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September 24, 2023

DALL·E 3 for ChatGPT, Microsoft Designer and Bing!

DALL·E 3 is one of the best AI tools to generate images from text. AI tools like ChatGPT, Microsoft Bing, and Microsoft Designer will start using DALL·E 3.

With the DALL·E 3 feature, generative AI tools like Bing, ChatGPT, etc., will allow easy image adjustment and prompt engineering.

You still have the option to remove your images from ChatGPT training data.

OpenAI has published a post declaring the launch of DALL·E 3 for text-to-image feature for ChatGPT plus users.

Not only ChatGPT users buy Microsoft Designer, and Bing AI Image Creator will also use DALL·E 3.

With DALL·E 3, AI brands are expected to generate accurate and effective images from text inputs.

DALL·E 3: What you must know

DALL·E 3 for ChatGPT, Microsoft Designer and Bing: eAskme
DALL·E 3 for ChatGPT, Microsoft Designer and Bing: eAskme

DALL·E expects users to improve prompt engineering skills to generate accurate images.

DALL·E 3 will save time and eliminate the need for expert skills to generate nuanced images. Now, AI will use simple text to create compelling photos.

DALL·E 3 is expected to be better than DALL·E 2 and improve results for users who do not understand prompt engineering.

With DALL·E 3, image-to-text conversion will deliver better results.

You can use ChatGPT to brainstorm image ideas for your next project and then use that data to generate accurate images.

DALL·E 3 and Safety:

DALL·E 3 has more focus on safety. AI will not allow you to generate hateful and violent images.

You cannot generate images of living personalities and public figures.

Red teamers have tested the DALL·E 3 AI to ensure its safety.

Teams behind DALL·E 3 is also working on a system to help users identify whether the image is generated using AI.

They have named it Provenance Classifier.

The Provenance Classifier is under development and testing. It will help to identify image manipulation and misinformation issues.

DALL·E 3 Availability:

In October 2023, DALL·E 3 will be available for ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT enterprise users.

With the ChatGPT premium version, users can generate, sell, and use images on merchandise without permission.

Microsoft is also working to add DALL·E 3 to Bing AI Image Creator and Microsoft Designer.

How to Opt-Out Images from DALL·E 3 Training Data?

DALL·E 3 will use training data to generate images. Training data includes images, text, and other sources of information.

For example, after analyzing multiple images for cars, DALL·E 3 can generate a new idea of a hypercar or supercar.

You can opt-out if you do not want to let DALL·E 3 use your data or images as training data.

  1. You can block GPTBot from accessing your content using robots.txt
  2. Fill in the form to remove your content from training data.

When asking OpenAI to remove your data, ensure you have not allowed third-party apps or sites to use your data.


Generative AI is becoming the future of content and image creation

But at the same time, it is necessary to ensure that DALL·E 3 AI or any other AI will not cause ethical and legal issues.

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April 02, 2023

Microsoft is Introducing Ads in Bing Chat for Content Publishers!

Bing Chat is attracting 100 million active users daily. Now, Microsoft is introducing ads in Bing Chats to monetize this feature and allow publishers to display ads.

New ads will be available with AI-powered Bing Chat. This will also change from an ad-free experience to an ad-enabled Bing Chat.

Here is what you must know.

Microsoft is Introducing Ads in Bing Chat for Content Publishers: eAskme
Microsoft is Introducing Ads in Bing Chat for Content Publishers: eAskme

How will Ads in Bing Chat Generate More Revenue for Publishers?

Microsoft is targeting users with a focus on offering an all-in-one experience with tools like Bing search, answers, content creation, and chat.

Bing has recorded over 100 million chats and 100 million active users daily. More than 30% of users are new to the Bing search experience. This is great news for publishers.

Bing Chat offers better solutions and answers to questions asked by users. It is a helpful tool for content publishers.

With new search features like Bing Chat, Microsoft is targeting:

  • More traffic for content publishers.
  • More revenue.
  • Collaboration.

Microsoft preview shows that the company I serious about achieving these goals.
Microsoft uses a unique approach, such as adding resource links and citations.
Microsoft is also exploring new ways for publishers to drive traffic and revenue.

New Ways for Publishers:

Ads in Bing Chat:

Microsoft will be displaying ads in Bing Chat. This is a way for content publishers to generate more revenue if their content contributes to chat responses.

Expanded Hover Experience:

Hovering over links will display more links from the same publisher. This will improve traffic and user engagement.

Rich Captions:

Microsoft also uses licensed content besides chat answers to boost user engagement and revenue sharing.
Microsoft is planning to work directly with content publishers.


Bing is combining multiple tools to improve the user search experience. Tools like content creation, Bing Chat, search, and answers create an ecosystem.

This all-in-one strategy is giving better results. Publishers are also getting more ways to boost engagement, traffic, and revenue.

Microsoft is working to find more ways for publishers to drive traffic and revenue using available tools and features.

The company is still collecting feedback to make valuable changes to its tools and strategies.

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February 28, 2023

Bing's AI Algorithm What Fabrice Canal's Pubcon Keynote Explains

Fabrice Canal is the Principal Product Manager at Microsoft Bing. This is why his words about the Bing AI algorithm are circulating online.

Fabrice Canal has shed some light on how you should optimize your blog or website for the BING AI algorithm.

Recently, Fabrice Canal gave a keynote at the Pubcon convention in Texas.

Fabrice has discussed the future of SEO in the era of AI-powered search engines. He hinted that traffic data would also start displaying in Bing AI Chat.

Bing's AI Algorithm What Fabrice Canal's Pubcon Keynote Explains: eAskme
Bing's AI Algorithm What Fabrice Canal's Pubcon Keynote Explains: eAskme


Here is what you must know about improving your website visibility in the Bing AI search engine.

Bing AI search and SEO:

Fabrice Canal said you should use current SEO practices to optimize your website for search engines. The reason is that AI is not self-aware and still in the early days.

Canal also wants you to keep an eye on Bing's blog posts and communication to stay updated with the upcoming changes and adjust your website accordingly.

Fabrice Canal stressed the importance of SEO experts in building search engine-friendly websites.

Fabrice said that SEO wouldn't be dead. Bing needs the help of SEO experts to optimize content for AI-powered search engines.

What an SEO professional can do to help Bing algorithm?

Use Lastmod Tag:

Fabrice Canal wants you to use the Lastmod tag to display when you have last updated the article. Sitemap is not enough.

Use the Lastmod tag whenever you make changes to the existing content.

Lastmod tells search engines when the last time article or content was updated. It also helps visitors to know if the content is updated or not.

With the Lastmod tag, you will tell the Bing algorithm when you have updated the information. This data will also be displayed in the search result.

18% of sitemaps have Lastmod values set incorrectly.

Bing IndexNow:

You should use the IndexNow feature of Bing web admin tools to tell search engines about the changes and updations.

Your sitemap should contain all URLs and modification dates.

Not only that, but you should also focus on creating quality content with semantic markups.

Manual crawling wastes resources, so Fabrice Canal wants you to choose the IndexNow feature.

20 million websites are already using IndexNow, so why you shouldn't?

What Should You Do?

Fabrice Canal suggests that you should do the following things:


Fabrice Canal's keynote at the Pubcon convention has told us many things you should do to improve your search presence even with Bing Ai-powered search engine.

Canal is not just another rookie whose advice you can let go. He is a professional and an expert in his job. If he is saying something, it means there is some value and authority in that.

Adopt IndexNow, use Bing Webmaster Tools, and fix Lastmod issues in your sitemap.

These will help your content to be ready for the Bing AI-powered algorithm.

What is your takeaway?

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February 23, 2023

Microsoft AI-Powered Bing Search and Edge Browser on Mobile, and Skype

Microsoft has launched the Bing AI search engine and Edge web browser for smartphones. This will enable your smartphone to enhance AI-powered chat and voice features completely.

In a post on the Microsoft blog, the company revealed the launch of the Edge web browser and Bing search engine with AI-powered chat and voice capabilities.

Microsoft has upgraded Microsoft Edge and Microsoft Bing with AI technology. More than 169 million users are already finding this update useful.

Microsoft AI-Powered Bing Search and Edge Browser on Mobile, and Skype: eAskme
Microsoft AI-Powered Bing Search and Edge Browser on Mobile, and Skype: eAskme

Microsoft AI-Powered Bing Search and Edge Browser on Mobile, and Skype:

After getting all the positive feedback from worldwide users and a 71% positive response from testers, Microsoft is now bringing AI-powered chat and voice to smartphones with apps like skype and the new Bing app.

You can use the Bing app to ask questions; the result will display citations with answers.

You also can choose how you want to receive the answer, such as;

  • Simplified response
  • Text
  • Bullet points

Bing and Edge Going Mobile:

You can download the updated AI-powered Bing mobile app from Android or iOS stores.

Microsoft has also updated the features and look of these apps. For example, you can ask simple and complex questions with the new Bing App.

The new Bing and Edge goes mobile with voice access: eAskme


The unique feature is the option to choose how you want to display answers.

You also have the AI-powered voice feature to ask questions and get answers.

During the preview, you can also access the Bing experience on the updated Microsoft Edge app homepage.

Bing is on Skype:

Microsoft has launched AI-powered Bing for Skype for its 36 million users.

AI-powered Bing for Skype offers new capabilities and scenarios.

Bing is on Skype: eAskme

For example, you can add Bing search to the chat group and ask questions to share information with the whole group.

It will help you share information that is valuable for every user. For example, you can share travel destinations, menus, interesting events, wedding planners, etc.

The result will display according to your settings.


Microsoft’s launch of AI-powered Bing and Edge on mobile devices explains that other apps will also have Bing AI search and AI-powered edge features in the coming days.

It is good to watch what will be Microsoft’s next launch and move on to AI.

Stay tuned with us for more.

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Bing AI Search is Using Website Content: Here is How?

How is Microsoft Bing AI search using website content? How important is it for publishers to know?

A blog post published on Bing has revealed information about Bing Orchestrator, which displays how AI search coordinates with Next generation GPT and Bing Website Index.

Post also reveals the new version of Bing search.

Bing AI Search is Using Website Content: Here is How?: eAskme
Bing AI Search is Using Website Content: Here is How?: eAskme

Bing AI Search is Using Website Content: Here is How?

You should know about both the front end and the back end.

Front End:
On Front End, Bing search uses website resource links to generate relevant search results. It shows that the result in Bing search will display according to the authenticity.

Back End:
In Back End, Bing Orchestrator will combine web data with Bing index and next-generation GPT to improve search results.

Bing has introduced Prometheus technology.

What is Prometheus technology?

Microsoft has already given shared details about Prometheus AI technology in their post. It tells that Prometheus is a collection of techniques that can interact with the ChatGPT OpenAI model.

A new post reveals that Microsoft and OpenAI were working together on the next-generation ChatGPT model since 2022.

The next-generation ChatGPT has creative reasoning capabilities. As a result, it is more powerful than its predecessors.

The usability and power of the next-generation model have inspired Microsoft to collaborate with OpenAI.

Bing Orchestrator:

Bing Orchestrator is a technology that combines GPT technology with Bing search AI.

When a user searches for a query, it goes to "Bing Orchestrator." After that, Bing Orchestrator manages the GPT and Bing index process to display the best possible result.

 Bing AI Search Prometheus: eAskme

You should understand that Bing answers and search queries are also feeding data to GPT technology.

GPT will use this data to learn the content and improve daily.

This process is called Grounding, which adds content to the word. The large Language model uses these words to build relationships with other words.

Bing AI search uses website data and provides citations to the resources. It reminds us of the feature that we see on Wikipedia.

Bing Orchestrator is also generating iterative queries. Iterative means repetition of the process.
It means that Bing will use the process to get the maximum number of answers with content.

AI Enhanced Bing Search:

In this post, Bing has also revealed the future of Bing's AI search engine.

Web admins and bloggers are raising issues as they believe AI search engines will display answers but need links. So it is more like Artificial General Intelligence.

But, we know that Bing Ai search will enhance search results with features like knowledge graphs and featured snippets.

Ai is not new to search engines. For example, Google is already using it to filter out spam.


The above information reveals that Microsoft is serious about using AI in search results. It also says we will see more about Bing AI search and other search engines adopting AI technologies.

Stay tuned with us to know what and when it is happening.

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October 16, 2022

Microsoft Bing AI Image Generator for Image Search

Microsoft Bing will launch an AI-based Image generator for the Bing search engine.

With Microsoft designer in Bing search, users can create digital art by typing a few words.

AI Technology is becoming a part of image and content creation.

Microsoft Bing is Launching an AI Image Generator for Image Search: eAskme
Microsoft Bing is Launching an AI Image Generator for Image Search: eAskme

Microsoft Bing is Launching an AI Image Generator for Image Search:

Microsoft Bing is bringing an AI image generator to let users create digital art with text.

This new feature will help you if you cannot find a suitable image in a Bing image search.

With the help of a new image creator tool for Microsoft Bing, you can use text to create images.

Microsoft is using DALL∙E 2, an AI-based image generation technology by OpenAI.

According to Microsoft, the new Image Creator will help users create images not available in search results.

You only need to type a few words to let the image creator do the work for you.

You can find Image Creator in Bing Images Tab with the label “Image creator” or an image creator icon in the Microsoft edge sidebar.

When Will Microsoft Launch Image Creator for Search Results?

Microsoft is working slowly and steadily to rollout the Image Creator tool.

In the beginning, the new tool will only be available for a handful of users in limited locations.

If everything goes as planned, then Microsoft Bing will launch the new DALL-E 2-based image creator for worldwide users.

Microsoft also wants to ensure that the new Image Creator will prevent misuse of the technology by blocking sensitive topics and implementing Bing policies.

The company is also collecting feedback from Image Creator's early users.


I am always excited about a few technologies.

Microsoft is bringing AI to image search with image creation features.

Right now, we are waiting for the launch of the new AI based Image creator tool in Microsoft Bing Image search.

Once the feature launches, we will use it and find out how it will help the searcher.

Have you ever used Bing search?

Do share your thoughts with us.

Stay tuned with us for more Bing and other search updates.

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August 15, 2022

Microsoft Bing has Added Coupon Codes to Shopping Search Results

Microsoft has updated Shopping search results with coupon codes to help users save money and get the latest shopping discounts.

Microsoft Bing is now displaying active coupon codes for eCommerce websites o make search results engaging.

Microsoft Bing has Added Coupon Codes to Shopping Search Results: eAskme
Microsoft Bing has Added Coupon Codes to Shopping Search Results: eAskme

Microsoft Shopping Search Results Update with Coupon Codes

Adding shopping codes to search results will help shoppers find discount coupons without going anywhere else. It is easy for shoppers to save money on shopping when using Bing search.

It is common for users to ignore discount coupons if they directly visit the website to purchase online.

Here is what new shopping results with coupon codes look like.

Microsoft Bing Adds Coupon Codes To Shopping Searches: eAskme

You need to click the coupon to copy the code and visit the site to shop with the coupon code. Your coupon code with automatically add to the checkout screen.

Bing has launched coupon codes for search results in the USA, UK, France, Australia, and Germany.

Important Bing Search Annotations Updates:

Bing’s Ethical Choice Annotation Update:

Bing is displaying ethical choice ratings with the help of an ethical fashion app. The result will impact animals, people, and the planet.

You can see ethical choice labels in Bing search.

Bing’s Price History Annotation Update:

Users can see Price History annotation on Bing search results.

Here is an example of price history annotation on a shopping search.

Bing’s Price History Annotation Update: eAskme
Bing’s Price History Annotation Update: eAskme

This example displays the change in the price to ensure that you are not paying more than expected.

If you see the price is high or fluctuating, you can hold the purchase for the right time.

We all love to save money. Bing is using the same idea to power up its search results and trying to improve its search market share.


I like the idea of seeing coupon codes, price history, and ethical labels in search results.

It saves time and ensures you do not miss the opportunity to save money when shopping online.

What do you think about the Bing shopping search update?

Have you ever used Bing search?

Do share your thoughts with us.

Stay tuned with us for more Bing and other search updates.

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March 07, 2021

Microsoft Bing Launched 5 Upgrades to Search Results

Microsoft Bing has announced five new upgrades to search results. This time you will see text combined with rich images.

These new updates from Microsoft Bing search are focused on improving user experience.

Microsoft Bing Launched 5 Upgrades to Search Results: eAskme
Microsoft Bing Launched 5 Upgrades to Search Results: eAskme

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Microsoft Bing’s latest update is all about improving user experience by combining text-based information with rich images.

It is essential to improve user engagement.

With the new search result upgrade, Bing delivers quality information quickly to the users without making them open multiple pages or text blocks.

In the Latest Microsoft Bing’s upgraded search features include:

  • Content highlighting
  • Expandable carousels
  • Rich results for local queries
  • SERP Infographics
  • Visual search integration

Here is everything that you must know about the latest Microsoft Bing search result update.

Content highlighting

Bing want to display highlighted content to improve user search engagement.

Here is the clear example of how this search feature will work.

Content highlighting: Microsoft Bing Launched 5 Upgrades to Search Results: eAskme

You can see how Microsoft Bing display results in a unique format.

Content highlighting: Microsoft Bing Launched 5 Upgrades to Search Results: eAskme

 When the searcher clicks on the desired result, Microsoft Bing displays information about the search query without leaving the page.

In Microsoft Bing Expanded view, you will see:

  • List of Ingredients
  • Reviews
  • Calories
  • Number of Serving.
  • Nutrition

To get complete information, the visitor must visit the page.

Expandable carousels

Hover over the carousels, and you will see additional information without going anywhere else.

For example, if you are searching for the movie, you will see additional information such as release date, review, synopsis, etc.

Rich results for local queries

Bing is trying to deliver the best local search results.

When you search for what to do in (city), you will get the aggregated information from multiple sources.

You will see Bing Map, visitor reviews, images, etc., in the search result.

SERP Infographics

Bing is trying to deliver an infographic like experience with search results.

SERp infographics: Microsoft Bing Launched 5 Upgrades to Search Results: eAskme

By combining text and images, Bing search result is making it possible.

Visual search integration

Microsoft Bing visual search integration feature allows you to search for similar images or items.

The visual search button will help you find relevant images.

Final Words:

Bing is working aggressively to turn Microsoft Bing as one of the most popular search engines even though Bing must deal with competition from Google and DuckDuckGo.

It is great to see how in the coming days will happen in Bing search results.

Have you ever used Bing search?

What do you think about these Bing search updates?

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December 15, 2020

Microsoft Clarity integration with Bing Webmasters Tools

Bing Webmaster tools now integrate with Microsoft Clarity. This means that Microsoft Bing Webmaster Tools users will start seeing more features from Clarity in it.

Now, Bing Webmaster Tools is getting features from Microsoft Clarity.

Microsoft Clarity integration with Bing Webmasters Tools: eAskme
Microsoft Clarity integration with Bing Webmasters Tools: eAskme

Other people are at: How to Use Microsoft Bing Site Explorer for SEO

Microsoft clarity is a free tool from Microsoft to get web analytics and visualize website performance.

You can use tools like heatmaps and recording to find out how visitors are engaging with your website or blog, spending most of their time, and the most interacted sections on your page.

Microsoft Clarity with Bing Webmasters Tools: eAskme


With the help of Microsoft Clarity, users can check the visitor’s behavior without getting into visitors' privacy. You can also check how your visitors are using your blog or website. What are the most clicked sections of your pages, etc.?

I have already covered everything about Microsoft Clarity here.

Microsoft Clarity Bing Webmaster Tools: eAskme

Today, I am sharing about the integration between Microsoft clarity and Microsoft Bing Webmaster tools.

Microsoft Clarity and Bing Webmaster Tools:

Bing Webmaster Tools has adopted many features from Microsoft Clarity.

Now you can use Bing webmaster tools for optimizing and debugging your website and SEM/SEO work.

To access Microsoft Clarity features on Bing Webmasters Tools, you need to visit the Bing Webmaster Tools dashboard and Signup for Microsoft Clarity.

After signup, you can access Microsoft Clarity features from the Bing Webmaster Tools dashboard. Here you can check session recording and heatmaps.

You need to install Microsoft Clarity JavaScript on your website, blog, Google tag Manager, Shopify, etc.

microsoft-clarity-script: eAskme

Microsoft has said that there will be further development in this series.

So, stay tuned with us to get the latest update faster than ever.

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November 15, 2020

How to Use Microsoft Bing Site Explorer for SEO [Explained]

Microsoft Bing webmaster tools have launched a new feature, Site Explorer for SEOs. In October 2020, Microsoft Bing webmaster tools have added the Site explorer feature.

Since then, Microsoft Bing Site Explorer became the powerful tool for SEOs and marketers.

How to Use Microsoft Bing Site Explorer for SEO: eAskme
How to Use Microsoft Bing Site Explorer for SEO: eAskme

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With the Microsoft Bing site explorer tool's help, now you can also check how Microsoft Bing crawler sees your blog or website.

You can use the available Microsoft Bing site explorer filters to sort the information provided by Microsoft.

Here is the list of Microsoft Bing site explorer filters that you can use;

  • Indexed URLs: List of all currently indexed URLs on the site

  • URLs with Crawling Issues (deadlinks) – Includes HTTP 404-410.

  • URLs with crawling Issues (server errors) – Includes HTTP 403, 5xx.

  • URLs robots.txt disallowed – Disallowed from inside robots.txt.

  • URLs with NOINDEX tag

  • URLs redirecting

  • URLs canonical source

URLs with guidelines issues: This includes URLs violating spam rules, suspended in the latest crawl, or low ranked due to problems.

URLs selected not yet crawled – This could include URLs skipped due to temporary reasons from Bing's side. Webmasters can request for indexing of URLs from the feature itself.

  • URLs with malware

  • URLs with other Issues

With the Microsoft Bing site explorer feature's help, you can grab much information that is missing from other webmaster tools. This information plays an essential role in optimizing your blog or website for search engines.

Microsoft has upgraded the index explorer to site explorer.

And, today you will know everything about Microsoft Bing webmaster tool's site explorer feature.

Microsoft index explorer to Microsoft Site Explorer:

Microsoft index explorer for SEO


Before the new Bing webmaster tool launch, the earlier version has a feature named index explorer. You can also call it the beta version of the Site explorer feature.

Index Explorer had the following filters;

  • HTTP Codes (drop-down list):

  • All HTTP codes (default filter setting)

  • HTTP codes 200-299 (success codes)

  • HTTP codes 300-300 (redirection codes)

  • HTTP code 301 (permanently moved pages code)

  • HTTP code 302 (temporarily moved pages code)

  • HTTP codes 400-499 (client error codes)

  • HTTP codes 500-599 (server error codes)

  • All other HTTP codes (such as 1xx or informational codes)

  • ·  Crawl Date Range (drop-down list):

  • All dates (default filter setting)

  • Last week

  • Last 2 weeks

  • Last 3 weeks

  • ·  Discovery Range/Narrow (drop-down list):

  • All dates (default filter setting)

  • Last week

  • Last month

  • ·  Malware infected (checkbox)

  • ·  Excluded by robots.txt (checkbox)

There were two major flaws in the Index explorer tool:

  • Complex information was the major flaw in index explorer. It was digestible by geeks only. Yet, many options were not helping users to manage SEO tasks.

  • It was not compatible with large websites.

Bing Webmaster tools have listened to users' feedback to improve index explorer and launched the professionals and easy to use Site explorer from SEO experts.

There are two significant benefits of using the new Bing Webmaster tools;

  • Responsive design

  • Actionable data

Areas where Site explorer shows improvement:

Access Crawled and Indexed Url's at one page:

The new Site explorer feature display all the Url's crawled and indexed by Microsoft Bing.

There is no limit on how many Url's a webmaster can view.

This is an excellent feature for massive sites like or blogs with more than 1000 pages like The webmaster can watch all the Url's processed by Microsoft Bing here.

Load faster:

To ensure that site explorer loads faster than ever, Microsoft webmaster tools have redesigned the web interface and back-end data.

It also works more quickly for large websites.

In Site explorer, you can explore your websites, blogs, urls, folders, sub-domains, etc. in a fraction of seconds.

All you need is to keep scrolling to see more Url's.

Quickly Find SEO Issues:

Microsoft Bing site explorer tool is best for SEO professionals.

You can use this user-friendly tool to find issues related to SEO quickly.

With the responsive design, you can also access the tool on your smartphone and access filter options.

Here is everything that you must know about Site explorer.

Site Explorer Guide:



You will find the "Search Explorer" tool at the fourth position below your verified domain at Bing webmasters tools.



Site explorer truly helps SEO professionals to explore and optimize blogs or websites.

During your first visit to the Site Explorer tool, you will find the list of folders and Urls.

All of these are listed according to the number of clicks received from the Microsoft Bing Search Engine.

Webmasters can sort Urls and folder using Site Explorer:

By Alphabetical order
By Impression in Microsoft Bing search results.

Site Explorer will help you see the crawl and index information.

You can check the folders, clicks, backlinks, and impressions.

microsoft-bing-seo-explorer-sorting-links: eAskme


This will help you track the:

  • Indexed Urls

  • URLs with Crawl errors

  • URLs with warning

  • Excluded URLs

Webmasters can also use site explorer to;

  • Inspect Urls with indexing or SEO errors.

  • You can also text robots.txt to find errors.

Site explorer tool helps you explore the URL's with errors, such as;

  • Urls with Crawling issues (dead link)

  • Urls with Crawling issues (server error)

  • Urls with Nonindex tag.

  • URLs redirecting

  • URLs with canonical tag issue

  • Urls not following Microsoft Bing Webmaster Guidelines

microsoft-bing-site-explorer-filtering-abilities: eAskme

Site Explorer is one of the SEO experts' best tools to check the performance or website and fix errors.

How to Use Site Explorer to Optimize Your Blog or Website:

Review All URL's:

In Bing Webmasters tools, Go to Site Explorer tool.

Filter all URLs.

Now find out which URLs you should dilute to avoid duplicate pages and content on your website or blog.

Review and index Nonindexed URLs:

Filter the non-indexed Urls and copy them in your excel sheet.

Now, understand that if your want to index any of these URLs or not.

Take the help of the Bing Webmaster URL Inspection tool to find out the index status of each URL. Also, check the markup information.

Review and Optimize Indexed Urls:

Sort the indexed urls from most to least clicked Urls.

Now, your take is to improve the pages which are already ranking for the keywords.

This will help your content rank organized better in Microsoft Bing search results and grab more organic traffic.

You must work on Urls where you have got a maximum impression but lesser clicks.

You can optimize such pages by;

If your pages are not getting enough click, you must inspect them with the URLs inspection tool's help.

Also, follow the Microsoft Bing Webmaster Guidelines to understand better how Bing search engine rank, crawl, and index content.


Right now, the Microsoft Bing Site Explorer tool is available as Beta.

Microsoft webmasters tools are working to make it better with suggestions and feedback received from SEO professionals.

This way, they are trying to make it the best tool for SEO experts.

If you still have questions? Share via comments.

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October 06, 2020

Bing Rebranding as Microsoft Bing and it’s Official

Microsoft has finally decided to rebrand it’s Bing search engine as Microsoft Bing. Now Microsoft bing is available in the new logo with new colors.

Not only that, but Microsoft has also rolled out multiple changes and updates, including a new logo and color to its search engine.

Bing Rebranding as Microsoft Bing and it’s Official: eAskme
Bing Rebranding as Microsoft Bing and it’s Official: eAskme


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Here is the Microsoft Bing search engine screenshot, which shows the Microsoft logo and bing in favicon.

Bing Rebranding as Microsoft Bing and it’s Official: eAskme


Also, below the Microsoft bing search bar displays different language options to choose from according to your interest.

At the bottom of the Microsoft Bing search page, users can see the latest news from their country.

The new logo and colors are quite engaging rather than the old dull ones.

Microsoft has always made harsh decisions when choosing the colors. This time they prefer the blue gradient effect for the Microsoft Bing search engine logo.

Microsoft has clearly stated that Microsoft directly powers not only Bing but many other products.

Some of the products are:

  • Microsoft Flight Simulator
  • InPrivate with Microsoft Edge
  • Windows taskbar Searches
  • Work search scenarios with Microsoft 365
  • Etc.

The new Microsoft Bing name results from Microsoft’s action to declare that Microsoft powers the search engine.

It will still take some time before the logo, and the new colors start displaying everywhere on social media channels and other websites.

There might be a day when Microsoft can remove bing from the web world and keep the search engine as Microsoft.

Who knows the future, but till now, you have a new updated Microsoft Bing search engine.

Go and check that. Also, let me know what do you think about Microsoft Bing Search Engine.

If you still have any question, ask me via comments.

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