend a minimum of $7,000 on marketing and advertising.

But, it is the time of the Coronavirus pandemic.

It will not be easy for you to manage this level of expense if you are also taking care of your employees or co-workers.

Don’t hide.

You should cut down your advertising budget if this can help you keep your employees and their skills on the safer side.

Inbound marketing and SEO are long term goals.

If you are a serious professional or businessman who has invested a lot in building and scaling your business, then you should not worry.

When everybody else is panicking, you need to keep you focus on producing quality products or content.

This will help you make sure the continuous delivery of the content across social media channels, where your competitors are keeping their operations on hold.

This hold position will drop the engagement of your competitors, and it will be beneficial if you keep the pace or increase the number of your social media publishing.

This strategy will help you earn some benefits over your competitors.

No matter you are a freelance SEO expert, a professional blogger, or working from home lifestyle blogger, you need to motivate your team to work remotely and keep growing your business even now.

14 Marketing and SEO Strategies for Faster Recovery from Coronavirus Impact:

14 Marketing and SEO Strategies for Faster Recovery from Coronavirus Impact: eAskme


1. Remote Interviews:

Instead, ok shaking hands with your employees and interviewees, it is time to go home and do the job remotely.

Use Google hangout or Zoom to record video calls or Skype for Video Conferencing.

Interview your customers about their knowledge and experience with your product or services. Also, interview your employees.

You can use transcript services like

These transcripts will help you to share insider information of your content and marketing strategies with your team.

2. Audit:

Mini Audit: How You Can Use Marketing and SEO to fight Coronavirus Impact: eAskme

It takes time and skills to run a complete content audit.

As the process in your company goes slow during Coronavirus, you should consider mini content audits.

Start tracking and maintain the list of your content inventory.

You can create an Excel spreadsheet or Google sheet with the necessary tabs such as;
Now behave like a critic and audit the content without being rational.
This will help you learn:

3. Webinars:

Webinar: How You Can Use Marketing and SEO to fight Coronavirus Impact: easkme

Want to scale your business during Coronavirus?

You can do it by answering questions of your readers or followers.

The best way to do it is by running webinars.

You can also promote your products or services in these webinars.

Due to COVID-19 and slowdown in business, you may have enough time to utilize it with webinars.

Webinars is a tested and verified marketing strategy to market B2B products and services.

4. Clean Your Messes:

5. Change your Goals:

For small businesses or individuals running the business from home, it is time to establish the balance between their PPC campaigns and organic efforts.

Do the research and find out the opportunities to rank in different SERP options.

6. Video Marketing:

Videos are an evergreen tool for marketing.

Create videos related to your content, product, or service or hire a professional video editor to get the job done.

Video marketing will help you to:
  • Rank in featured Snippets
  • Rank for Long Tail Keywords
  • Increase traffic from YouTube.
  • Repurpose your videos to create blog posts, infographics, gifs, and tweetable quotes.
  • Embed videos in your posts or guest blog posts.
  • Use screenshots from your videos.

7. Online Reviews:

Reviews are not only for eCommerce websites.

No matter what type of business you are running, reviews can surely help you.

The best thing about online reviews is that you only need to care about the most recent reviews. To turn negative reviews into positive, you must give thoughtful responses.

Create a review Policy page.

Manage yourself or hire a professional to manage online reviews.

8. Go Online:

COVID-19 has forced people to work from home.

Even bank employees and government officials are working from home to stay safe and complete their tasks at the same time.

You must keep your complete business online and expand it with the help of online SEO tools and online marketing tools.

9. Google My Business:

Have you changed the hours of operation?

If yes, then update it on your Google My Business page.

This will help your customers contact you at the same time when you are available.

10. Fix Your Website:

If you can’t make it perfect, it still makes it better for your customers or readers.

Hire professional web designers or developers to create responsive, mobile-friendly, fast-loading, the website with a user-friendly design.

11. Get Rid of Unnatural Links:

Unnatural links are the primary reason why most of the websites fall from the first page of Google.

It is necessary to keep track of your link and get rid of any spammy or unnatural link.

12. Outreach:

To avoid Coronavirus infection, you should keep yourself inside the house. But at the same time, you need to connect with your blog visitors or customers.

You can do it by sending emails, text messages, whatsapp, or video messages to your customers.

13. Know Your Customer:

Dive into your analytics and sales data to understand customer behavior and their need.

14. Get a Mask and Sanitizer:

This is the first and most important thing that you should do.

Buy a mask a wear it whenever talking or meeting others. Avoid handshakes. Use sanitizer to keep your hands clean.

Even when you are working on your laptop or desktop, you should wear a mask to avoid infection and use sanitizer after you get off your system.

Make the masks and sanitizers available for your employees to save them from Coronavirus and run the business smoothly.

You should also consider WHO’s document of Mental Health Considerations During COVID-19 Outbreak.

Don’t just lock yourself. But keep yourself safe and also your business.

Do you have any plan to tackle COVID-19 Challenges?

What challenges your business is facing during Coronavirus?

What tips do you recommend?

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