May 04, 2024

Content Scoring: Why it is Important for Content Marketing Success?

Do you know what content marketing is? Maybe you do. But, do you know what content scoring is? Do you know how content scoring help to get success in content marketing? No, well don’t worry these are the questions that I am going to answer today.

The whole world is talking about blogging, internet marketing, content marketing, affiliate marketing or many other names of marketing.

To get maximum out of your marketing, you create content such as blog posts, videos, infographics, etc.

You may have seen many marketers and SEO’s complaining that their content is not ranking or conversion is zero.

What is the reason behind this?

Have you ever checked that your content is capable of ranking for the keywords or have the potential to bring visitors or boost conversion?


This is the time where content scoring comes into play.

What Is Content Scoring?

Content Scoring : Why it is Important for Content Marketing Success: eAskme

Other people are reading: Content Marketing Tools to Skyrocket your Business

Content Scoring is a way or process to find out the potential of your content.

How you can do it or how you can score your content by assessing and quantifying its potential.
The answer is simple.

You can do it but tracking how content is performing for your business to generate leads or boost conversion.

Let’s dig more about content scoring.

What Content Scoring do for you:

What Content Scoring do? Content Scoring : Why it is Important for Content Marketing Success: eAskme

Know your customers:

Content scoring helps you understand buyer personas. The most successful content on your blog or website tells that what type of content can influence buyers. Once you know buyer personas, you can effectively control them with your marketing strategies.

Analyze actions:

When you understand the buyer personas, the next thing is to track the buyer’s activity. It is your job to find out what pages or posts or products your buyers find more useful. Which type of products or services attracts more buyers or buyers try to engage with which type of content.

This will help you plan a strategy that will make the buyers engage more with your content and buy more products from your business.

Such a strategy will help you to boost traffic and ROI.

Reposition the content:

Content scoring also helps you to reposition the content. You should keep the content on top position which has a high conversion rate. Keep the average converting content ad mid-level and rest at a low level.

What are the Benefits of Content Scoring:

Benefits of Content Scoring: What Content Scoring do? Content Scoring : Why it is Important for Content Marketing Success: eAskme

There are multiple benefits of content scoring.

Let’s discover them.

Content Scoring boosts the quality of your content:

When you score your content, you will spend time on adding value to already published content rather than creating post after post.

You will find ways to add more value to the content with good scoring or conversion. You can do it by adding infographics, videos, gifs, polls, etc.

Content Scoring improves your strategy:

Scoring content won’t give you results overnight. But, it helps you improve the quality of all the posts so that they can rank better and after some time improve the overall quality of your site or business.

The more help and engagement options you add in your content the more time visitor will spend on your blog.

Scoring content helps you measure user behavior:

Scoring content enables you to find out how visitors are engaging with your content and what type of content they not just promote but also want more on your site.

These help you to understand the performance of your content and reposition accordingly.

Leave an impression:

Scoring content will help you to create content that leaves an impression. When you keep the high ranking content on top position, it helps to attract more readers as well as improve the overall reputation of your site.

People find out that you are a professional and have authority in your niche.

This makes you an influencer, and you can easily influence the people.

How to Score Content?

How to Score Content? Content Scoring : Why it is Important for Content Marketing Success: eAskme

How to score content or how to improve content scoring rate can be your next question. It is a natural process. All you need is to follow some simple steps.

Let’s see how you can score content effectively:

Lead Scoring:

Lead scoring is one of the easiest ways to find how useful or influential your content is? As the word says for itself the content that generates more leads get more score than the content with fewer leads.


You may find it confusing to create a scoring model for your content. Let me help you here.

Create an excel sheet and write down weight, niche or field or product, attributes, keywords or queries, priority, and score.

When you create a list according to this, you will find out how your content is working.


Evaluation is the essential part of content scoring. Scoring content cannot be fruitful if you do not evaluate the results or data.

Keep track of your content on a daily basis and find out on which queries or keywords it is ranking. Focus on which content piece helps you generate more revenue.

Once you follow these steps, you can easily create content or content marketing strategy to boost organic traffic, leads, and conversion.

Now you know everything about content scoring such as;
  • What is content scoring?
  • What are the benefits of content scoring?
  • How does content scoring work?
  • How to score your content?
Now it is the time to find out how content scoring plays a vital role in content marketing success.

How Content Scoring Plays a Vital Role in Content Marketing Success?

 How Content Scoring Plays a Vital Role in Content Marketing Success?: eAskme

The whole world is falling for content marketing, but only a few can understand how to get maximum out of content marketing efforts.

Content scoring is there to help you in every possible way.

Scoring content provides actionable insight:

Content scoring provides you with all the details that help you find out where you should work on your content. It also enables you to figure out what type of content is some value or what kind of content needs some push.

You can quickly analyze the performance and decide accordingly.

Scoring Content Demands High-Quality Content:

Content Scoring makes you work on creating high quality, engageable and worthy link content. It pushes you to create content that not only satisfies your visitors but also attracts high-quality backlinks.

Gain Authority:

When you focus on content authority and work accordingly, you will create excellent pieces of content. This way you will tell the world how authoritative your content is and why people love your content.

This will attract more buyers and clients to your blog or business.


Content scoring is a natural process that improves the overall quality of your content, boost engagement, increase traffic, and generate more leads. It is easy to create the content scoring sheet and score your content.

Work on improving the content quality, and you will have everything to run content marketing campaigns effectively.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

If you find this article interesting, don’t forget to share it on Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus with your friends and family.

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May 03, 2024

The Ultimate e-Book Guide!

Writing is an art and when it come to write an e-book, even the great writers can fail. Writing e-books take time, efforts, dedication, knowledge, skills of writing and promotional skills. Many get confused. Which is the correct one. ebook or e-book.

Well the correct one is e-book.

The same goes for email. Or should I say e-mail. Yes last one is the correct word.

Does e-books fascinate you?

I think most people are fascinated and want to know more.

Self published e-books are actually even better than the printed version. E-books started about the same time as the Internet started with it.

The Ultimate e-Book Guide : How to Write an eBook During Quarantine or Lockdown
The Ultimate e-Book Guide : How to Write an eBook During Quarantine or Lockdown

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Do you know the history of the e-book.?

You do?

Good thats great, but let me tell those who don't know about it.

It was invented in the year 1971. The man who invented e-book received an amount of $100 000 000 for his time spent on the computer.

It was in Illinois at the Materials Lab, yes their university. On the  Xerox Sigma-5 mainframe. His name was Michael Hart.

But don't just assume wow that's a lot of money. He tried very hard to worthy of this money. He created the idea of e-books.

His words were "the greatest value created by computers would not be computing, but would be the storage, retrieval, and searching of what was stored in our libraries."

This was the start of a project known as Project Gutenberg.

This project now makes more than 50 000 e-books ready for free use.

Now after all this time it is very easy creating an e-book.

Just open your word processor, write transport digest your preferred format. And make it available for people.

Whether it is writers, marketers, bloggers, businesses. Yes let's face it, anyone that wants to read your content.

But to make sure of success you have to remember quality.

If it isn't quality then don't even try it. So lets deal with a questions you may have.

Is it ideal to write an e-book?

First thing to consider is it narrow enough.

The idea of e-books is a shortened version of a subject. It should be focused on one main thing.

That makes an e-book ideal. Creating an e-book that covers everything isn't as effective, unless you cant give the shortened version.

When you write an ebook it also help you to learn how to organize a research paper.

The idea of an e-book is a time limit.

Is the e-book favored for longer times. 

As with most things in life. Things change and some become irrelevant.
  • Will your e-book last that long?
  • What about a topic that will stay for a longer period of time?

The good news about e-books is it can be updated as times changes.

But it is good to remember that changes should be kept to a bare minimum.

Not a complete change.

This way you can get new interest in your e-book.

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An example is if you have an e-book that you share if people subscribe to your posts, it is an effective and eye catching idea to say your e-book is updated as people may have been hesitant on subscribing because of an outdated version of your free e-book.

Do you have enough content material?

The Ultimate e-book guide : eAskme

As I said earlier it is important to remember that an e-book shouldn't be too long. But there is the flip side to this.

Nothing worse than a very short e-book. So do you have enough material for your chosen topic?

What about a new fresh perspective, nothing quite ever competes with that.

Example say you want to write an e-book about Amazon.

It is pretty basic to most people.

We know that. But you have to find ways to make reading this e-book interesting.

So what can help you?

Helpful factors.

  • Remember to use words that is powerful to encourage conversion.
  • Remember there is a difference between fiction and non fiction.
  • Always a great idea to use keywords and remember to optimize e-book descriptions.
  • Make sure you know about the pros and cons of your e-book when comparing with other authors.
  • Do you know how to make your description in HTML stand out.
  • Be careful of giving away too much of your e-book description. Don't spoil it. It is meant to be a teaser that makes readers want to read.
  • If you can answer all this. You are ready to start your new e-book. Even if you have never written an e-book before.
But remember that you alone will know what you want to write about.

You alone know what to say as well and only you will know how much details you want to give.

Before starting to write.

Think about it, you don't want to start with no words.

As mentioned before an e-book shouldn't be to long, but also not to short. So how long is an e-book then? I guess it depends on your given topic.

Can range from 20 to 150 pages. Whether it is fiction vs non fiction.

Remember your audience.

Is the idea a quick e-book or will a longer e-book be acceptable.

Also where will you publish your e-book.

Only you have these answers.

If the idea is to use your e-book on your website.

Then you can make it as long as you prefer. You can use your own price or make it available for free.

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But if you want to use Amazon, as an example. It means it cant be given away for free.

Yes you will have to charge for your e-book.

This also means you have to consider the length of your e-book. If this is your preferred method it may be fine.

After all, you worked hard on your e-book. But for someone who wants to buy an e-book they consider the quality and length of your e-book.

For readers it about this one thing. If I can get the e-book for $4.99 and I can get the same type of e-book elsewhere for $0.99.

Then why pay more?

Many readers don't care about how long it took you, how hard it was. For them it is about the time they are spending and what they get in return for it.

If you don't give what they want.

You wont make sales on your e-book.

This is just something to keep in mind when you want to write your own e-book.

Choosing your topic.

Thats the wonderful thing about e-books. You can choose from most if not every topic. It is up to you. Yes, you're personal choice.

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Your own stuff in writing.

If it a topic that you know about. You have enough experience to write about it.

Then why not?

You have the knowledge, You share the knowledge.

What about a topic like How to master keywords research in just 7 days, By Gary Smith. Now Gary knows that some courses are done via video or a webinar.

But what does Gary use? PDF, So with this in mind it is an effective e-book.

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Why did Gaurav consider using e-book?

  • Students eager to learn can work at their own pace
  • Convenient times is always great for students, unlike a webinar.
  • Lots of screen shots can be used to help explaining and any given examples.
  • The format used is easily used by almost everyone.
  • Not forgetting that Gary used keyword research, which he shared with his audience, in such a way that they can benefit from it. 
Or what do you do when there is already so many e-books about your area of expertise that your e-book wont even make any impact anywhere.

Then write about things you feel very passionate about.

Using someone else's stuff.

Now this a very dangerous area. Very tricky indeed.

Thats where words like plagiarism and copyright infringement comes in.

So don't consider this way. It is not advisable.

You can also use online plagiarism checker for college students for this.

The idea is when you want to use someone else's work. You want to make it yours.

Meaning you want to add more details. That you know the e-book can benefit from.

If the idea is to to generate leads then why not give away your e-book?

People love free stuff.

Free is such a good word to your audience.

But you have to remember that you have to promote your e-book.

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If you consider this free e-book give away on your website. You have to promote it.

So here is a few things you need to consider.

  • Building your mailing list.
  • If you want to generate leads this is an effective way. When email is used in marketing your site. It gives higher ROI than you would find in any other marketing channels.
And how does it work?

Just give away something that is free.

But you want their email address in return. Its direct. Its personal. Its effective.

Give away that e-book of yours.

After doing research Hubspot found that e-mails that offered something free had 2 times better responses than e-mails that offered webinars.

Which means you want your Call to action rate to improve. You just offer a free e-book.

Demonstrating and building your authority

Demonstrating and building your authority : eAskme

If you are thinking about doing this. An e-book can help you build  can help you in your preferred field. Especially if you are still working on getting stature.

Yes I know you can use Twitter ot your blog. But it wont last as long in social media changes.

But as we talked earlier your e-book should be able to stand the test of time. So your readers can always go back and use it as reference.

Which is why your e-book must have the best quality. So don't think about a fast and quick e-book.

Selling e-book.

You may do it just for the thrill of having your e-book sold. Or seeing your own page on Amazon. Many consider this a career.

Yes it is admitted that the publishing barrier is so low.

Many have successful stories from e-book writing. It can be that you just use Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing or any other platform and BAM you are a bestseller.

But not just that. A millionaire one week later. But if it was that easy.

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Don't get confused. Doing this as a career takes very hard work, diligence, work, talent, lots of patience, perseverance and much more.

But if you want to write a few helpful e-books and make it available then that  low barrier is your friend.

So what platform should be used in publishing your e-book?

So what platform should be used in publishing your e-book : eAskme

If you think about Amazon. Then why not? If you are going to use all your energy and time in creating a great e-book.

Then why not make sure it is available on the biggest sites for best selling e-books.

But if you feel you want to do it yourself. You can do that too.

Is it good to consider using an external platform. Yes, why not. Just be prepared to promote your e-book.

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Now what format should be used for your e-book?

There is many different formats for e-books. If you want to make sure it isn't only readable on computer it means you have to think of a variety of formats.

MS Word - It can be a good format. But doesn't mean you should. It can be seen as a backup? But Not really ideal.

PDF - PDF can be seen as a more convenient way for your readers. It is effective in design. So it is a better option

ePub - Now this is where we start using words like premium format. As it is XML-based. It can be used on more devices, like Kindle Fire, Apple iBooks, ePub via Kindle Direct Publishing, Sony Reader, Kobo Reader and more.

Mobi -  It was made by a French company named MobiPocket, but when Amazon bought the company the format was moved to Amazon's Kindle.

This was a few examples of e-book formats that is available.

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Using e-book tool building

As we all know programs are released and improved to make the process of creating an e-book easier. But in honesty it is already easy.

You only need a few to make your e-book. Examples like Microsoft word, Calibre, Sigil, Kindle previewer, Scrivener.

Using Microsoft Word

If you want to write an e-book then it is without any doubt admitted that great features for building content. All that is needed is use the correct format.

Just the click of a few buttons and you are done.

But if you want ePub format? That is where Calibre comes in.

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Using Calibre

If you want to save as an ePub format. Then Calibre is ideal. It is free to download so its more convenient. It can convert Word docs to ePub.

All you need to do is use your Word document in Calibre, as a book then you can simply convert to ePub format.

You can edit your ePub. But not viewed as user friendly.

Which brings in Sigil.

Using Sigil

Its free. If you want to edit ePubs you will find its very easy.

If you did as mentioned before. (Converted your word doc to ePub using Calibre) Now you can open it with Sigil. It allows you to edit HTML.

You also get the advantage of split screen. With this feature you can see HTML and your text at the same time.

Convenient, isn't it?

Once you find you are happy with your ePub.

You can make it ready to be available to readers.

Either direct or what you choose as your distributing platform. But if you have a mobi file in mind.

Using Kindle previewer

It is actually neat. You can preview your e-book on different Kindle platforms before you upload.

Just open your ePub ot will be changed to a mobi file.

So it means you have an extra platform for your readers. This tool is free.

See : What Are the Different Types of Kindles


Now this is a different way of handling e-books.

Theres a course available to train on using it. Entire posts get made with Scrivener. It gives you word targets.

Also you can see word counts at a quick glance.

But this isn't free software. If you use the trail version there is a few that gives the usual 30 day trial.

But a word of advice.

Even though your ePub may look  good in one format. It may look awful in another format.

So if you know HTML you are at an advantage.

So if you are someone that doesn't know HTML you should consider your book formatting being done professionally.

Using Photoshop

Remember that readers do judge a book by it's covers. So the fact is.

You need a great cover to make your e-book much more attractive to readers.

If you know how to use Photoshop. You can make awesome covers.


If you find that you are challenged in graphic designing.

You will adore using Canva. There is a variety of things that makes Canva great. it is free and has tons of templates.

Headers for Twitter, Covers for Facebook, infographics e-mail headers and lots more.

Also, there is lots of graphics that is free. But there is images that does cost, but even those aren't expensive.

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But if you are still wondering you can consider a professional cover. It is cost effective and lots of times it is already made.

But it also means the cover is exclusive.

So if someone buys it. No one else has the right to use it.

Distribution of your e-book.

Distribution of your e-book : eAskme

If you are thinking of using PDF format then you have the benefit of using it on your site directly or by e-mail.

But of you are thinking of more formats then there is a few options available.

Dropbox may not be ideal but it works.

Because every file has its own link. This way you can just provide the link to your readers.

Whether it is used by e-mail,  social media or your site. But there is down side with Dropbox.

Many readers find it difficult to load it onto their device, So you should give instructions beforehand on this.

Using e-mail to Kindle

With Kindle you can e-mail an e-book. All that is need for readers is to attach their preferred format(ePub , mobi) and send it to Kindle on the e-mail address given by Amazon.

Now to promoting your e-book

To see any results you have to promote your e-book.

No matter who you are, if you don't promote, you wont get readers for your e-book. So now there is a few options on promoting your e-book

Social Media is a very effective way of letting people know about your e=book. But don't just do it once.

Do it many times.

You can also market by e-mail.  Let your subscribers know about the e-book.

Use your e-mail list to spread the word.

Consider Facebook ads. Truth is Facebook does have lots of potential.  As it is your goal you will find it will generate leads.

Then there is Twitter ads. But make sure what you want before you pay any money.

Edit your e-book.
You have to realize there is nothing worse than typos or bad grammar. So make sure you edit your e-book before publishing it.

There is the option of doing it yourself. If you know you are good in writing and editing.

But if you aren't sure you can use a professional editor. But make sure to look around before hiring an editor.

Last thoughts:

There is no wrong or right way for writing an e-book. Nor is there an perfect way to publish your e-book.

The power is always in the publication.

What you write about and how you write. Your cover and your publish formats.

Your preferred platforms for publishing.

Yes it all plays a part. But the success depends on you.

This ultimate guide of ebook will help you to write and get your ebooks publish if you follow these tips.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

If you find this article interesting, don’t forget to share it with your friends and family.


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10 Beginner PPC Mistakes to Avoid

If you are new to the business world, it is only natural that you want to find creative ways to compete with established companies.

Unfortunately, if your creative way of competing is ignoring one of the best money-making opportunities available, you'll be dropping some major profits on the table.

10 Beginner PPC Mistakes to Avoid: eAskme
10 Beginner PPC Mistakes to Avoid: eAskme

What is PPC?

PPC, or pay-per-click, advertising is a form of online advertising where you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

This can be a great way to get your business in front of potential customers who are already interested in what you offer.

However, if you're not doing it correctly, you could be wasting a lot of money on ads that no one is clicking on.

10 PPC Mistakes Beginners Make:

Beginners tend to make many mistakes when it comes to PPC advertising. Here are 10 of the most common ones:

Not Using Different Types of Ads:

It is important to experiment with different types of ads until you find the best ones for your target audience.

You could start using text-based ads, but these might not draw enough attention for some people to click on them.

Try using different visuals, including videos, to see which ones get the most response.

Not Targeting the Right Audience:

About one in four clicks on ads is completely accidental.

This occurs when someone types the wrong web address into the browser or has their ad blockers turned on.

Therefore, when you are creating your ads, you should always have a specific target market in mind to focus your advertising efforts towards people who are more likely to want what you're offering.

Not Setting a Budget:

One of the beginners' biggest mistakes is not setting a budget for their PPC campaigns.

Without a budget, you'll have no way to track how much money you're spending on advertising or whether you're making a profit.

Not Tracking Results:

It's also important to track your results to determine which ads are working and which ones need to be improved or discontinued.

Use a tool like Google AdWords to track how many people clicked on your ad, their interests, and how much money you spent on the campaign.

Not Creating Ads That Stand Out:

With so much advertising noise online, it's more important than ever to create ads that stand out from the competition.

First, put yourself in your customers' shoes and think about how you would respond to your ad if you were looking for what your business offers.

Then, a glance at an ad or two before you create one of your own - does it make sense? Does it accurately represent the product it is promoting?

Not Using Keywords Effectively:

Keywords are the words and phrases your customers would type into Google or another search engine to find you.

Therefore, you should always research which keywords your target audience is using so that you can use those same words in your ad copy.

Not Targeting Mobile Users:

More people than ever access the internet from mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets.

Since most smartphones don't show ads, you'll miss out on any potential customers who only use mobile devices to search for information.

Make sure your ads are designed for mobile devices so you can reach as many potential customers as possible.

Not Creating Engaging Ads:

If your ads are dull and uninteresting, people will be less likely to click on them.

This is why it's important to create engaging ads and feature fun or interesting content.

It could be a product demonstration, a before-and-after image, a quick video, or something else that will make people want to know more about your business.

Not Using Ad Extensions:

Most newbies don't realize that you can add extensions to your ads within certain parameters to get more traffic from the same ad.

According to Wordstream, there are over 35 different extensions available for small businesses with websites that include callout extensions, sitelink extensions, and social extensions.

Not Retargeting Your Audience:

Retargeting is a marketing term that means to show ads on other websites or platforms to people who have previously visited your website.

This is done by using the Google AdWords remarketing tool, which stores cookies in users' browsers when they visit your site.

Then, when they are on other sites where retargeting ads are showing, these same people will see them for up to 30 days after their initial visit.


As you can see, beginners make several mistakes when advertising on PPC.

However, by avoiding these mistakes and following this advice, you'll be on your way to creating successful campaigns in no time!

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Google Search Console Unused Token Removal Process to Prevent Unauthorised Access

Unused ownership tokens in Google Search Console can lead to unauthorized use and affect website security and ownership. Now, Google has updated Search Console with new ways to remove unused ownership tokens. It is essential to remove unused tokens to prevent unauthorized access to the Search Console. This allows the webmaster to control its security.

It gives the ability to manage search console ownership tokens quickly.

If you need to learn about ownership tokens, read this.

Google Search Console launched Unused Token Removal Tools: eAskme
Google Search Console launched Unused Token Removal Tools: eAskme

Google Search Console Ownership Tokens:

Google Search Console ownership tokens are codes used to verify the ownership of Google Merchant Center and Search Console.

When a webmaster changes ownership, few tokens are left behind. These tokens can lead to unauthorized access and risk to ownership. In February 2023, Google rolled out changes to the user and permissions management report.

The new Search Console update will improve user security and ownership management of access tokens.

How to Remove Ownership Tokens?

  • Log in to “Search Console and Go to “Users and Permissions.”
  • Click on “Unused Ownership Tokens.”
  • Click the “Remove” button to remove access tokens.
  • Click on “Verify Removal” to complete the process.
  • Search Console tokens removal and verification ensure there will not be any unauthorized use of verification tokens. It is best to remove all unused tokens to prevent and verify the removal.

Why eAskme Cares and You Should?

Unused ownership tokens can lead to unauthorized access to search consoles, which is crucial for a webmaster. Web admins can protect their ownership with the help of a token removal process. It is simple and takes a minute.

What are the Benefits of the Search Console Token Removal Process?

Here are the benefits of unused tokens removal from Search Console:

Stop Unauthorized Access:

Removing unused tokens will help web admins to block unauthorized access to search console data.

Ownership Change:

It also improves the ownership change process and makes it secure by removing any unused tokens. A verified token removal process is helpful.

Impact of Google Search Console Token Removal Process:

  • Token removal makes it easy to manage ownership.
  • Prevent unauthorized access to Google products and Search Console.
  • Ensure data security and privacy.

Unused Tokens Removal and Organic Search Traffic:

Removing unused tokens will not affect the website’s organic search ranking and traffic. The process only ensures website access security.


Google Search Console token removal is a necessary step when removing other users from your search console. It prevents unauthorized access to your search console data.

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NYT Connections 4th May 4024:

NYT Connections May 4 2024 is a puzzle game by the New York Times. Here are the hints and answers to play “NYT Connections” on 4th May 4024.

How to Play NYT Connections in May 4, 2024?

NYT Connections 4th May 4024 with 4 categories such as ENJOY, FILLER WORDS, COMPONENTS OF A LOCK), and HOMOPHONES OF UNITS OF MEASURE.

Today’s NYT Connections Hints May 4rd 2024:

Arrange 16 words in Today’s NYT Connections 4th May 4024 in 4 groups.

  • Savor
  • Relish
  • Love
  • Fancy
  • Well
  • Um
  • Literally
  • like
  • Tumbler
  • Spring
  • Pin
  • Cylinder
  • Om
  • Jewel
  • Hurts
  • Carrot

4th May 4024 NYT Connections Hints are:

  • Yellow Group related to Bets for Night (ENJOY)
  • Green Group related to Get rid (FILLER WORDS)
  • Blue Group related to length (COMPONENTS OF A LOCK))
  • Purple Group is Ending with sale (HOMOPHONES OF UNITS OF MEASURE)

4th May 4024 NYT Connections Answers:

  • Yellow Group (ENJOY) = [Savor, Relish, Love, Fancy]
  • Green Group (FILLER WORDS) = [Well, Um, Literally, Like]
  • Blue Group (COMPONENTS OF A LOCK)) = [Tumbler, Spring, Pin, Cylinder]
  • Purple Group (HOMOPHONES OF UNITS OF MEASURE) = [Om, Jewels, Hurts, Carrot]

I played NYT Connections on 4th May 4024.


Use these are the hints and answers to play NYT Connections puzzle game on 4th May 4024. Play NYT connections with these hints and answers.

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Evergreen Content Guide: Everything that You Must Know About Evergreen Content is Here!

Evergreen content! Do you create it? Or do you still creating the content which has less meaning?

Creating content consistently with the target to boost organic traffic is essential.

You might have been writing content for years or months. And, some of your content may also rank on the first page.

What Is Evergreen Content & Why Should You Care?: eAskme
What Is Evergreen Content & Why Should You Care?: eAskme

Other people are reading: Reasons Why You Should Consider SEO Services For Your Business

But are you satisfied with the result?

Your content will not add a good number to organic traffic as long as it is missing the main essence, and that is "Evergreen Content."

Evergreen content is not about being trendy or producing click baits.
  • What is evergreen content?
  • What are the types of evergreen content?
  • What are the examples of evergreen content?
  • Why is Evergreen content important?
  • How to find evergreen topics?
  • How to create evergreen content?
Today I will cover everything about evergreen content that you must know and implement.

Let's start with the fundamental question.

What is Evergreen Content?

What is Evergreen Content: eAskme

Evergreen content is the content that never loses value with the time.

In other words, the content that never goes out of date is known as evergreen content.

The most common feature of evergreen content is that every evergreen content piece is relevant to a specific target audience regardless of the time cycle.

You will better understand it with the following example;

If you search for "LinkedIn Stats 2020," you will find that foundationinc content ranks first, which means that this content page is getting maximum traffic for this keyword.

Linkedin Stats: What Is Evergreen Content & Why Should You Care?: eAskme

But for how long?

In 2021, hardly anyone can search for this keyword.

On the other hand, we have an evergreen example.

Evergreen example: Linkedin Stats: What Is Evergreen Content & Why Should You Care?: eAskme

If you search for "the importance of trees," You will find the high page ranking on the first page.
This page will always keep getting traffic regardless of the year.

The reason why we call it evergreen is that it stays green like the evergreen plant.

Each evergreen content piece contain two critical factors;
  • Content
  • Topic
Now, before you jump in to start creating evergreen content; you need to understand the difference between evergreen topics and evergreen content.

What is Evergreen Topic:

Evergreen topics are such topics that will keep people always find interesting.

Examples of Evergreen Content:

No matter how many years will pass or how many changes will come in human life, people will always find the above topics interesting.

These are the evergreen topics.

Evergreen Content:

Evergreen content is that it is excellently crafted for the evergreen topic.

Evergreen content never become outdated and never fades away.

Examples of Evergreen Content:

Tip: For better results, you need to blend both in your blog post or content page.

Why your blog need Evergreen content? (Evergreen Content Benefits)

Without evergreen content, you have to rely on trending topics and cover every topic related to your blog niche to maintain current organic traffic numbers or improve it.

This is a time consuming practice that requires a lot of hardwork.

For example;

During 2016, Trump's election post on the New York Times has spiked the traffic. Because the whole country was searching for the result.

But after a couple of weeks, that spike started fading as people were no longer looking for the same answer.

This has dragged the spike in traffic to flat-lined traffic.

This is why the New York Times and many other news agencies publish hundreds of posts every day.
You can only do it if you are running a new agency or a big brand.

If you are a blogger, freelance marketer, or full-time SEO expert?

Then evergreen content is what works best for you.

Evergreen content will give you;

Consistent traffic:

People will keep searching for evergreen content even after years.

This means that your content will stay valuable for them, and you will keep getting regular traffic.

Save time and Money:

Evergreen content stays relevant for a long time.

This means that you need not publish hundreds of posts every day to maintain organic traffic.

How to create evergreen content?

If you are reading till now, that means you are also interested in creating evergreen content.

Here are the three best steps on how you can create excellent evergreen content.

Keyword research for Evergreen Topics:

Keyword research is the first thing that you should do to find the keyword with user intent.

You can use tools like KWfinder and SEMrush to find valuable keywords or long-tail keywords.

Make sure the keyword you choose has a high search volume from an extended period, such as one year.

Create Content for Audience:

Creating to the point content is not going to help you this time.

You need to create excellent content that your audience will not find anywhere else.

Make them want more from your blog.

Ensure that your content is so compelling that if you post with the delay, they will miss your updates.

Your content should trigger emotions and engagement.

Such content will beat the competition and stay relevant for years.

Avoid Dates, News, and Trending Topics:

News dies overnight.

And, if you write about the latest episode of The Flash, then it will lose fans as long as the next chapter goes air.

Tip: Avoid using Last year, Today's, or 2020.

Is it possible to create Evergreen Content?

It's both yes and No.

Content stays evergreen as long as you can keep it relevant.

Nothing can stay relevant for 100 years. If you keep updating the old posts, you can easily keep the relevant even after decades.

Here are the few ways that will help you to produce evergreen content.

Review the post-performance and links over-time:

Open your post and check the stats. Fix broken links. Replace them with new links or remove the dead links.

Both Google and Audience notice these links.

Focus on user intent:

User intent can change over time. Targeting the user search intent is essential.

People searching on Google are looking for a solution, and it is your job to feed them what is essential for them.

Targeting search intent when updating old posts will help you keep your content evergreen.

Find the Reasons Behind rank drop?

Other blogs are outranking your content.

Find out;
  • What makes their content amazing?
  • What your content is lacking?

Final Words:

Evergreen content help bloggers to improve their search ranking.

This same work for you.

You may be working on building tons of backlinks to outrank competitors. And, spending most of your life on creating content.

But the secret behind the successful blogger in "Evergreen Content."

Evergreen content is the content that stays relevant, attract links, traffic, and reputation.

If you still have any question, feel free to ask me via comments.

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Google Ads Pausing Low Activity Keywords Starting June 2024

Google Ads is sending emails to advertisers about the pausing low activity keywords. Low activity keywords are not beneficial for the advertisers. Yet, advertiser has the option to unpause keywords. It is an automatic system that start working in June 2024.

Google Ads Pausing Inactive Keywords: eAskme
Google Ads Pausing Inactive Keywords: eAskme

Google Ads Pausing Inactive Keywords:

According to Google Ads, low activity keywords are the keywords that have not generated any impression in the last 13 months.

Pausing inactive keywords in Google ads will help advertisers effectively manage their ad budget. It is also an easy way to get rid of non-performing keywords.

Google Sending Emails to Advertisers:

Google is sending emails to Google Ads users about the upcoming update in ads. The new system will pause low-activity keywords starting June 2024.

Keywords with zero activity in the last 13 months will be paused automatically.

Why Google is Pausing Low-activity Keywords?

According to Google, low activity keywords are not beneficial for advertisers. In other words, they do not bring any result and only stay in the ad as unnecessary load. To make the ads better it is necessary to get rid of underperforming keywords.

Google Ads Pausing Inactive Keywords: eAskme

What Should Advertisers Do?

Advertisers should not do anything if they want to get rid of zero impression keywords. But if an advertiser wants to use low activity keywords, then he can unpause them.

What Will Happen When I Unpause Keywords in Google Ads?

Once you unpause keywords in Google Ads, the system will assess keyword performance in the next 3 months.

After 3 months if keyword failed to generate any impression, then the system will automatically pause it again.

Why Advertisers Should Care?

Advertisers always want a streamlines system to create ads that return results. Pausing low-activity keywords is a good step to focus on high-activity keywords.

Yet, if an advertiser chooses the keep low-activity keywords in ads, then he has the option to unpause them.

Benefit for Advertisers:

It takes time to create ads. Keyword analysis it itself a time-consuming process. Not even a single advertiser wants to waste his time on zero-impression keywords.

Google Ads step to pause low-activity keywords is the right step to help advertisers. This way advertisers can focus more on high performing keywords.


As a Google Ads advertiser, I understand the importance of pausing low-activity keywords. In ads, keywords help to boost ROI. To make the best use of keywords it is recommended to use high performing keywords with user intent.

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May 02, 2024

Parfû Guide: Mystery of the World of Fragrances

Parfû is the Kurdish word for Perfume. Parfû is the part of humans even before civilization. Humanity’s love for fragrance and essence has only grown in centuries. This has made people create more fragrances. It all started with the natural fragrances that came from the flowers, earth, winds, smoke, etc. Later, mankind discovers ways to create new Parfû essence.

Some Parfû essences are natural, and some are artificial. Not only Kurdish people but people from America, India, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Russia have tried new fragrances to display luxury and personality.

Parfû Guide, World of Fragrances: eAskme
Parfû Guide: World of Fragrances: eAskme


History states that Parfû was considered a luxury. Only kings or oligarchs were wearing perfumes. In the modern day, perfumes are easily accessible to all people. The need and essence of Parfû changes from country to country and culture to culture. Some people like light perfumes, and some like hard.
It is the time to dive into the essence of Parf to understand the history, origin, ingredients, types, and impact.

Parfû Origin and History:

Parfû word originated in Kurdish land. It was first invented and used thousands of years ago. History texts explain that Arabians, Indians, Mesopotamians, Aryans, and Egyptians were familiar with Parfû essences.

Our ancestors not only used perfumes as a fashion statement but also as a cure for some health issues. It is also part of religious activities. It is an art to make the right perfume, and perfume makers have gained royalty.

Parfû and Cultures:

Parfû has played different roles in different cultures. It is the symbol of royalty, richness, and religion. Essential oils and fragrances have been used in every country to express emotions, devotion, and spirituality.

Parfû Ingredients:

Parfû ingredients changed with time.

There are two types of ingredients used in most perfumes:

  • Natural Ingredients
  • Synthetic Ingredients

Parfû making started with natural ingredients. Creators were using essential oils, flowers, and other natural things to create eco-friendly perfumes.

Synthetic compounds are becoming more popular in modern perfumes. Artificial materials are cheaper than natural ingredients. Brands use a mix of natural and synthetic materials to create long-lasting and eco-friendly perfumes.

Parfû Manufacturing Process:

There are two ways to manufacture Parfû:

  • Traditional methods
  • Modern methods

Traditional Parfû making is a lengthy process that requires hard labor. Production of natural perfume ingredients takes time, and collection, extraction, mixing, and distillation take time and effort.

The modern process of Parf manufacturing is easy and quick. Companies are using machines instead of labor to create quality perfumes.

Different Types of Parfû:

Parfû types are based on their use in daily life.

Eau Fraiche:

Eau Fraiche is a lighter perfume with only 1% to 3% essential oils. Use it, and it will not give you a headache.

Eau De Parfû:

Eau De Parfû is a long-lasting perfume type with the power of essential oils. It not only gives you style but keeps the mosquitos away.

Eau De Toilette:

Eau De Toilette is used in toilets to get rid of foul smell and create aroma. It establishes a vibrating and refreshing experience.

Eau De Cologne:

Eau De Cologne is useful when traveling. It is easy to wear in a daily routine.


Parfum is the strongest Parfû with 15% to 30% essential oils.

The Psychology of Parfû:

Before you choose a fragrance or perfume, understand the psychology behind fragrances. Different fragrances have different impacts on the human brain.

Parfû has been used to influence emotions, mood, memories, etc. The right fragrance can evoke a romantic mood, and the wrong fragrance can raise anger.

How to Choose the Parfû?

Thousands of brands and perfumes are available in the market. It is a confusing process to choose the right Parfû. To make it simple, focus on the scent, style, occasion, and experience. Choose a scent that doesn’t give you a headache, think about the occasion, and wear that gives you the best overall experience.

How to Apply Parfû?

The best way to apply any Parfû is to wear it on the neck, wrists, and heels to make it discoverable.

How to Store Parfû?

Storing Parfû is itself a task. You cannot drop it anywhere. It is necessary to keep the perfume in a cool and dry place. Avoid light and heat. Exposure to air can also decrease the performance of your Parf.

Parfû Market and Trends:

Parfû market is growing. There is a 6.07% growth in the perfume market. The global fragrance market is expected to reach $64.41 million by the year 2030. Brands like Dior, Chanel, Calvin Klein, Hugo Boss, Dolce Gabbana, etc., are dominating the perfume market.

Eco-friendly perfumes:

Eco-friendly business is becoming the goal of every company. The feeling of creating eco-friendly perfumes also touches the fragrance industry. Sustainable and environment-friendly perfumes are trending.

Celebrities Influence:

Celebrity influence plays an important role in making people buy perfume. It is the reason why brands are spending millions on celebrity advertising. Not only do Hollywood celebrities buy social media, but influencers are also promoting perfumes.


Parfû’s major use is to set an individual tone. People wear perfumes to display their character, style, and status. The right perfume can add value to your personality.


Perfumes are the most common gift items. While in some cultures it is not wise to gift perfumes, modern generations are more into gifting fragrances such as essential oils.


Evoke your senses with the right Parfû. Choose the right perfume for the occasion, wear it nicely, and follow the local traditions. Perfume can brighten your personality, but too many fragrances can be a headache to many. Test new fragrances or ask your friend if they wear a better perfume.

Parfû FAQs:

Why is Dune perfume so expensive?

Dior is the brand behind “Dune” perfume. Dior makes expensive products, and it is not a surprise that “Dune” is costly.

What does fragrance mean?

The fragrance is a delicate or sweet odor that decreases body odor and gives a fresh experience.

How Should I Choose the Right Parfû?

Choose Parfû that suits your style, personality, and occasion.

Is the perfume movie available on Netflix?

There is a movie with the title “Perfume” available on Netflix.

How to Store Parf?

The best way to store part is to keep it in a cool and dry place away from light and air.

What is eau de toilette and eau de parfûm?

Perfumes last longer than cologne due to the higher quantity of essential oils.

What should I not do when wearing perfume?

Do not wear too much perfume. It can cause headaches and make people run away.


Partnership Marketing [Explained]: What it is? and How to Use Co-Marketing for Branding, Links, Traffic and Revenue?

What is partnership marketing? How to use partnership marking to build links and increase brand awareness? If partnership marketing is a new thing for you, then this post will be quite interesting today.

Partnership Marketing: What it is? and How to Use Co-Marketing for Branding, Links, Traffic and Revenue?: eAskme
Partnership Marketing: What it is? and How to Use Co-Marketing for Branding, Links, Traffic and Revenue?: eAskme

Other people are at: Facebook Pages Received 6 New Feature Updates: Explained here.

I have explained different types of marketing over the year, such as.

Most of the time, you find them connected.

But marketing strategies are changing.

This is the reason why every year you see a new form of marketing.

Marketers are continuously researching for hours, weeks, and years to develop new influential marketing strategies. People find new things attractive, and this idea works with creativity in the marketing world.

While going after new marketing strategies, marketers often overlook the tried and tested marketing strategies.

Partnership marketing or co-marketing falls under this category.

What is Partnership Marketing or Co-Marketing?

Partnership marketing is also known as co-marketing.

As the name suggests, partnership marketing happens when you collaborate with other businesses to target a similar audience to promote products or services.

In 2019, National Geographic and Coors Light collaborated to target 10 million users worldwide and increased brand visibility by 7%.

Similarly, Social Chain and Buffer published a report to achieve 17,000 downloads in one week.

According to cheifmarketer, 77% of brands found partnership marketing effective in 2019.
And, it still works.

How to start with Partnership Marketing:

The basic concept of Partnership Marketing is to find a business with a similar audience. But you need to ensure that business is not your direct competitor.

For example; If you are running a travel blog, you should partner with the travel industry's businesses.

This will help you to boost brand awareness and build marketing strategies that will target similar customers with different products.

It is relatively easy to find such businesses.

Find out:

  • If other businesses are publishing content, where you also publish?
  • Who are the influencers or best service providers in your industry?

You will find a lot of businesses that are ready to partner for an extra boost.

After choosing the partner to collaborate with, you need to do a few things.

Write blog posts on each other's websites.

This way, you will build some quality links that can drive traffic to your website. These links also help to improve website visibility. The audience on your partner's blog will learn about your blog, business, product, or service.

Before you start writing your first blog post for the partner's website, it is essential to do keyword research. With the right keywords and optimized content, your con ranks the blog post in search results.

This is a practical approach to establish you as an expert content writer and marketer. Your post will stay on the site if you are generating value for them.

Write about a similar topic on your blog, and you can rank better in search results.


Partnership marketing or Co-marketing is when you and your partner not only exchange blog posts but also mention each other on different sites, social networks, or publications.

For example; If you publish a guest post on third-party sites, then start mentioning your partner's website there.

It is an excellent way to increase brand mentions, build more links, boost traffic and SEO performance.

Ask your partner to do the same for you.

Social Media Sharing:

During the content partnership, you both will be creating content for each other's website and publishing it on third party sites.

Sharing the content you are publishing on all the popular social media networks, and social profiles is a great way to boost brand awareness.

It is an easy way to grab more traffic.

Tag your partner, and you will see an increase in the number of followers also.

Email Newsletters:

Use email marketing to engage with existing followers and share the published content.

You should share the content published on your site with your email subscribers and also make sure that your partner also shares the content you have published on his website with his email subscribers.

Email lists are the effective place to engage with the audience.

If you don't have email subscribers, then start building your list.

Collaborate for eBook:

Collaborate with your partner to publish a professional and targeted ebook.

A book with creative storytelling can help both of you to influence most people in your industry.

To make the eBook influential, you must produce a quality ebook.

Co-host a Webinar:

The webinar is an effective strategy to educate the people about the products, services, or brand by boosting their knowledge on a particular topic.

Invite the influencers or partners to host the webinar with you.

To make the webinar profitable for you and your partner, you need to ensure that your product should align with what your partner is offering.

Add a call to action.

You can either help them make the purchase decision or direct them to the place where they can join your email newsletter.

Brands are using this strategy to offer products or services at better or competitive prices.

But you should not push your products on others. Ensure that what you are offering is valuable to build trust.

Think beyond making sales only.

If it is possible, you should take your webinar to a real life event.

Share clients:

All forms of marketing are there to help you generate more leads, sales, and revenue.

Partnership marketing helps you achieve long-term goals and improve your brand value, number of followers, traffic, and sales.


To make Partnership marketing work, you and your partner should truly align with each other.

If you can make it work, then it will a turning point for your business.

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